Monday, September 30, 2019

Developments in 3 Dimensional Art in 20th Century Essay

Three dimensional art works went through a heavy period of transition through the 20th century. At the start, sculpture could be summed up in Johann Gottfreid von Herder’s consideration of sculpture as â€Å"a harsh reality. † Unlike painting and the other traditional media, sculpture was being redefined, both formally and technically. Painting, despite the many innovations and explorations that occurred in the 20th century, was still oil and pigment put on a flat surface. But sculpture, rather 3 dimensional arts, became so much more dynamic and expansive. There was no requisite to make 3 dimensional artworks to be made of traditional materials like stone, bronze or wood; but instead, they could-and were-made of anything. One major development was installation art. Installation art was three dimensional works that was meant to engage and transform the exhibition space or whatever is in proximity to the work itself. Land art is the outdoor equivalent of this phenomenon. Installation can be considered coming into real prominence during the 1970’s, but has its roots all the way back with Marcel Duchamp’s readymade sculptures The genre can include traditional and everyday materials, as well as new media such as video, audio, and performance. Before the nomenclature of installation was coined, these types of works were also called environments, project art, and temporary art. Its primary focus is to have the work of art exceed traditional media through the escaping of flat, square frames, and pedestals with isolated objects. Instead, it attempts to immerse the viewer, the environment, and all its other adjunct factors in as a part of the art. For this reason, most installations are considered to have no definite specific media. Instead, it is said that time and space are the only persistent elements of this type of work. The overwhelming element of installations developed from Richard Wagner’s revival of Gesamkunstwerk in his operas. He incorporated every element of art to completely overwhelm the viewer. This is the intent of the installation artist. In another vein, three dimensional arts, particularly the more traditional genre of sculpture, the element and philosophy of minimalism became dominant with the vanguard of David Smith. David Smith is a primary example of this. His sculptures were some of the most original and simplistic sculptures at the time. Among the greatest American sculptors of the twentieth century, David Smith was the first to work with welded metal. He wove a rich mythology around this rugged work, often talking of the formative experiences he had in his youth while working in a car body workshop. Yet this only disguised a brilliant mind that fruitfully combined a range of influences from European modernism including Cubism, Surrealism, and Constructivism. It also concealed the motivations of a somewhat private man whose art was marked by expressions of trauma. Smith was close to painters such as Robert Motherwell, and in many respects he translated the painterly concerns of the Abstract Expressionists into sculpture. But far from being a follower, his achievement in sculpture was distinctive and influential. He brought qualities of industrial manufacturing into the language of art and proved to be an important influence on Minimalism. Collage was an important influence on Smith, and it shaped his work in various ways. It inspired him to see that a sculpture, just like a paper collage, could be made up of various existing elements. It also encouraged him to combine found objects like tools into his sculptures; it later influenced the way he contrasted figurative motifs and informed the way he assembled the large-scale geometric abstract sculptures of his last days. One of Smith’s most important formal innovations was to abandon the idea of a â€Å"core† in sculpture. This notion was pervasive in modern sculpture, fostering an approach that saw sculptural form springing from a center that was almost imagined to be organic and alive. But Smith replaced it with the idea of â€Å"drawing in space. † He would use thin wire to produce linear, transparent sculptures with figurative motifs at their edges. Later he would use large geometric forms to create structures reminiscent of the vigorous gestures of the Abstract Expressionists. One of the means by which Smith sought to keep the viewer at a distance from his sculptures – emotionally and intellectually – was to devise innovative approaches to composition. These were aimed at making it difficult for the viewer to perceive or imagine the entirety of the object at once, forcing us to consider it part by part. One method he used was to disperse pictorial motifs around the edge of the sculpture, so that our eyes have to move from one element to another. Another was to make the sculptures look and seem very different from the front than they do from the side. He completely redefined the construction methods of sculpture, using a blow torch to weld instead of casting—the normal way to make sculpture. As a result, much of his work is highly original, and it is considered that he has a strong relation to painters. The method he uses is, in fact, more closely related to painting than the typical act of sculpture. He adds separate pieces of scrap metal and welds them together. He also pushed the boundaries subjectively in sculpture, producing some subjects that were never produced in three dimensional arts before. Later on, he also began using a sander—which helped define the texture found on his cubi series. It was through this man that American sculpture was defined. Minimalism was his main influence in these later designs, in which he stripped forms of all their excess elements to give it the bare minimum representation. David Smith’s career encompasses a range of styles, from the figurative expressionism of his early relief sculptures, to the organic abstraction of his Surrealist-influenced work, to the geometric constructions of his later years. In this respect, he drew on many of the same European modernist influences as his peers, the Abstract Expressionists. And, like them, one of his most important advances lay in adapting the language Even with David smith and the minimalist movement, there were still more stylistic developments in the 20th century. There was also a resurgence of figurative art during this period. IN 1960, art critic Pierre Restrany wrote a manifesto for a group who called themselves the new realists, and called for a new way of perceiving the real. The term nouveau realisme, or new realism, has long been tied to the specific claims made by the critic Pierre Restany about the Paris-based art group he promoted. Restany convinced Arman, Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely, Daniel Spoerri, Martial Raysse, Jacques de la Villegle, Raymond Hains, and Francois Dufrene to sign on initially, and then added Cesar, Niki de Saint-Phalle, Gerard Deschamps, Mimmo Rotella, and Christo. His 1960 manifesto characterized their art as affirmatively summoning â€Å"the whole of sociological reality, the common good of human activity, the large republic of our social exchanges, of our commerce in society. This movement led to a newfound interest in the human figure, which seemingly disappeared during the popularity of abstract expressionism and minimalism. To this group any image could be incorporated into the art of the new realists. They had a similar goal as the makers of installations—to bring the world of art closer and more applicable to real life. Therefore they tended toward realistic artwork. In the field of figurative art, they often focused on outside objects of the figure for identification, in an attempt to avoid the â€Å"traps of figurative art:† petty bourgeois and Stalinist social realism. These artists also began a more collective attitude towards art, sometimes making works in collaboration with each other, with the intent of displaying the works anonymously. This massive new development in three dimensional work is partially due to the photograph making the realistic image somewhat obsolete, and thus at the beginning of the century an urgency of abstracted and eventually non representative work began to develop. Later on, abstract expressionism pushed boundaries even further to challenge the process of making art. By the time the sixties come around, artists are on the edge of these two frontiers, and some manage to push the boundaries even further, exploring the process more through building installations out of anything and making sculpture from scrap. Others, however, feel a drought in the art world and call for a new, innovative way to display the real. All in all, disinterest in realistic images and a thirst for exploration are what mark the midcentury three dimensional art scenes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

