Thursday, November 28, 2019

About John Stuart Mill, a Male Feminist and Philosopher

About John Stuart Mill, a Male Feminist and Philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806 to 1873) is best known for his writings on liberty, ethics, human rights and economics. The utilitarian ethicist Jeremy Bentham was an influence in his youth. Mill, an atheist, was godfather to Bertrand Russell. A friend was Richard Pankhurst, the husband of suffrage activist Emmeline Pankhurst. John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor had 21 years of an unmarried, intimate friendship. After her husband died, they married in 1851. That same year, she published an essay, The Enfranchisement of Women, advocating for women being able to vote. It was barely three years after American women had called for womens suffrage at the Womans Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York. The Mills claimed that a transcript of a speech by Lucy Stone from the 1850 Womens Rights Convention was their inspiration. Harriet Taylor Mill died in 1858. Harriets daughter served as his assistant in subsequent years. John Stuart Mill published On Liberty shortly before Harriet died, and many believe that Harriet had more than a small influence on that work. The Subjection of Women Mill wrote The Subjection of Women in 1861, though it was not published until 1869. In this, he argues for education of women and for perfect equality for them. He credited Harriet Taylor Mill with co-authoring the essay, but few at the time or later took it seriously. Even today, many feminists accept his word on this, while many non-feminist historians and authors do not. The opening paragraph of this essay makes his position quite clear: The object of this Essay is to explain as clearly as I am able grounds of an opinion which I have held from the very earliest period when I had formed any opinions at all on social political matters, and which, instead of being weakened or modified, has been constantly growing stronger by the progress reflection and the experience of life. That the principle which regulates the existing social relations between the two sexes - the legal subordination of one sex to the other - is wrong itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality, admitting no power or privilege on the one side, nor disability on the other. Parliament From 1865 to 1868, Mill served as a Member of Parliament. In 1866, he became the first M.P. ever to call for women being given the vote, introducing a bill written by his friend Richard Pankhurst. Mill continued to advocate for womens vote along with other reforms including additional suffrage extensions. He served as president of the Society for Womens Suffrage, founded in 1867. Extending Suffrage to Women In 1861, Mill had published Considerations on Representative Government, advocating for for a universal but graduated suffrage. This was the basis for many of his efforts in Parliament. Here is an excerpt from chapter VIII, Of the Extension of the Suffrage, where he discusses womens voting rights: In the preceding argument for universal but graduated suffrage, I have taken no account of difference of sex. I consider it to be as entirely irrelevant to political rights as difference in height or in the color of the hair. All human beings have the same interest in good government; the welfare of all is alike affected by it, and they have equal need of a voice in it to secure their share of its benefits. If there be any difference, women require it more than men, since, being physically weaker, they are more dependent on law and society for protection. Mankind have long since abandoned the only premises which will support the conclusion that women ought not to have votes. No one now holds that women should be in personal servitude; that they should have no thought, wish, or occupation but to be the domestic drudges of husbands, fathers, or brothers. It is allowed to unmarried, and wants but little of being conceded to married women to hold property, and have pecuniary and business interests in the same manner as men. It is considered suitable and proper that women should think, and write, and be teachers. As soon as these things are admitted, the political disqualification has no principle to rest on. The whole mode of thought of the modern world is, with increasing emphasis, pronouncing against the claim of society to decide for individuals what they are and are not fit for, and what they shall and shall not be allowed to attempt. If the principles of modern politics and political economy are good for any thing, it is for proving that these points can only be rightly judged of by the individuals themselves; and that, under complete freedom of choice, wherever there are real diversities of aptitude, the greater number will apply themselves to the things for which they are on the average fittest, and the exceptional course will only be taken by the exceptions. Either the whole tendency of modern social improvements has been wrong, or it ought to be carried ou t to the total abolition of all exclusions and disabilities which close any honest employment to a human being. But it is not even necessary to maintain so much in order to prove that women should have the suffrage. Were it as right as it is wrong that they should be a subordinate class, confined to domestic occupations and subject to domestic authority, they would not the less require the protection of the suffrage to secure them from the abuse of that authority. Men, as well as women, do not need political rights in order that they may govern, but in order that they may not be misgoverned. The majority of the male sex are, and will be all their lives, nothing else than laborers in corn-fields or manufactories; but this does not render the suffrage less desirable for them, nor their claim to it less irresistible, when not likely to make a bad use of it. Nobody pretends to think that woman would make a bad use of the suffrage. The worst that is said is that they would vote as mere dependents, the bidding of their male relations. If it be so, so let it be. If they think for themselves, great go od will be done; and if they do not, no harm. It is a benefit to human beings to take off their fetters, even if they do not desire to walk. It would already be a great improvement in the moral position of women to be no longer declared by law incapable of an opinion, and not entitled to a preference, respecting the most important concerns of humanity. There would be some benefit to them individually in having something to bestow which their male relatives can not exact, and are yet desirous to have. It would also be no small matter that the husband would necessarily discuss the matter with his wife, and that the vote would not be his exclusive affair, but a joint concern. People do not sufficiently consider how markedly the fact that she is able to have some action on the outward world independently of him, raises her dignity and value in a vulgar mans eyes, and makes her the object of a respect which no personal qualities would ever obtain for one whose social existence he can ent irely appropriate. The vote itself, too, would be improved in quality. The man would often be obliged to find honest reasons for his vote, such as might induce a more upright and impartial character to serve with him under the same banner. The wifes influence would often keep him true to his own sincere opinion. Often, indeed, it would be used, not on the side of public principle, but of the personal interest or worldly vanity of the family. But, wherever this would be the tendency of the wifes influence, it is exerted to the full already in that bad direction, and with the more certainty, since under the present law and custom she is generally too utter a stranger to politics in any sense in which they involve principle to be able to realize to herself that there is a point of honor in them; and most people have as little sympathy in the point of honor of others, when their own is not placed in the same thing, as they have in the religious feelings of those whose religion differs f rom theirs. Give the woman a vote, and she comes under the operation of the political point of honor. She learns to look on politics as a thing on which she is allowed to have an opinion, and in which, if one has an opinion, it ought to be acted upon; she acquires a sense of personal accountability in the matter, and will no longer feel, as she does at present, that whatever amount of bad influence she may exercise, if the man can but be persuaded, all is right, and his responsibility covers all. It is only by being herself encouraged to form an opinion, and obtain an intelligent comprehension of the reasons which ought to prevail with the conscience against the temptations of personal or family interest, that she can ever cease to act as a disturbing force on the political conscience of the man. Her indirect agency can only be prevented from being politically mischievous by being exchanged for direct. I have supposed the right of suffrage to depend, as in a good state of things it would, on personal conditions. Where it depends, as in this and most other countries, on conditions of property, the contradiction is even more flagrant. There something more than ordinarily irrational in the fact that when a woman can give all the guarantees required from a male elector, independent circumstances, the position of a householder and head of a family, payment of taxes, or whatever may be the conditions imposed, the very principle and system of a representation based on property is set aside, and an exceptionally personal disqualification is created for the mere purpose of excluding her. When it is added that in the country where this is done a woman now reigns, and that the most glorious ruler whom that country ever had was a woman, the picture of unreason and scarcely disguised injustice is complete. Let us hope that as the work proceeds of pulling down, one after another, the remains of the mouldering fabric of monopoly and tyranny, this one will not be the last to disappear; that the opinion of Bentham, of Mr. Samuel Bailey, of Mr. Hare, and many other of the most powerful political thinkers of this age and country (not to speak of others), will make its way to all minds not rendered obdurate by selfishness or inveterate prejudice; and that, before the lapse another generation, the accident of sex, no more than the accident of skin, will be deemed a sufficient justification for depriving its possessor of the equal protection and just privileges of a citizen. (Chapter VIII Of the Extension of the Suffrage from Considerations of Representative Government, by John Stuart Mill, 1861.)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

First Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War

First Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War The First Battle of Bull Run was fought on July 21, 1861, during the American Civil War (1861-1865), and was the first major battle of the conflict. Advancing into northern Virginia, Union and Confederate troops clashed near Manassas Junction. Though Union forces held an early advantage, an overly-complex plan and the arrival of Confederate reinforcements led to their collapse and they were driven from the from field. The defeat shocked the public in the North and quashed hopes for a swift resolution to the conflict.   Background In the wake of the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 men to aid in putting down the rebellion. While this action saw additional states leave the Union, it also began a flow of men and material into Washington, DC. The growing body of troops in the nations capital was ultimately organized in to the Army of Northeastern Virginia. To lead this force, General Winfield Scott was compelled by political forces to select Brigadier General Irvin McDowell. A career staff officer, McDowell had never led men in combat and in many ways was as green as his troops. Assembling around 35,000 men, McDowell was supported to the west by Major General Robert Patterson and a Union force of 18,000 men. Opposing the Union commanders were two Confederate armies led by Brigadier Generals P.G.T. Beauregard and Joseph E. Johnston. The victor of Fort Sumter, Beauregard led the 22,000-man Confederate Army of the Potomac which was centered near Manassas Junction. To the west, Johnston was tasked with defending the Shenandoah Valley with a force of around 12,000. The two Confederate commands were linked by the Manassas Gap Railroad which would allow one to support the other if attacked (Map). Armies Commanders Union Brigadier General Irvin McDowell28,000-35,000 men Confederate Brigadier General P.G.T. BeauregardBrigadier General Joseph E. Johnston32,000-34,000 men Strategic Situation As Manassas Junction also provided access to the Orange Alexandria Railroad, which led into the heart of Virginia, it was critical that Beauregard hold the position. To defend the junction, Confederate troops began fortifying the fords to the northeast over Bull Run. Aware that the Confederates could shift troops along the Manassas Gap Railroad, Union planners dictated that any advance by McDowell be supported by Patterson with the goal of pinning Johnston in place. Under heavy pressure from the government to win a victory in northern Virginia, McDowell departed Washington on July 16, 1861. McDowells Plan Moving west with his army, he intended to make a diversionary attack against the Bull Run line with two columns while a third swung south around the Confederate right flank to cut their line of retreat to Richmond. To ensure that Johnston would not enter the fray, Patterson was ordered to advance up the Valley. Enduring extreme summer weather, McDowells men moved slowly and camped at Centreville on July 18. Searching for the Confederate flank, he dispatched Brigadier General Daniel Tylers division south. Advancing, they fought a skirmish at Blackburns Ford that afternoon and were forced to withdraw (Map). Frustrated in his efforts to turn the Confederate right, McDowell altered his plan and began efforts against the enemys left. His new plan called for Tylers division to advance west along the Warrenton Turnpike and conduct a diversionary assault across the Stone Bridge over Bull Run. As this moved forward, the divisions of Brigadier Generals David Hunter and Samuel P. Heintzelman would swing north, cross Bull Run at Sudley Springs Ford, and descend on the Confederate rear. To the west, Patterson was proving a timid commander. Deciding that Patterson would not attack, Johnston began shifting his men east on July 19. The Battle Begins By July 20, most of Johnstons men had arrived and were situated near Blackburns Ford. Assessing the situation, Beauregard intended to attack north towards Centreville. This plan was preempted early on the morning of July 21 when Union guns began shelling his headquarters at the McLean House near Mitchells Ford. Despite having crafted an intelligent plan, McDowells attack was soon beset with issues due to poor scouting and the overall inexperience of his men. While Tylers men reached the Stone Bridge around 6:00 AM, the flanking columns were hours behind due to poor roads leading to Sudley Springs. Early Success Union troops began crossing the ford around 9:30 AM and pushed south. Holding the Confederate left was the 1,100-man brigade of Colonel Nathan Evans. Dispatching troops to contain Tyler at the Stone Bridge, he was alerted to the flanking movement by a semaphore communication from Captain E.P. Alexander. Shifting around 900 men northwest, he assumed a position on Matthews Hill and was reinforced by Brigadier General Barnard Bee and Colonel Francis Bartow. From this position they were able to slow the advance of Hunters lead brigade under Brigadier General Ambrose Burnside (Map). This line collapsed around 11:30 AM when the brigade of Colonel William T. Sherman struck their right. Falling back in disorder, they assumed a new position on Henry House Hill under the protection of Confederate artillery. Though possessing momentum, McDowell did not push forward, but instead brought up artillery under Captains Charles Griffin and James Ricketts to shell the enemy from Dogan Ridge. This pause allowed Colonel Thomas Jacksons Virginia Brigade to reach the hill. Positioned on the reverse slope of the hill, they were unseen by the Union commanders. The Tide Turns Advancing his guns without support, McDowell sought to weaken the Confederate line before attacking. After more delays during which the artillerymen took heavy losses, he began a series of piecemeal attacks. These were repulsed with the Confederate counterattacking in turn. In the course of this action, Bee exclaimed, There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Some controversy exists regarding this statement as some later reports claimed that Bee was upset at Jackson for not moving to his brigades aid faster and that stone wall was meant in a pejorative sense. Regardless, the name stuck to both Jackson and his brigade for the remainder of the war. In the course of the fighting, there were several issues of unit recognition as uniforms and flags had not been standardized (Map). On Henry House Hill, Jacksons men turned back numerous attacks, while additional reinforcements arrived on both sides. Around 4:00 PM, Colonel Oliver O. Howard arrived on the field with his brigade and took a position on the Union right. He soon came under heavy attack by Confederate troops led by Colonels Arnold Elzey and Jubal Early. Shattering Howards right flank, they drove him from the field. Seeing this, Beauregard ordered a general advance which caused the tired Union troops to begin a disorganized retreat towards Bull Run. Unable to rally his men, McDowell watched as the retreat became a rout (Map). Seeking to pursue the fleeing Union troops, Beauregard and Johnston initially hoped to reach Centreville and cut off McDowells retreat. This was thwarted by fresh Union troops which successfully held the road to the town as well as a rumor that a new Union attack was in the offing. Small groups of Confederates continued the pursuit capturing Union troops as well as dignitaries who had come from Washington to watch the battle. They also succeeded in hampering the retreat by causing a wagon to overturn on the bridge over Cub Run, blocking Union traffic. Aftermath In the fighting at Bull Run, Union forces lost 460 killed, 1,124 wounded, and 1,312 captured/missing, while the Confederates incurred 387 killed, 1,582 wounded, and 13 missing. The remnants of McDowells army flowed back into Washington and for some time there was concern that the city would be attacked. The defeat stunned the North which had expected an easy victory and led many to believe that the war would be long and costly. On July 22, Lincoln signed a bill calling for 500,000 volunteers and efforts began to rebuild the army. These ultimately came under the commander of Major General George B. McClellan. Reorganizing the troops around Washington and incorporating newly-arriving units, he constructed what would become the Army of the Potomac. This command would serve as the Unions primary army in the east for the rest of the war.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Personal Statement - Essay Example Currently, Im a student at the Sheffield International College studying Business Law and social science foundation degree, in order to progress and enter the university to complete my undergraduate course in Law. It is my involvement with Law studies throughout the years, which has persuaded me to take up LLB for my undergraduate program. I am glad to mention that, during the end of my second year studies, when I was choosing the module for my final year, I got interested in Intellectual property studies. Moreover, my habit of reading newspapers and watching news channels has assisted me in knowing the global affairs and this, in turn, persuaded me to follow intellectual property studies. In his book, Macmillan (2008, pg.1) wrote: â€Å"A news paper tells about local and world news. It is also full of data and data is information†. The study on Intellectual property is a renowned one in today’s world and it is an essential study program for the current business world. Apart from my studies, I am proud to reveal that I have interned at two law firms in Oman and the UK. The first law firm was a leading one owned by Al Busaidi Mansoor Jamal and the second one was SNR Dentons in th e UK. I firmly believe that I am a right candidate to pursue Law studies, as I really have an eye for detail and also enjoy working on projects and assignments which are related to the current social issue of the today’s world. I am confident that my skill in handling evidence, debating and conducting arguments will enable be to successfully complete my law studies. I am ambitious and my confidence in my abilities will give me needed recognition in the selected field of work. As per Papadopoulou (2010), â€Å"being ambitious enables you to set goals in your career. You are not satisfied with simply doing what is asked of you. You are constantly on the lookout for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bicycle Helmet Safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bicycle Helmet Safety - Research Paper Example Zhu (2011) further noted that 90 percent of kids of between 3-5 years did own a bicycle but only 20 percent of them possessed a helmet. Head helmets are vital in preventing head injuries in children that may even result to severe brain damage. By recommending use of helmets in cycling, we provide care for our children and care is one of the many aspects of the nursing practice. This research paper seeks to establish how helmet wearing in children reduces the number of bicycle related injuries. In this section articles to be used were selected. The researcher rephrased the research question as â€Å"Amongst the children of ages 4 to 16 years, how is use of helmets in cycling compared to non-use effective in preventing cycling related accidents?† Through the use of the Google Scholar search Engine, the researcher was able to obtain eight scholarly articles perceived important for the study. Through use of appropriate exclusion criteria, the researcher was able to reduce the number of the articles to four. The exclusion criteria were based on the relevance of the article to the study as well as the date of publication of the article. The four articles selected were less than eight years old and very detailed on the matter under investigation. They were therefore considered admissible fur use in the study. This section provides a summary and analysis of the purposes of the four scholarly articles. The study by Quirke (2009) was aimed at assessing self –wearing helmet practice in young children of ages of 8-13 years. Seeginli (2014) sought to assess the rate of helmet wearing and the different factors associated with helmet wearing amongst children of ages 8 to 16 years. On the other hand, Georgia Health Science University (2012) sought to determine how educating kids on the use of helmets increases