IKEA’s Marketing Strategy Essay

One thing that makes IKEA becoming the best known global furniture retailer in the world is its marketing strategy. IKEA is a strong ban and many people across the globe think of IKEA when they thought about furniture. The key success of marketing strategy is IKEA’s standardization. IKEA stores around the world look alike and they all contain core value of organization’s culture. It looks and operates the same in every market markets. However, IKEA stores have to adapt to local markets. First standard is the most important standard. IKEA has had as a guiding principle to work in the same way and be seen in the same way in every country it operates. IKEA strategy is to keep the price low and attractive for as many people as possible. This marketing strategy is called merchandise; the product range and the prices of the products. The price should be the same in every market. Prices on products are supposed to be considered low compare to what consumers find in another store. IKEA aims deliver high value at low price. Location of the store usually locates at the outskirt of the city. The reason is that the consumer who buy furniture usually use personal car as a transportation (consumers using public transportation are rarely seen). The designs of stores are supposed to look basically the same in important dimensions: signage, display, store layout and design, and colors. They should contain Swedish identity such as the color of Swedish flag; blue and yellow. The purpose is to give the same shopping experience regardless of where the store is located. Still different stores adjust the room-settings they use to fit the local housing and living conditions, rather than an original setting. For example; room adjustment in IKEA Japan would be small and its furniture will considered for limited space, unlike IKEA store in Europe where housing has more space. It also adapts its design to impress local market as well. Service levels are similar around the world with staffing about the same everywhere. The number of employee in each level should be the same everywhere in the world. IKEA presents unique strategy. IKEA concept is to have the low prices you as a consumer pays a price which if consumer wants to pay lowest price; consumer has to pick things up in the  store, carries to your car, takes home and assembles yourself. Nevertheless, IKEA also offers delivery service.1 Another important strategy is public relation. The best known channel is the IKEA Catalog, which is developed by IKEA Communications in Älmhult, Sweden. It is produced in 38 different editions, in 17 languages for 28 countries. All this adjustment is made from a standardized base (same products, same overall info etc) meaning that country/region adjustments are really fairly small. Other important channels are IKEA websites, publications, and brochures.2 IKEA has adapted its product and design to fit in many market. Nevertheless the key success of IKEA is its standard and core value. This makes people reco gnize IKEA. Even though many new competitors try to copy IKEA or compete with it. IKEA manges to maintain its competitive difference and advantage. Its brand still strong in house retailer business.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Endeca Technologies Essay

Executive Summary Endeca Technologies is a software company that established by Steve Papa on September 4th 2001. In the case, the company is currently looking for a Series C round funding to reduce the expected pre-money valuation multiple times because of the NASDAQ had fallen. In the end, the company got a rough pre-money valuation of $25M. At this time, there are two different term sheets that each of them contains some pros and cons putting in front of Papa to let him choose. Overall, Papa should choose the first term sheet because the benefits in that term sheet are more than the second term sheet, and at the same time it has less cons. Does Endeca look like a good investment at this time? Overall, Endeca looks like a risky choice for investors to invest. Since Endeca is a technology software company, this industry is very competitive and intensive; everyday there are new firms emerge in this industry with new technologies and ideas. At the beginning, Endeca planed to make a Series C round funding in around November and Decemeber in 2000. However, because of the NASDAQ was falling, the CEO Papa realized that raising funding at that time was vey hard. Thus, Papa extended the funds from Series B to an extra six months. Papa’s action gave many other firms to have the chances to catch up and build up their technologies and management strategies. Thus after this six-months delay, Endeca needs to put in more effort to gain back its market status. What are the motivations for BVP and Venrock? Ampersand? Bessemer Venture Partners and Venrock invested in the second round on Endeca. Because Papa had connections with Venrock, where he had served a summer internship while at HBS. Papa and Venrock built the good relationship at that time, thus Venrock is willing to invest in Endeca, which is his motivation to invest in the firm. Ampersand is a new potentially company that will invest in Endeca in Series C. This is a very diversified company and so far they didn’t invest in any technology company similar to Endeca  yet. First, because Ampersand never invested in any firm in this industry yet, as a diversified investing firm, they are willing to take the chance to try new thing to invest on Endeca. Secondly, Ampersand has a long-standing connection to Endeca’s top management team, which is also Ampersand’s motivation to invest in Endeca. How has the CEO handled the C round? Would you do anything different? The CEO Papa hasn’t handled the Series C round well due to many different reasons. First, as mentioned before, because at that time the NASDAQ was falling, in order to avoid the bad investment situation and wished the market will get better again, Papa stretched the Series B investment for an extra six months. However, this turned out to be a bad decision. The fact is that the market didn’t improve later and the company was having difficult to get the term sheet from investors. Secondly, even though fortunately Papa got two term sheets in the end, what he did wrong was that he made a verbal commitment to the insider-led and a potential client DGSCP says that one offer is better than the other one. If in the end Papa choose the other offer, he might be risky on breaking his words in front of DGSCP and losing business with them. If I were responsible for handling the C round, I would definitely do things differently. First of all, I would not delay the Series C round investment. I think investment funds are extremely important on doing a business; it is always better to prepare for enough funding rather than need it but cannot get the money. In addition, I would not bring the insider-led and the potential client DGSCP into the deal to give any verbal commitment before I made my decision. Provide a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of the two term sheets. Which is more favorable to Endeca? Evaluate the two term sheets both financially (in terms of value) and non-financially (other terms.) Which provides them with a higher probability of survival and success? First Term Sheet Pros Cons Many investors who invested before, easier for the transition Barely dilutes Venrock Original Price equals to Liquidation Preference Made verbal commitment before Potential client DGSCP involved Lower price per share, $0.985/share Less Capital Low valuation Second Term Sheet Pros Cons Higher Price per share, $1.25/share More capital Bring in new investors, new opportunity Lose Anger Series B investors and DGSCP in the C round More complicated because of new investors Ampersand doesn’t have much experience in investing this industry Accrued dividends and redemption rights As the chief representative for Endeca’s shareholders, which deal should recommend to the Board? Why? As the chief representative for Endeca’s shareholders, I think Papa should choose the first term sheet. According to the analysis above, the first term  sheet has more benefits over the second term sheet and less cons compared to the second term sheet. The only thing I concern about the first term sheet is the capital is less than the second term sheet. However, in reality the capital that the second term sheet provided is still far from what Papa initially wanted for Series C. Most importantly, because Papa made the verbal commitment with the potential DGSCP client that he would choose the first term sheet, consider the future cooperation and business that Papa would probably do with DGSCP, I think it is a wise choice to choose the first one at this point.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legal Environment of Business2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal Environment of Business2 - Essay Example Laws relating to equal pay are violated. However, the employer may take advantage of the provisions of Equal Pay Act to justify his action. These provisions allow for varied compensation if the employees are of different productivity under the same working conditions. Nesser is likely to win the case against the Airline. This is because, the Airline’s refusal for Nesser to work from home shows that the Airline only needs his services when he is perfect health condition. Employment laws do not allow this kind of treatment when employees fall ill in their line of duty. Failure to include all the required information was a breach of the requirements that govern securities. The experienced scenario resulted from the actions of the outside entities and thus security laws were violated, specifically contract law. However, the outside entities have a defense since what unfolded was not intentional. Pearl cannot require the bank to make good on the check since it has already been identified that Sharpe’s account does not have sufficient funds. The bank can only make good out of the transaction if Sharpe makes the substantial deposit she had promised to make. Franklin is entitled to the credit as he demands. This is because, he expressed his concern to have payments ceased on an issued check. The cashier notified the other tellers about Franklin’s directive. If no attention was paid by the teller who made the payment, it is the teller and the bank that are liable to the mistake and not

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Probability for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Probability for Managers - Essay Example The growing uncertainties under which managers must function, is a feature of the conventional environment (Daum, 2004). The aspect of uncertainty is exacerbated by information overload. Studies confirm that the information available to managers exceeds human capacity to process and to use such information. This makes for very difficult operating systems for managers. A third aspect of management practice is that most processes involve groups and teams. Even where final authority rests with an individual, the varying capabilities of managers to focus and to absorb information, requires that a common platform is created, so that each participant can express his or her views. Dissent is often the result of opposing parties basing their opinions on different scenarios, which they think is probable. Scientific application of probability theories has therefore a watershed role in building common understanding, if not consensus in teams that run firms. Formal probability techniques have been used in research functions of firms for a long time. Market Research, Clinical Trials and all other experiments to study the safety and efficacy performances of new products, use probability methodology. Random number generation and use, sampling, determination of significance and confidence levels all depend on probability science. Managers who are not formally trained in mathematics, or who do not remember their academics, may use outputs stated in qualitative terms for their decisions. This can lead to critical matters being effectively delegated to specialists who understand mathematics. Many examples of such distortion can be found in the high-profile pharmaceutical industry. Products have been released for the market, though research showed the probabilities of side-effects and adverse events. Managers in the concerned firms, regulators and doctors have all been victims of their ignorance of probability science, in taking decisions that were to subsequently cost consumers dearly! This trend will continue as technology takes us in to fields with multiple outcomes. It highlights the need for modern managements to fully understand the conclusions of formal probability methods. Insurance is another traditional field for the use of probability (Matthew & Stewart, 1999, p 2). The industry that provides cover against premiums depends on probability theories in large measure for their sustained probability, as indeed do all bookmakers involved in structured and informal gambling operations of all kinds. Firms with large capital assets often invest in internal positions, using specialists to determine their insurance policies and practices. Product liability is often determined in companies by people without adequate grounding in the mathematics of probability: under provision for related claims is often the result. All products and services that have potential implications for human safety and in terms of environmental impacts need the systematic and continuous application of established and proven probability techniques, for appropriate decision making. Stock valuation and its future course have emerged as industries in their own rights with the development of bourses world wide and the spread of the financial services and merchant banking sectors. Mutual funds also depend almost entirely on future estimates of market capitalization. Forecasts of scrip values started with simple regression and

Globalisation , the World Economy and MNE's mini essay

Globalisation , the World Economy and MNE's mini - Essay Example However, a host country needs to have a minimum absorptive capacity and the ability to link these investments with domestic enterprises (Ruane & Gorg, 1998). FDI policies affect both potential and existing foreign investments either directly or indirectly. The host country justifiably sets its policies based on information, business failure, and intervention (Lall, 2000; Moran, 1998). Some of the policies include: A government should efficiently analyse and evaluate international firms before they invest in the country. Screening aids in identifying the purpose of the firm and the validity of its actions. Secondly, in ownership restraints, the host state decides to exclude foreign investors from certain parts of the economy (Hill, 2011). Exclusion based on the grounds of healthy competition and national security. For example, India implemented certain foreign ownership policies, which governed the retail sector since foreign traders almost put local supermarkets out of business (Mukherjee, 2005). Finally, performance requirements enable a country to optimize FDI benefits and minimize on the costs employed to the host country. Operational policies assist in controlling the activities of foreign companies in the host country. Governments implement operational activities through site restrictions, export requirements and persistence on partial ‘local content.’ Based on location policies, the state needs foreign investors to lay foundation in regions where they provide labour market. Secondly, based on the industrial activities, firms should locate to regions where they will not disrupt other forms of infrastructure or cause harm to the inhabitants. Export policies aim at managing foreign company exports mainly to create a balance between it and the domestic export (Moran, 2005). States implement export regulations through taxation policies. It also permits the exportation of only a set

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Middle Class Societies Of America And England Essay