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Earth energy-balance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Earth energy-balance - Term Paper Example This phenomenon is known as earth energy budget or earth energy balance. There are many factors that can deteriorate this balance and can contribute to significant changes in the climate of the earth. Earth Atmosphere: To understand how energy is received and returned to maintain energy balance it is important to understand what constitutes the atmosphere. There are five layers that surrounds the earth; exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and troposphere. Exosphere is the most outer space with particles so far apart that they do not affect the pathway of radiations from sun. Troposphere is the innermost layer that span from the earth surface to about 10 kilometers above. This layer is important as it provides the maximum reflection of radiation as discussed below. The following diagram (fig 1) demonstrates the inner three layers of earth atmosphere. Fig 1. Inner three layers of earth’s atmosphere Incoming radiation: Radiations from sun experience no interference as they travel undisturbed in space to reach the earth’s atmosphere. In the atmosphere, there are different layers with variable densities of gases and other molecules. When these radiations collide with these molecules they are deflected in many directions, a phenomenon known as scattering. An important concept to remember here is that these radiations that reach the earth have very small wavelength and not all but a small selective proportion of electromagnetic radiations can be scattered by molecular collision. (Ahrens, 2012). The rest of energy is absorbed by the earth system in various forms. Most of the energy is absorbed by the solid earth that increases the core and surface temperature. Part of the energy is absorbed by clouds, water vapors and other molecules present in the earth atmosphere. The following diagram (fig 2) represents the overall exchange budget of earth’s energy. Figure 2. Earth’s energy balance It is evident from the diagram that the tot al incoming energy absorbed by the earth system almost equals to the energy returned back to space thus maintaining energy balance. Outgoing radiations: The radiations received from sun can be returned back to space by two basic mechanisms as explained below. Reflection: Some of the energy that enters the atmosphere is reflected back as same short wavelength radiations identical to what was received from sun. Different component of earth’s atmosphere have variable ability to reflect these radiations and this property is known as ‘albedo’. Therefore, various surfaces have variable albedo. For example, deserts have high albedo because they are able to reflect about 40% of the radiations that reach them back into the space. On the other hand, ocean surfaces and rainforests have low albedo as they are able to reflect only a small proportion of radiations. (Ahrens, 2012). It is important to understand that those surfaces that have lower albedo tend to retain heat more than those with higher reflection abilities. By looking at fig 2, it can be observed that only a part of the radiations, about 30%, are reflected back into the space by earth surface, clouds and scattering process. There should be another way of returning the remaining 70% of the radiations which were absorbed by the atmosphere and the earth. Emission: Thermic emission is the most

Friday, November 15, 2019

Advertising Becoming A Companion Of Modern Life Media Essay

Advertising Becoming A Companion Of Modern Life Media Essay Now day advertising has craftily become an certain companion of modern life that we cant escape and keep away from, in fact its an intrinsic part of our daily lives. Everyones daily life and the life of many purchasers is affected by advertising. Consumer use advertising for its in-formativeness, as well as its entertainment value (Hoch and john Deighton 1989). It provides them with cues and clues to help, understand and appreciate their feelings. And in this manners it can change the nature of the response. Advertising helps consumers interpret these experiences and it recommend what should be noticed. When advertising works in this manner, it can exert an insidious effect on consumer behaviour. The importance and power of advertising, is not only just so much economic, but cultural. Advertising is not just a business expenditure undertaken in the hope of moving some merchandise off the store shelves, but is rather an integral part of modern culture (Goldman, Montagne,1986) Its significance comes in impact in consumer capitalism, where individuals depend on it for meanings, a basis of social information embedded in commodities that mediate interpersonal relations and personal identity. Advertising should therefore be conceived as an important institution in the consumer society because it produces patterned systems of meaning that play a key role in individual socialization and social reproduction. As to Encouraging current users to increase consumption of a product, generating more sales leads, increasing brand awareness, increasing repeat purchases, and supporting the personal selling effort are some specific objectives for advertising. As China hastens its transformation to a market economy, its advertising industry has witnessed one of the fastest expansion rates in the world. However very few researches have been done on Chinese advertising industry though there are many researches in advertising in the western world. The key issue remains how to establish whether there are important differences in cultural values among nations and to what degree those values affect advertising effectiveness. Problem of the Statement Since advertising start booming in China in the early 1979, it has become significantly an increasing important industry in the country. Many researchers have been made on advertising industry in the west and became one of everyday activity in the current market. However researches on Chinese advertising has generally been limited to journal articles, and chapters in books devoted to international advertising or international marketing as a whole. The entering of foreign advertising, growth, and operation in China has big significance to Chinese society and culture in general and to Chinese advertising in particular. Major western advertisement companies that are present in China are playing big role in changing the culture of new generations to the new era of modernization. As companies based in the United States and Europe continue to expand their markets globally, China, with its one billion plus population, has become a favourable market. Although these companies have attempted to implement Western-style advertising in China, most have yet to make substantial headway into the Chinese consumer awareness. The relative newness of advertising as a social phenomenon in China has created great difficulties for measuring advertising or marketing success in China (Lohtia, Wesley, and Linda (1994). These difficulties stem, in large measure, from Westerners lack of understanding of how to market their products and services directly to consumers in an ancient Eastern culture such as China. As advertising is a cultural product in its own right, when the East meets the West without a conjoining point, the marketing costs borne by advertisers could be unexpectedly exorbitant; such costs may come in the guise of missed opportunities or, worse yet, a battered product image. This argument lends support to proponents of the specialization approach in global advertising, even though the barriers to developing that specialized advertising approach may be many and difficult to anticipate (Donthu, Naveen, 1998). Moreover as far as legal issues concerned until the recent time the absence of clearly provided law on the area is another major problem for the industry and created vacuum for illegal advertisers, As a result big number of customers get in to trouble by unfair advertisement. The Purpose of the Study The purpose of our research is to investigate how consumers interpret and understand advertising that uses global or local appeals in China. Many companies are interested in the enormous potential of this worlds most populous market, which now also has the fastest-expanding advertising industry in the world. The country is awash in a mix of foreign and local goods, images, advertising appeals, and consumption ideas, and as a whole, there has been an increase in using Western appeals in advertising (Zhou, Nan, and Linming Meng, 1998) while at the same time, foreign advertisers tend to adapt their advertising to a Chinese context to varying degrees. Based on the above mentioned situations the purpose of the study is to examine cultural values as reflected in Western and Chinese advertising appeals. Also purpose of this study is also to assess a consumer-response approach to learn how Chinese consumers react to television and print advertisements with varying emphases on the global, foreign, or Western advertisings with regard to cultural differences to read the advertisements. The purpose of this research is also to examine what role advertising is playing in marketing and how it peruse people. Particularly what is the image of Chinese people on the development of advertising in China and to identify how they merge it to their own culture. Moreover we will try to examine which channel or media is the most preferable to advertise in the Chinese society. By learning more about the interplay of culture and advertising, marketing and advertising managers are in a better position to decide whether advertising using global appeals or local appeals is more appropriate for communicating with Chinese consumers. Research Methodology As mentioned before, books and other research documents are very limited for Chinese advertising industry. So the study is an explorative qualitative study and all primary and secondary data has been assessed in qualitative way rather than numerical or quantitative method. The primary data comes from the interviews and direct information is used from selected enterprises and factories, from their annual reports and different related resources materials. The selected companies are from different industries such as: food, cosmetics, fashion, medicine and in the same time consumers that have been selected are from somehow related to those industries. In addition direct verbal interview were performed with some of the managers from the selected factories. Conclusion (part of) Although the scale of foreign investment in the advertising industry is relatively small, it has helped introduce advanced technologies, management experience and talented personnel to the industry, and has improved the overall level of Chinas advertising industry. Despite some controversial foreign advertisements hurt the feelings of some local consumers but still foreign advertising companies are doing well and making huge contribution for the development of advertising industry in China. Regarding cultural issue Chinese companies and consumers are not facing only marketing challenges but also cultural challenges from international adv companies. According to the finding, in one way or another Chinese young generation is dominated by western custom and culture, so local companies should move fast to protect the culture from western cultural invasion. As the most dominant advertising medium, television was the most likely to be remembered and talked about. As a result according our finding many big and medium companies chooses TV as the best media to advertise their product and service. However many small local enterprises chooses newspaper and flyers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Parent - Teenager Relationships :: essays research papers