Middle Class Societies Of America And England - Essay Example Therefore Roosevelt became the first president to support the labor and assigned the government a direct role and duty to all the people. The new women's colleges were opened and there the female reformers were educated. These females who were white middle class young women handled the "problem " of Immigrant, who constituted "dark skinned" Italians, peasant Jews and immigrants from southeastern Europe. The middle class women were barred to possess the professional educational qualifications pursue Consumer's League, and "Americanizing" centers known as settlement houses. These organizations targeted to wipe off the corruption and vice bred by the men their career. So, the women formed into groups and had built themselves as associations to take active part in the public life. Some of the associations are Women's Trade Union League, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and the National. The women succeeded in their campaign to get the right to vote. But their battle of suffrage lasted for as long as from 1848 to 1920, in the year 1920 nineteenth amendment granted 26 million women, half of the nations population, the right to vote. The Fourteenth Amendment sanctioned the citizenship to the blacks. The Civil Rights Law of the 1960s was stepping stone for those who fought for America's promise of equal rights for all. The movement of women, for suffrage began at Seneca Falls. The American Society challenged severely the efforts of women that they cannot cross the threshold of men. But as the situation prolonged, the women got educated, and their movement turned out to be a respectable one. By 1910, the movement developed into a mass movement. In England too it was the same condition, the women were aggressive to sweep out their miseries and were carrying their movement for fundamental rights. In both the nations, by 1919, the Amendment Act was passed for women granting their right to vote. Detroit, the city was known as the "arsenal of Democracy" during the Second World War. The city of Detroit required a large number of labor who came from Africa. They were not given accommodation and like this the riots erupted which turned to be the bloodiest in the history of he nation. This racial conflict has begun very long past in 1863 and lasted till 1941. The racial riots have a long history in Detroit. There were about 200,000 black labors, constricted to sixty square blocks and compelled to live under dreadful sanitary conditions. Awfully the place was named as Paradise Valley while it was a hell for the inhabitants. There was an integrated amusement park. It was known as Belle Isle. This was the place where the Detroit riots began at this particular spot. The rumors still aggravated the situation and mainly because of the police sergeant spread some rumors regarding a women and her baby over the Belle Isle bridge, the black retaliated, looted, destroyed white owned stores, white skinned people were attacked without discrimination. Similar way white also retaliated in the same way. The situation continued without any holds, Detroit became practically a hellhole until Mayor Edward J. Jeffries called more than six thousand federal army troops was stationed throughout the Detroit city. Practically Detroit city was shutdown, streets deserted, schools deserted, no

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business Process and Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Process and Systems - Research Paper Example NBK is one of the most successful banks in Kuwait and since they started in the banking industry and they became more experienced in it than other banks. They can be found everywhere around the country, so everyone can reach them when they need to and their Headquarter is located in Sharq. Their website helps their customers to get some of the things that they want such as transferring money between accounts even if the accounts are not owned by NBK. Since the bank is private and owned by shareholders it is classified as an investment for the bank, they also help individuals to invest their money in trust funds in profitable way. The bank gives loans to both companies and individuals to help them with what they need and they get interest rate in when the loan is paid off. They give sponsorships to some practical activities as a marketing way for the bank. There is a variety of offers that they provide to attract and avoid losing customers. Some of the offers they provide are Alwaha m aster card which gives customers mileage each time they purchase something with it and they can use those mileage to go anywhere they like around the world in Kuwait airlines. Another offer is people that have bank accounts with NBK they get half price on movies tickets during the weekends. There is also fifteen percent discount for New Smile dental clinic. The bank strategic plan is to maintain strong position against their rivals in the banking industry specially in Islamic banking segment and to increase their relationship both in Kuwait and around the world. Securing resources is a priority for the bank such resources are investors, cash, and interest rates. Investors help the bank to get its capital and return equity to them as well as profits depending the number of shares each investor has in the bank. On the other hand, cash is an important resource for the bank since it is

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Rape of Lucrece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Rape of Lucrece - Essay Example The first stanzas of the poem acknowledge how poetic rhetoric is used in the work to repress praise and violence. Generally the poem highlights the rhetoric behind sexual violence especially in the American culture today which sometimes tends to be hipped with ironical praises. In the rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman, Lucrece has the confidence to speak after the rape incidence. This incidence limits her ability to celebrate her life sacrifice by acting precisely (Fineman 170). At this juncture, we do not believe the performers. Someone who has been robbed off her innocence will be understood better if she is presented quite, worried and in a state of shock which is contrary to the rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman. In addition, Lucrece’s suicide is cast as the only way women can intervene politically (Fineman 171). Once someone has committed suicide, she will be gone forever, how can this same person come back to enjoy the political favors sought after. The rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman’s performance is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay Example for Free

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay 20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors One in seven Medicare patients in hospitals experience a medical error. But medical errors can occur anywhere in the health care system: In hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment, or lab reports. They can happen during even the most routine tasks, such as when a hospital patient on a salt-free diet is given a high-salt meal. Most errors result from problems created by today’s complex health care system. But errors also happen when doctors* and patients have problems communicating. These tips tell what you can do to get safer care. What You Can Do to Stay Safe The best way you can help to prevent errors is to be an active member of your health care team. That means taking part in every decision about your health care. Research shows that patients who are more involved with their care tend to get better results. Medicines 1 Make sure that all of your doctors know about every medicine you are taking. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, such as vitamins and herbs. 2 Bring all of your medicines and supplements to your doctor visits. â€Å"Brown bagging† your medicines can help you and your doctor talk about them and find out if there are any problems. It can also help your doctor keep your records up to date and help you get better quality care. 3 Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies and adverse reactions you have had to medicines. This can help you to avoid getting a medicine that could harm you. 4 When your doctor writes a prescription for you, make sure you can read it. If you cannot read your doctor’s handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. PATIENT SAFETY *The term â€Å"doctor† is used in this flier to refer to the person who helps you manage your health care. 2 5 Ask for information about your medicines in terms you can understand—both when your medicines are prescribed and when you get them: What is the medicine for? How am I supposed to take it and for how long? What side effects are likely? What do I do if they occur? Is this medicine safe to take with other medicines or dietary supplements I am taking? What food, drink, or activities should I avoid while taking this medicine? 6 When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed? 7 If you have any questions about the directions on your medicine labels, ask. Medicine labels can be hard to understand. For example, ask if â€Å"four times daily† means taking a dose every 6 hours around the clock or just during regular waking hours. 8 Ask your pharmacist for the best device to measure your liquid medicine. For example, many people use household teaspoons, which often do not hold a true teaspoon of liquid. Special devices, like marked syringes, help people measure the right dose. 9 Ask for written information about the side effects your medicine could cause. If you know what might happen, you will be better prepared if it does or if something unexpected happens. Hospital Stays 10 If you are in a hospital, consider asking all health care workers who will touch you whether they have washed their hands. Handwashing can prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. 11 When you are being discharged from the hospital, ask your doctor to explain the treatment plan you will follow at home. This includes learning about your new medicines, making sure you know when to schedule follow-up appointments, and finding out when you can get back to your regular activities. It is important to know whether or not you should keep taking the medicines you were taking before your hospital stay. Getting clear instructions may help prevent an unexpected return trip to the hospital. 3 Surgery 12 If you are having surgery, make sure that you, your doctor, and your surgeon all agree on exactly what will be done. Having surgery at the wrong site (for example, operating on the left knee instead of the right) is rare. But even once is too often. The good news is that wrong-site surgery is 100 percent preventable. Surgeons are expected to sign their initials directly on the site to be operated on before the surgery. 13 If you have a choice, choose a hospital where many patients have had the procedure or surgery you need. Research shows that patients tend to have better results when they are treated in hospitals that have a great deal of experience with their condition. Other Steps 14 Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You have a right to question anyone who is involved with your care. 15 Make sure that someone, such as your primary care doctor, coordinates your care. This is especially important if you have many health problems or are in the hospital. 16 Make sure that all your doctors have your important health information. Do not assume that everyone has all the information they need. 17 Ask a family member or friend to go to appointments with you. Even if you do not need help now, you might need it later. 18 Know that â€Å"more† is not always better. It is a good idea to find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help you. You could be better off without it. 19 If you have a test, do not assume that no news is good news. Ask how and when you will get the results. 20 Learn about your condition and treatments by asking your doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. For example, treatment options based on the latest scientific evidence are available from the Effective Health Care Web site (effectivehealthcare. ahrq. gov/options). Ask your doctor if your treatment is based on the latest evidence. AHRQ Pub. No. 11-0089 (Replaces AHRQ Pub. No. 00-P038) September 2011.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Online Recruitment: Advantages and Disadvantages

Online Recruitment: Advantages and Disadvantages Online recruitment uses internet to find people to jobs. Fundamentally, it is advertising vacancies on the job sites or corporate websites. At this basic level it is particularly effective at getting a greater level of response. While it may generate lots of applications than traditional print advertising, simply attracting more candidates is only the part of the job. The current state is that truly effective online recruitment can be as low as 10 percent of the top blue-chip corporate companies. The original strength power of online recruitment is when it is done properly, lie in controlling internet technology to not just attract the candidates but to deal with them also. In this sense it is also about streamlining the recruitment process, so busy human resource departments can give a good recruitment service to their colleagues in finance, marketing, sales and manufacturing and moreover it frees up more of their time for other potential tasks. A specialized software provider such as Human Resource Portal can develop bespoke application programmes for recruiters that will save their time, effort and financial resorces. They can automatically perform the pre-selection process by setting killer questions (that only top candidates could answer correctly), profiling and scoring, psychometric tests and automatic CV scans to look for key areas such as qualifications and experience What some companies and what u think of e rec-current thinking Those companies that use online job application systems, instead of traditional recruitment methods can get a greater number of applicants aged over thirties and premium quality candidates overall, according to new research. The research done by academics in Ireland and by Eastern Kentucky University in the U.S was presented a week ago at a conference of British Psychological Society.The study mainly focused at concerns that the huge rise in the use of e-recruitment practices over recent years had decreased the number of applications from older female candidates.Studies conducted over the past 4 years, the research of more 3,000 people applying for administrative posts in Irish Civil Service compared the type of population applying when the application process was was done through e-recruitment and paper based method.The survey found that the number of elder applicants (aged 30 60 years) increased with the practice of the internet selection systemThere was no change on the number of females applying for various posts but the overall quality of candidates was have improved.Number of candidates on selection tests were higher for online applicants than pre-online applicants.Results also proved that the n ew media could widen the diversity of people attracted to it, and brought into, organisations, said the BPS.The societys conference heard researchproving that employees perform better at work if they have better psychological health and if their department heads show them good commitment.The study was conducted by Professor Cary Cooper, of Lancaster University Management School and the director of Manchester-based consultancy Robertson Cooper, and included 16,000 employees aged between 16 and 60 across 15 different firms.Participants filled a questionnaire created to assess their levels of stress at workplace, rating their perceptions of work stressors, organizational commitment their health. Professor Cooper told: We found that the employees who rated their performance mostly had a better psychological health and rated their organizations for showing greater commitment to them. This shows that employers investment in the well-being of their employees is not just a moral obligation; it also pays dividends in context of productivity and profitability.The conference also heard research showing that the employees who feel strong emotional bond to the organization are most likely to be willing to recommend the organization to others and help the operation succeed.Other research, by an occupational psychologist David Sharpley, was based on a survey of more than thousand people working in a local government.Main aspects of the management behaviour, along with the perception that the organization supported employees development, were found to have been critical in creating a strong emotional bond sense of engagement.Employees who felt that they were performing meaningful work, and who were clear about the role they were fulfilling were most likely to be higjly motivated.Employee engagement has a direct effect on the productivity, so it is important for the managers to understand the factors that help us to build engagement the barriers that stifle it, said Sharpley.This study conveys that how important it is that people should know what they are doing, why they are doing it should feel that their personal development is supported by their management, he added. PRACTICE OF E-RECRUITMENT. There has been a huge increase in e-recruitment as compared to as before. Since middle of 2006 in the UK, E-recruitment have increased more than 40% from the previous year. While the trend for online recruitment has been expanding. Over half of the respondents agree that the quality of online applications is very hit and miss. (26.1%) disagree with this statement, which suggest that online recruitment is a better strategy for omly certain roles. Although there is a trend in favour of online recruitment, the results show that there is still a high level of constrains with regard to the ability of online recruitment to attract high quality and diverse candidates. Most of the organizations clearly have a long way to go in developing an online recruitment strategy. While there has certainly been a shift in recruitment and assessment being done online,ourresults suggest that online is only a single aspect of resourcing strategy and a mixed strategy with a mix of media is still proving mos t effective. Current state of Online Recruitment System The numbers of e-recruitment sites seem to multiplying day by day as it is facilitating the recruitment process in more than one ways. Initially, it was observed that this process was embraced by big IT firms but now, it is becoming the part of every organization in business world. The advantages and disadvantages of online recruitment The advantages of online recruitment Cost effective Pasting a job vacancy on your own company website does not cost you anything, while putting on a job board usually costs a couple of hundred pounds . When you consider that a recruitment consultant fee for a candidate could be anything up to 20% of the first years salary, and that advertising in a national newspaper can cost thousands, you can immediately see the cost savings with online recruitment. Online recruitment is quick A job vacancy can be put on a job site in the morning, the first applications arrive by lunchtime, and a candidate is interviewed by end of the day. Of course It isnt often like this. But the fact that such things happen quickly gives us an indication of just how quick E-recruitment can be. Online recruitment gives you a better chance of success Traditional print advertising whether national, local or trade press faces limitations: the success of a vacancy advertisement depends on people looking upon the ad on a particular page and in a particular issue. Online recruitment is completely different. A job vacancy advertisement on a website is there 24 X 7 ,for as long as you desire. Candidates can come back to it again and again. From office administrator to Financial Director: they are all online. Online recruitment gives you a bigger audience Many people who are new to online recruitment think that using job sites is only effective if you are looking for young net-savvy Facebook-type people. This simply isnt the case. Research consistently shows that the average age of candidates using job sites is around 35 years old.Online recruitment is now a standard part of most peoples job hunting regardless of the age. Online recruitment is easy Posting a job on your own site is easy enough. Most of the job sites and CV databases are very user-friendly and you dont need to have vast knowledge of IT to post a vacancy advertisement. Usually, all you need is your job description, a bit of time and a credit card. And, if you have any problems the job board sales team to help you.   The disadvantages of online recruitment Too many candidates It is a fact that dealing with irrelevant and bad candidates is the main problem of a HR manager. Spam candidates can waste lot of time. However, with a bit of thought about what job site you use, how you write your job description and using candidate screening and filtering tools on job boards, it is possible to reduce the number of irrelevant applicants. It wont always work Online recruitment doesnt work every time. Every job vacancy cannot be posted or filled online. There will always be difficult-to-fill jobs that can only be filled  by recruitment consultants, headhunters or in other ways. However, most companies tend to hire for pretty standard job roles so this is seldom an issue. And with more and more job seekers choosing the internet to look for jobs, and more and more job sites and job boards specializing in ever more diverse areas, those difficult-to-fill jobs are becoming less day by day.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Maya Angelou as a Caged Bird Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Maya Angelou as a Caged Bird    The graduation scene from I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings illustrates how, living in the midst of racism and unequal access to opportunity, Maya Angelou was able to surmount the obstacles that stood in her way of intellectual develop and find "higher ground."   One of the largest factors responsible for Angelou's academic success was her dedication to and capacity for hard work, "My work alone has awarded me a top place...No absences, no tardinesses, and my academic work was among the best of the year" (Angelou   13-14).   Angelou worked hard and read a great deal in order to be able to perform on such a level, in spite of the fact that she had much less access (or none) to the quality of teachers, school environment and other resources available to whites because of her color.   Another way Angelou surmounted the disadvantages of being black in a racist white controlled school district was to view her brother as a role model.   She is proud that she can recite the preamble to the Constitution faster than Bailey, she is proud he will see her graduate at the top of her class, and he provides her with literature which fuels her desire to read.   Maya also used other students in her class who were intelligent as role models and a measure stick of her own performance.   She admires the class valedictorian, Henry Reed, because he has been her most challenging academic competition among her peers.   However, another reason Angelou is able to overcome obstacles and reach higher ground is that she is not jealous or mean-spirited about academically competing with others.   Instead, she is happy that others are developing towards higher ground.   As she says about Henry, "I had admired him for years because e... ...race" (Angelou   21).   Angelou knows she would let down all those who have struggled and given her encouragement if she did not rise above the limitations of her own time and place. WORK   CITED Angelou, M.   I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.   In Eastman, A. M.   The Norton Anthology of Expository Prose.   (3rd edit.)   W.W. Norton & Co., NY:   1973. The student may wish to begin the paper with the following quote: I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings liberates the reader into life simply because Maya Angelou confronts her own life with such moving wonder, such a luminous dignity.   I have no words for this achievement, but I know that not since the days of my childhood, when the people in books were more real than the people one saw every day, have I found myself so moved.   Her portrait is a Biblical study of life in the midst of death.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   James Baldwin