Parents are fragile things. There is a very fine line between approval and disapproval with most parents. No teenager I know ever seems to do anything right by their mum or dad. My mother always nags me to do things like clean my teeth, tidy my room, do my homework blah blah†¦. It's probably the same with many other teenagers out there. When asked why parents nag they often say "it's for your own good" or something equally insane. These comments rate right up there with "because I said so" and "because I'm your father or because I'm your mother" It is, in fact, very easy to judge if a particular child is or isn't nagged. If I were to take my friend Doug for example, I could very easily say that his mother didn't nag him much at all. This is because he simply does what he likes. I mean, who does the right thing when nobody cares if you don't? Now take myself, I have had more than my fare share of nagging in my time. How do you know? Well, everything I am was shaped by my mother. She is an epitome of understanding, a wealth of knowledge and of course I have inherited the other traits like beauty and genetic perfection. I know I certainly hate being nagged. If my mum gets on my nerves I'd say just about anything to shut her up sometimes. Have a look at Josephine in the novel "Looking for Alibrandi" and compare her to her mother. Jose may absolutely hate her mother sometimes but at others be unable to live without her presence. I don't think that Jose could ever imagine her mother being in the same position as her. What I don't understand is if our parents have been through this themselves, then why do they have such a hard time understanding why their children often hate them for the same reasons? My main point is that if our parents have resented their parents for the way

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Edward de Vere = William Shakespeare Essay