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Winter Oak :: essays research papers

1.a) Our gut reaction to Winter Oak is that it had a lot of meaning, but was dull and tedious. Some words and phrases we used to relate our thoughts on the story are as follows: - Boring. - Monotonous. - No real conflict. - No feeling. - No real plot. - Didn’t invoke a strong reaction. - There was a definite lesson to be learned. 1.b) Yuri Nagibin used different devices to evoke various reactions in us, some of these were: The dialogue; it was concise yet boring but realistic for example, when Anna Vasilyevna was trying to teach the children their nouns. "A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object. In grammar an†¦" (Nagibin 59). Much of this dialogue is unnecessary; we the reader understands what goes on in the classroom, and two pages are not needed to establish nouns. Also, through dialogue Anna proved to be a snob. "’Good morning Anna Vasilyevna!’ Frolov raised his fur hat above his solid, close-cropped head. ‘what are you doing! Put it back on it’s freezing!’ Frolov probably wanted to pull his fur over his eyes himself†¦" (Nagibin 58). Anna feels as though she is high and mighty, and will not even acknowledge Frolov’s attempt of respect towards her. There were very powerful images present in the forest, such as the gigantic winter oak. The image of Savushkin standing in front of the Winter Oak, in utter awe of its splendo r and Anna Vasilyevna realizing the beauty of the winter oak appeals to the sight, because it is easy to picture in our minds. stood an oak as enormous and magnificent as a cathedral. The trees seemed to part respectfully to allow their older companion to spread out in full force. Its lower branches stretched out in a tent over the clearing. The snow had filled the deep crevices of the bark, and the trunk, which was so wide that it would have taken three men to get their arms around it, looked as if it were shot through with silver thread. It had hardly shed any of its foliage which had dried up during the fall; the oak was covered with snow-capped leaves to the very top. (Nagibin 65) We experienced an unexpected plot twist when the stern Anna Vasilyevna went into the forest, and understood Savushkin’s point of view about the winter oak, and why he was late everyday. "’My God!’ Anna Vasilyevna thought painfully.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Starbucks Essay -- Business, Supply Chain, Coffee Company