Everyone knows of William Shakespeare, the author of thirty-seven full length plays and 154 sonnets. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular stories as it is read in most high school English classes. There is not a theatre goer anywhere who has not heard of, or seen, Hamlet. Anyone involved in the theatre, on a regular basis, will tell you that they never say Macbeth in any space they call a theatre. What if it was all a lie? What if Shakespeare was not the great Shakespeare? What if someone else wrote â€Å"his† works? There are many books and theories in the world today about the true authorship of Shakespeare’s works. Edward de Vere the 17th Earl of Oxford, Francis Bacon a philosopher and writer, and Christopher Marlowe a Playwright are among the top suspected authors of these works. It is important to know that there is a debate over the true identity of the author, and there are many theories. This paper will discuss Edward de Vere as the possible William Shakespeare. To be or not to be; that is the question. Since the early 1700’s scholars have been asking themselves the question of Shakespeare’s identity. The great William Shakespeare, who was known throughout history to have existed and to have written the greatest literary works of all time, is being questioned over and over again. Did the William Shakespeare that is on record actually write Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, etc.? This debate has suggested many names as the possible Shakespearian author. However, none have had so much evidence to support his case than the 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. As Oxfordians that has done extensive research and wrote numerous books on the subject cannot prove there point either way, there is no possible way that this paper could be presumptuous enough to prove it either. Instead this paper is going to discuss the evidence of the de Vere being William Shakespeare. The William Shaksper (of Stratford is spelled different) on record was born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23rd in 1564. He was then baptized on April 26th, 1564 at Holy Trinity Church. His father was John Shakespeare who was a glover and leather merchant, and his mother, Mary Arden was a landed local heiress. Scholars believe Young William attended the free grammar school in Stratford; however there is no hard evidence to support this claim. He never went on to university. William married Anne Hathaway on November 28th 1582 when he was 18 and she was 26 and pregnant. They had three children together though one died at age eleven. William disappeared for a while after the birth of his twins. This is what many call the lost years. He didn’t turn back up again until he comes back to London in or around 1588. Scholars believe that this is when he started to act as well as practice playwriting. By 1594 he was acting and writing for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (which is called the King’s Men after James I takes the thrown in 1603), and was also a managing partner. He retired to Stratford and wrote his will in 1611. Supposedly he died on his birthday, which is probably a myth, however it is the only date entered (â€Å"Shakespeare Resource Center†). 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere was born at Castle Hedingham in Essex on April 12th, 1550 by the old calendar but April 23rd by the new calendar. Is it a coincidence that Shaksper’s birthday is that same day? He lived there until he was twelve and then he was sent to London to be a Royal Ward when his father died. The Queen made Sir William Cecil his guardian. He had a love of the theatre and letters right away. He underwent an extremely strict education. His first tutor was his mother’s brother Arthur Golding. He received an A. B. degree from St. John’s College, Cambridge when he was fourteen and a half. When he was sixteen he received an M. A. from Christ’s Church College, Oxford. He also spent three years as a student of law at Gray’s Inn. By his early twenties he showed great promise as a poet. He married Anne at twenty-one however it was a most unsatisfactory marriage. Charlton Ogburn author of Shake-Speare: The man behind the Name states that â€Å"Recorded fragments of information and Oxford’s own singed writings, leave little room for doubt that the relationship between the young Oxford and the Queen was very intimate† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 14). Many say that he used the pseudonym William Shakespeare because some of the sonnets and parts of plays can be interpreted to point out the Queen and his relationship (Ogburn, and Ogburn16). Was the Earl the real Shakespeare? All the evidence gathered suggests that Edward de Vere was far more a possible candidate than William Shaksper of Stratford. The argument is that Oxford was far more educated than Shaksper of Stratford. There is no evidence suggesting that Shaksper of Stratford even went to school. He was barely able to write his name and the signatures had blots. In Ogburn’s Shake-Speare he states the six different ways that he wrote them: Willm Shaksp, William Shakspe, Wm Shakspeare, William Shakspere, Willm Shakspere, and William Shakspeare. There is no record that Shaksper of Stratford ever even referred to himself as Shakespeare; with the two words of Shake and Speare. In fact the others who knew him that wrote his name often wrote Shagsper, Shaxper, Shaxbere, etc. Oxford had an extensive education and â€Å"his letters show him to have written in the cursive Italian script with ease and fluency, and evidently without blots† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). â€Å"The argument, in so far as it concerns the author’s station, is not that genius is a function of social status or that a humble cottager is less worthy than an earl. It is simply that, as Bismarck pointed out, the familiarity with the world of the court displayed by Shakespeare could not have been acquired by one to whom that world was barred, whatever his powers of intellect† (Ogburn, and Ogburn l8). This is an interesting argument. Maybe in today’s society it would be easier for the lower-class to write about the upper-class, but in those times there was no way the lower-class could know specifically what goes at court. Shakespeare had written way too easily the formalities of court life. â€Å"In all the plays of Shakespeare there is not a single fully-realized, three-dimensional character taken from the stratum of society to which Shaksper belonged† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 18). The point is that Shaksper would have had to been at least somewhat knowledgeable. The topics he wrote about suggested that he understood: the law and legal terms, contemporary and historical; the manners of the royal court, the aristocratic mind, and ways of language; sports of the nobility, hunting and falconry; philosophy, classical and esoteric; statecraft and statesmanship, biblical scholarship; English and European history; classical  literature and languages; French, Italian, and Spanish languages; Italian geography and travel; France and the court of Navarre; Danish terms and customs; horticulture and the designing of gardens; Wales and the Welsh; music and musical terms; painting and sculpture; mathematics; astronomy and astrology; natural history; angling; medicine and psychology; military life; heraldry; exploration and the New World; navigation and seamanship; printing; folklore, fairy mythology, the supernatural; theatrical management and the habits of players; Cambridge University jargon; Freemasonry; cryptography and the secret service (Michell, 18). This is quite an extensive knowledge base for a man whose education is limited to grammar school if he even was afforded that. Another comparison is how either candidate was regarded by others. As Ogburn says â€Å"the author of the greatest literary works of the time (and most popular plays) would have been held in high regard-certainly as high a regard as Marlowe, Jonson, Spencer, Chapman, et al. – by those who knew who he was† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). â€Å"If Shaksper wrote the plays, the fact would have been generally known. Yet, while special, if peculiarly sporadic, praise was given to the dramatist Shakespeare as a name, Shaksper the corporeal man was never, so far as is known, treated by his contemporaries as in any way distinguished† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). There is no evidence that states that Shakspere of Stratford wrote any of the plays or sonnets. His name is on none of them. Oxford, on the other hand, was held with high regard by the Queen and many other writers of the day such as Arthur Golding, Thomas Churchyard, and many others. However, no one when referring to Oxford mentioned the name â€Å"Shakespeare† or even Shaksper. â€Å"The first time the dramatist â€Å"Shakespeare† was associated with Stratford was seven years after Shaksper’s death when it was stated in the First Folio, ambiguously, â€Å"When†¦Time dissolves thy Stratford monument† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 35). It is interesting that this is when the case for Shaksper is most evident and it comes so long after Shaksper’s death. Shaksper had nothing to gain by changing his name to Shakespeare. He would actually been better off if he had written them under his own name. It would have boosted his reputation and he would have made so much more money in his lifetime. For him not to put his name on his writing, had he actually written anything, would be insanely stupid. It would certainly go against any title of genius as everyone wanted to change their class. This certainly would have changed his class. On the other hand, Oxford had every reason to take on a pseudonym. He was a wealthy Earl who wrote things that would have called attention to his affair with Queen Elizabeth. There are many things in his plays that poke fun of the royal courts. â€Å"Attributed to a nobleman close to the Queen, the plays would have been scrutinized – and very fruitfully, it would seem – for revelations of personalities and affairs at court† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 29). Also he had a reputation preceding the writings of the Shakespeare plays, and Ogburn says â€Å"something happened in connection with his writing. Whatever it was, it prevented his putting his name to another poem after the age of twenty-six or to any of the plays which he is known to have written† (Ogburn, and Ogburn 13). Also it is believed that the name Shakespeare comes from the family crest of Oxford in which a lion looks as if he is shaking a spear. Another interesting fact is that Oxfords mother remarried within a few months. This story is told through the story of Hamlet. Gwynneth Bowen, a Shakespearean researcher says in Charles Ogburn’s The Mysterious William Shakespeare: The Myth & the Reality, â€Å"Oxfordians have always maintained that Hamlet is very largely autobiographical – with Oxford in the title-role†¦the ‘o’re hasty marriage’ of Oxford’s mother – has been given due weight†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ogburn 434). Another interesting piece of evidence comes from Ralph L. Tweedale in his book Wasn’t Shakespeare Someone Else? Tweedale writes about the cryptography that lies within the lines and words of William Shakespeare’s works. Throughout all of his plays and sonnets lies a cryptic message, a code that points to the name Vere. Tweedale uses the following as evidence of the cryptography in Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays. He says that when Juliet’s mother tries to interest her in Paris as a husband, she compares him to a book. â€Å"Read ore the volume of young Paris face. And find delight, writ there with Beauties pen, (Read over the volume and find delight. ) Examine every severall liniament (Look at every single line. ) And see how one another lends content (See how each lends content to the next. ) And what obscured in this faire volume lies Find written in the margent of his eyes. † (The obscure messages are found by looking in the margin (Tweedale 187). There are so many other similarities between Edward de Vere that it would take an entire book in order to discuss them, and there have been many of them. Obviously there was no way a college research paper can cover all the bases of this argument. Edward de Vere has the strongest evidence to support his claim. There is not enough evidence to proof that and one would not be able to come to any conclusions on the matter, but it does inform the reader of the closest candidate for the name of William Shakespeare and raises doubt of Shaksper of Stratford. Who is the real Shakespeare? Well no one really knows. Maybe one day scholars will find the one piece of hard evidence that will support without a doubt either case and prove one of them to be William Shakespeare. Ogburn, Charlton. The Mysterious William Shakespeare:The Myth & The Reality. 2nd. McLean, Virginia: EPM Publications, INC, 1984. 434. Print. Ogburn, Dorothy, and Charlton Ogburn. Shake-Speare:The Man Behind The Name. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1962. 14-35. Print. Michell, John. Who Wrote Shakespeare?. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1996. 18. Print. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Biography. † Shakespeare Resource Center. J. M Pressley and the Shakespeare Resource Center, 2011. Web. Sept 16 2011. .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Leigh Ann Walker Case Analysis Essay Example