In a supply chain, distribution means the steps required to move and store a product from supplier stage to customer stage. It is an important driver for overall profitability of a company because it affects both the supply chain cost and the customer experience directly. (Chopra and Meindl, 2010, p68) A typical distribution network of coffee distribution system is like this (Starbucks Coffee Company, p22): In order to enforce its exacting coffee standards, Starbucks tries its best to control the whole supply chain. The company works with growers in various countries to purchase green coffee beans, oversees the custom-roasting process for the company's various blends and single-origin coffees, and controls the distribution to retail stores in the U.S. and around the world. Starbucks engages in a wide range of distribution including partnership, its company-owned stores and licensed products. Since Starbucks is a well-known brand, they use the third party relationships to attract other companies and expand their business. While licensed product part is not a large portion of the company’s revenues (4% in 2008), these items are an integral part of familiarizing customers with the Starbucks name and developing brand loyalty. (Crowe Remle, 2010) Starbucks not only sells coffee and some simple food to consumers, it also sells beans and ground coffee to businesses such as airlines, supermarkets, department stores, and ice-cream makers. In a complex distribution network, information technology helps a lot. Starbucks successfully integrates all sources of demand and matches it with the supply by using Oracle’s automated information system for manufacturing (GEMMS). The GEMMS system handles distribution planning, manufacturing scheduli... ...rbucks locations in 14 markets including Thailand, Korea, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. (Starbucks entry into China, p12). Starbucks also has a partnership with the Chinese government and local universities to grow coffee in Yunnan province. (Starbucks entry into China, p13) Starbucks also has its first entry into European coffee market. Starbucks has a partnership with Arla Foods as its licensed partner to manufacture, distribute and market the premium ice coffee products for supermarkets, convenience stores as well as Starbucks’ own coffee shops in Europe. Arla Food is one of the largest dairy companies in Europe and provides a highly developed distribution network for ready-to-drink products on key markets for Starbucks in Europe. As we see, Starbucks expands their distribution network by building up partner relationship with other organizations overseas.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Strengths Of Animation And Its Technology Art Essay

â€Å" It can sometimes look that CG life regards the production of a plausible and photo-realistic human figure as its sanctum grail. Such a pursuit, nevertheless, misunderstands the existent strengths of life and of its engineering. † Evaluate this statement in the context of a individual illustration from animated movie or a digital game. You must do close mention to both primary and secondary beginnings. The quest for pragmatism in Computer artworks has been the ultimate award for creative persons and coders. These originative people have been endeavoring for over 20 old ages to bring forth realistic practical characters and universes. The art of Computer life has been a pursuit for pragmatism. I have decided to concentrate on a expression at the movie â€Å" Concluding Fantasy: The Liquors Within † and its effects on itself and the industry. The branchings of which are still felt today. Concluding Fantasy: The Spirits within was the first CGI ( computing machine generated image ) movie having simulated human existences. The star of the film is a character created called Dr. Aki Ross, a female Doctor/heroine who has dreams about foreigners and the terminal of the universe. She is a scientist who is seeking to work out how to humanly take ghost-like foreigners called â€Å" apparitions † that have been terrorizing the planet since an asteroid crashed into the Earth. The realistic return on this character was that of a sexy immature female physician – presumptively to lure the usual male videogame demographics of 18-35. An illustration of this was her organic structure was placed on provocative show for readers of the work forces ‘s magazine, Maxim, two months before Final Fantasy ‘s American premiere in the summer of 2001. Looking curiously guiltless in her twine Bikini, Aki addresses the spectator with the same quiet regard she maintains throughout the movie. ( Wikipedia, 2006 ) The movie and the character attempt to play off the frequently popular Asiatic subjects in Western America such as Manga yet seek to lure both Manga fans and western society by understating their divergences from the dominant Hollywood manner in order to appeal to the widest, most â€Å" planetary † audience possible. Yet overall low box office and DVD gross revenues clearly demonstrate the inability of uniting these manners while bring forthing a ‘live-action ‘ CG animated characteristic. ( BoxOfficeMojo, 2006 ) The most interesting thing to audiences and critics was the chief merchandising point of Final Fantasy. It was the first CGI movie to incorporate near-to-photorealistic or â€Å" Hyper Realistic † histrions and actresses ( McCarthy, Variety Online, par. 6 ) . â€Å" One of the things that helped Sid with his pragmatism is the sum of item they were able to add to his tegument † Says Animation Director Andy Jones. â€Å" Adding more item, more age musca volitanss, more material like that makes characters look even more existent. That ‘s one of the grounds that Aki was one of the most hard characters to do expression existent. We could n't set a batch of age musca volitanss and things on her because we needed to maintain her skin clean and attractive † ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, pg 147 ) Using a computing machine plan called Maya, the scenes were created, blocked-out and shooting with practical cameras, which could be moved about and used like existent cameras. â€Å" On top of everything else, we ‘re besides required to imitate a real-life camera and do the whole show look like it was really shot through a existent lens † – Compositing Supervisor James Rogers â€Å" Some times we have to screen of dirty things up a small to do them look existent. It ‘s sort of Ironic. † ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, pg 208 ) Once the storyboards and animatic had been produced, the gesture gaining control squad took over and changeable many histrions executing stunts and normal human motion. Harmonizing to the life manager Andy Jones, energizers debated on what made a character more ‘human like ‘ – the manner it moved, or the manner it looked visually. They eventually decided to concentrate on the expression, peculiarly the facial country and appendages. â€Å" We gave her lentigos, but it was hard. We fought to acquire those in at that place. It was a conflict between seeking to do her expression existent and maintaining her beauty. In a unrecorded action movie they cover up a batch of blemished. So where do we pull the line every bit far as world is concerned? We were merely seeking to add item to do the characters more existent † ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, pg 147 ) Besides, due to Director Sakaguchi ‘s fancy for elaborate and elaborate storyboarding, the staff seemed to pay more attending to the item of the characters through expression and visual aspect instead than through their duologue and narrative. â€Å" The best analogy that I can believe of is when Walk Disney did Snow White. Snow White was the first all-colour, full length sketch, and everybody thought he was brainsick. He could hold gone out and hired a existent actress and got some small people to play the midget ; but he felt really strongly that there was a better was to state that peculiar narrative. † ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, Chris Lee pg8 ) One concern with the visuals, was the drawn-out usage of gesture gaining control, which accounted for over 90 % of the chief character ‘s organic structure motions used in the film. For Final Fantasy each performing artist wore around 35 markers on skintight suits. Motion gaining control can be so sensitive, that it can capture the bodily niceties of performing artists even when they were still. Nuances that were hard to inspire by manus, but easy to enter through the gesture gaining control procedure. Once the public presentations were captured, energizers could work on honing the visual aspect and motion of the characters ‘ organic structures and faces and later, of their tegument and hair. Last but surely non least, the originative squad constructed ocular environments ; sets, props, ‘phantom ‘ foreigners, illuming and particular effects for their new semisynthetic stars. The consequence is a film that looks and feels someplace between life and unrecorded movie. Sakaguchi, Square Co. vice-president and head designer of Final Fantasy, sums it up in the undermentioned manner: â€Å" We ‘ve created characters that no longer experience blatantly computing machine generated. If we press on, we can accomplish the world degree of a live-action movie, but I sort of like where we are now. It ‘s non anime ; it ‘s non unrecorded action. It ‘s something people have ne'er seen before † ( Time 31 July 2000 par. 7 ) . However, one of the taking people in CG life, John Lasseter from the enormously successful Pixar Animation Studios, argues against the usage of ‘live action ‘ CG pragmatism in alive movies. â€Å" It ‘s really of import for us to hold a movie that people look at on a screen and cognize, from the minute it starts, is non unrecorded action. This is a semisynthetic movie. This does non be. It ‘s farcical to seek to make ‘live action ‘ with this medium, Computer life is so complex and clip consuming. Why cause yourself and crew to endure over something you could merely hit with live-action movie? Just take a camera out and movie it. At the same clip, I like to take a universe that people know full well does n't be, and so do it as credible and realistic as we perchance can. † ( Jeff Krutti 1998, pg15 ) Sakaguchi was largely right in that CGI had non been applied to the creative activity of lead human-like histrions antecedently. However, people had seen assorted elements of CGI Realism before, in Western animated characteristics such as Pixar ‘s Toy Story ( 1995 ) and Sony ‘s Stuart Little ( 1999 ) . Even earlier plants in the ocular effects arena such as Jurassic Park ( 1993 ) , Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) , Titanic ( 1997 ) and the latest Star Wars Trilogy Parts 1-3 ( 1999-2005 ) . These are all proficient accomplishments that were hard to bring forth. â€Å" The development of hyper existent CG characters has been technically more ambitious than ab initio anticipated, and has lead us through a series of hurdlings to get the better of † – Hironobu Sakaguchi ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, pg4 ) Final Fantasy ‘s failure at the Box Office ( 2006 ) proves a instance for the ‘Uncanny Valley ‘ . What the movie ‘s shapers ab initio saw as the perfect blending of two different civilizations ( Western and Eastern ) and media ( Films and Games ) amounted in the terminal to a immense loss of money for Square Pictures. This may hold been due non merely to the videogame origins of the movie and the fact that it was computing machine animated ( all other game-based movies have been unrecorded action ) , but the controversial manner that the movie used digital life to try mimetic representations of human existences. â€Å" When people come up to me and state, ‘Final Fantasy looks so existent. Why did n't you make it with existent people? ‘ , I tell them, ‘Because this is a better manner of making it. ‘ The future belongs to those who dare, and I think that ‘s what happened here. † ( The Making of concluding phantasy, The Liquors Within 2001, Chris Lee, pg8 ) Traditional life is all about suspending incredulity and making a universe that the position understands is existent within the given context. What Final Fantasy was seeking to make was make world – something that creative persons have been seeking for decennaries utilizing other mediums. World is defined by our deficiency of ability to reproduce it. â€Å" If Aki is non every bit existent as a human actress, she is approximately every bit existent as a Playmate who has been retouched to a calendered flawlessness. † ( Ebert, Roger 2001 ) Criticism of the movie was high, in the fact that the lip-sync motions and emotions of the characters were bland at best. They about looked ‘dead ‘ which is dry sing there is a concealed characteristic located on the Final Fantasy DVD of the characters ‘playing dead ‘ dancing to their version of Michael Jackson ‘s Thriller, ( Concluding Fantasy: The Spirits Within, 2001 DVD ) . I have found that it was easier to suspend incredulity for alive films such as Toy Story 2 than for the computer-created human figures in Final Fantasy. There has non yet been another to the full rendered CGI film seeking to accomplish pragmatism in worlds. I doubt nevertheless Final Fantasy is the concluding effort.Bibliography:A Bugs Life: the art and devising of an heroic poem of illumination proportion. Jeff Krutti. Hyerpion New York. 1998 Steven L. Kent & A ; Tim Cox. 2001. The Making of Final phantasy, The Spirits Within. 1st Edition. Brady Printing