Leigh Ann Walker Case Analysis Essay Example Leigh Ann Walker Case Analysis Paper Leigh Ann Walker Case Analysis Paper After we reviewed the case of Leigh Ann Walker and discussed it as a group, we felt that Jackie Vaughn overreacted to Walkers admission that she had been untruthful regarding the CPA exam. Walker was only trying to protect her reputation when she had told Vaughn that she had not taken the CPA exam in May and was planning on taking it in November. She had been given a great opportunity in her mind to start her career working with a well-respected individual within the company such as Jackie Vaughn. In Vaughn mind, she didnt want to waste such an opportunity, so he was going to do everything possible to make sure that she did an adequate Job and to impress her superior in every way she could. When the question came up on whether she took the CPA exam, she had reason to assume that she had failed the test in May, so she was only trying to impress Vaughn by telling her that she was planning on taking it in June instead of telling her that she thought the first test was a failure. If we were in the same situation, we wouldve handled the situation differently had we been in Jackie Vaughn position. The biggest mistake that we found with the way Vaughn handled the situation was that she did not talk to Walker directly about how she felt, and she didnt tell her what she wanted to happen before going to upper management. After Vaughn heard the news about Walker passing the CPA exam, she became irritated and didnt talk to Walker for a few days after that. What we would have done in Vaughn place was to talk to Walker about the situation a day after Vaughn heard the news. This way they could both share their sides of the story, and make sure that there wasnt a misunderstanding between the two. If after they met and talked about it, and Vaughn still felt the same way, then we think it would be alright to talk about it with upper management. However, going straight to the top with the news and requesting that Walker be fired is out of the question in our minds. This is because Walker is new to the company, and there is pressure to try a make a good first impression with your fellow employees. Also, because Walker had passed the CPA exam and was such a great student makes her a great hire with potential to become a great employee of the company. As with Jackie Vaughn position, we also would handle the situation differently if we were in Don Roberts position. Roberts fired Walker on the basis of what Jackie Vaughn had told him. We think that Roberts decision is wrong and that Walker should not be fired. The facts are that Walker had been doing a great Job in her first few weeks, she was a great student in college, and she had Just passed her CPA exam. To fire Walker because she was only trying to protect her image and make a good first impression with her fellow employees is wrong. What we would have done was to transfer Walker too different team. This would help Walker gain the respect of some other employees within the company and it allows the company to keep a great worker with a lot of potential. In regards to whether it is possible that one could fulfill the responsibilities of a professional role while lacking personal integrity, we decided that there are situations in which it is possible. In this case, Vaughn questions Walkers personal as lacking personal integrity in the case because she wasnt completely honest with Vaughn, then we decided that it is possible for someone to work in a professional role effectively. Walker continued to do an adequate Job while working on her assignment even though she lacked personal integrity. She is able to do this because she keeps her professional integrity separate from her personal integrity. Just because she wasnt honest to Vaughn, it doesnt mean that she cant fulfill her Job duties. She doesnt lose any of her capabilities Just because she wasnt completely honest. On the other hand, although lacking personal integrity may not affect someones ability to perform their Job duties, we decided that it doesnt make your Job any easier. For example, if a person repeatedly tells lies to employees, or only looks after themselves instead of their fellow employees, then it would make their Job harder. This is because the way you treat other co-workers affects the way that they treat you. If you cant do a favor for a co-worker, then it is less likely that they will help you out when you may need them in the future because they will remember the time when you didnt want to help him or her out. More than likely, there will be times when you may need advice or a favor from one of your co-workers, and lacking personal integrity will not make your Job any easier.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The U.S. Presidents and Their Era

The U.S. Presidents and Their Era Learning the list of U.S. presidents in order   is an elementary school activity. Most everyone remembers the most important and best presidents, as well as those that served in wartime. But many of the rest are forgotten in the fog of memory or vaguely remembered but cant be placed in the right time frame. So, quick, when was Martin Van Buren president? What happened during his tenure? Gotcha, right? Heres  a refresher course on this fifth grade subject that includes the 45 U.S. presidents as of January 2017, along with the defining issues of their eras.   U.S. Presidents 1789-1829 The earliest presidents, most of whom are considered to be Founding Fathers of the United States, are usually the easiest to remember. Streets, counties, and cities are named after all of them across the country. Washington is called the father of his country for good reason: His ragtag Revolutionary army beat the British, and that made the United States of America a country. He served as the countrys first president, guiding it through its infancy, and set the tone. Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, expanded the country tremendously with the Louisiana Purchase. Madison, the father of the Constitution, was in the White House during the War of 1812 with the British (again), and he and wife Dolley had to famously escape the White House as it was burned by the British.  These early years saw the country carefully begin to find its way as a new nation. George Washington (1789-1797)John Adams (1797-1801)Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)James Madison (1809-1817)James Monroe (1817-1825)John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) U.S. Presidents 1829-1869 This period of U.S. history is marked by the searing controversy of slavery in the Southern states and compromises that tried and ultimately failed to solve the problem. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 all sought to deal with this issue, which inflamed passions both North and South. These passions ultimately erupted in secession and then Civil War, which lasted from April 1861 to April 1865, a war that took the lives of 620,000 Americans, almost as many as in all other wars fought by Americans combined. Lincoln is, of course, remembered by all as the Civil War president trying to keep the Union intact, then guiding the North throughout the war and then attempting to bind up the nations wounds, as stated in his Second Inaugural Address. Also, as all Americans know, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth just after the war ended in 1865. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)William H. Harrison (1841)John Tyler (1841-1845)James K. Polk (1841-1849)Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)James Buchanan (1857-1861)Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) U.S. Presidents 1869-1909 This period, which stretches from just after the Civil War until the early part of the 20th century, was marked by Reconstruction, including the three Reconstruction Amendments (13, 14 and 15), the rise of the railroads, westward expansion, and wars with Native Americans in the areas where American pioneers were settling. Events like the Chicago Fire (1871), the first run of the Kentucky Derby (1875) the Battle of Little Big Horn (1876), the Nez Perce War (1877), the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge (1883), the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890) and the Panic of 1893 define this era. Toward the end, the Gilded Age made its mark, and that was followed by the populist reforms of Theodore Roosevelt, which brought the country into the 20th century. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)James A. Garfield (1881)Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)William McKinley (1897-1901)Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) U.S. Presidents 1909-1945 Three momentous events dominated this time period: World War I, the Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II. Between World War I and the Great Depression came the Roaring 20s, a time of immense social change and huge prosperity, which all came to a screeching halt in October 1929, with the crash of the stock market. The country then plunged into a somber decade of extremely high unemployment, the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains and many home and business foreclosures. Virtually all Americans were affected. Then in December 1941, the Japanese bombed the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, and the U.S. was drawn into World War II, which had been wreaking havoc in Europe since the fall of 1939. The war caused the economy to finally turn up. But the cost was high: World War II took the lives of more than 405,000 Americans in Europe and the Pacific. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from 1932 to April 1945, when he died in office. He steered the ship of state through two of these traumatic times and left an enduring mark domestically with New Deal legislation. William H. Taft (1909-1913)Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) U.S. Presidents 1945-1989 Truman took over when FDR died in office and presided over the end of World War II in Europe and the Pacific, and he made the decision to use atomic weapons on Japan to end the war. And that ushered in whats called the Atomic Age and the Cold War, which continued until 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union. This period is defined by peace and prosperity in the 1950s, the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, civil rights protests and civil rights legislative changes, and the Vietnam War. The late 1960s were particularly contentious, with Johnson taking much of the heat over Vietnam. The 1970s brought a watershed constitutional crisis in the form of Watergate. Nixon resigned in 1974 after the House of Representatives passed three articles of impeachment against him. The Reagan years brought peace and prosperity as in the 50s, with a popular president presiding. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974)Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) U.S. Presidents 1989-2017 This most recent era of American history is marked by prosperity but also by tragedy: The attacks of Sept.11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and including the lost plane in Pennsylvania took 2,996 lives and was the deadliest terrorist attack in history and the most horrific attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor. Terrorism and Mideast strife have dominated the period, with wars being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq soon after 9/11 and ongoing terrorism fears throughout these years. The 2008 financial crisis was the worst in the U.S. since the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929. George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)Bill Clinton (1993-2001)George W. Bush (2001-2009)Barack Obama (2009-2017)Donald Trump (2017- )

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing Essay - 2

Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing - Essay Example There are a number of theories advocated by scientists. Theories are definitely the backbone of any discipline and nursing is no exception here. Here I would like to make a brief explanation on the components of theory. Theory consists concepts that are inevitable for practice guidance. Nursing theories are formed out of concepts, definitions assumptions with or without the help of other disciplines or derived from different particular instances; and there are a number of inter- relationships made between them for predicting, explaining and prescribing things (Nursing Theories: An Overview). Theories universally contain concepts, prepositions, metaparadigm, philosophies and conceptual models. Concepts are occurred in mind as ideas on a phenomenon. This is an intellectual process through intuition. They indicate and signify ideas observations or experiences. For instance, relief can be an idea in nursing. Concepts can be useful in creating knowledge on phenomena. These concepts also are supported by constructs. Generally concepts are of three kinds; empirical, inferential and abstract. A statement of relationship between two concepts are said to be prepositions. Structural holarchy of contemporary nursing knowledge include components like metaparadigm, conceptual models, theories, and empirical indicators and their level of abstraction differs; and concepts and propositions are the important to explain a theory (Lesson, 2.1) There are several theories of nursing used by the practitioners today; and those theories are grouped into divisions according to the nature and functions of the theory. Nursing theories can be classified from different categories. Depending on its function it can be divided into four namely, descriptic, explanatory, predictive and perspective. Based on generalisability of their principles they are divided into Meta

Friday, November 1, 2019

Academy Honesty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academy Honesty - Essay Example Academic honesty is crucial in promoting original ideas and interpretation on issues and topics that are socially, economically and politically relevant. Besides being ethically correct, academic honesty fosters a new breed of innovative thinkers who have the power to influence the critically sensitive paradigms of our time which is fraught with conflicting ideologies and unholy alliances of the vested interests.The purpose of academics is to generate knowledge which is multiplied through interpretation in various formats by scholars. The existing database of knowledge is explored, modified, corrected or even expanded with more fresh inputs by other scholars, thus promoting academic honesty, which relies on acknowledging the efforts of other people. Hence, academic honesty is an important tool to safeguard not only one's works but also to encourage originality and innovative writing in academia.One can use academic honesty by acknowledging the efforts of other scholars and people thr ough proper citations. The ideas and writings of other scholars are duly recognized by having a detailed bibliography, in one's work.Academic honesty is critical to the advancement of knowledge and development of fresh ideas and perspectives on wide ranging issues.