Monday, September 16, 2019

Attitude Reflects Leadership

A leader is someone who is held to high standards and is looked upon to make decisions of his or her followers. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a perfect leader because of the many attributes he demonstrated as President of the United States. He led this country through moments in history which consist of the Great Depression and World War II. There are six main qualities that define a good leader. President Franklin D. Roosevelt demonstrated such honorable qualities which brought America out of a desperate crisis changing America forever.Integrity is a quality that a leader must establish. A person with integrity has the same integrity on the outside as they do on the inside. Such an individual can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might be expeditious to do so. FDR articulated this quality when he strived to entrust the American people through his fireside chats. It was then that he confided in the American people as to the burdens during the Gr eat Depression and his plan to make a better America.Dedication is another quality that determines the value of a leader. To accomplish this, a leader will spend dedicated time and energy necessary to successfully complete the task at hand. Dedication goes beyond the call of duty of what is expected of you. FDR was composed of this quality. He always sought to help the American people by giving them a chance to get some money in their pockets and get employment to help solve the Great Depression.Roosevelt made a New Deal in which he made corporations and laws that helped give people jobs and become financially stable. An example of this was when the Works Progress Administration (WPA) employed people to do artistic, public works and research projects. This New Deal showed that FDR was dedicated to making our country one of equal opportunity and an all-around better place to live.The openness of a leader is a strong quality which attributes to listening to new ideas even if they do n ot conform to the usual way of thinking. FDR was able to suspend judgment of others and welcome their ideas. He related to other people and sympathized with the tough time of their day-to-day  lives. He understood what the American people valued and worked hard to develop new laws helping to put an end to the Great Depression.Creativity is the ability to think differently and to go outside the box to make solutions. Roosevelt was filled with this gifted quality. He always developed new solutions and laws that would contribute to not only more jobs for the people but jobs that would help the environment as well.Assertiveness is the ability to clearly state what one expects so that there will be no misunderstandings. Along with assertiveness comes the responsibility to clearly understand what followers expect from their leader. FDR clearly had this through doing things in a timely and efficient manner. FDR was the most active and proficient President in his first 100 days in office. He worked diligently on the New Deal in order to give people new jobs to recover from debt and the Great Depression. It was the strong quality of assertiveness that led the country to a clear understanding of our President’s tactics.The final quality of leader is a sense of humor which is vital to relieving tension as well as to defuse hostility, therefore, maintaining a level of harmony. Effective leaders know how to energize their followers. Humor is a form of power that provides control over the working environment. FDR had a great sense of humor always talking to people and always putting a smile on his face to let America know even in the toughest times, he can still laugh and be happy. This left people with a positive sense of hope in their President. One reporter Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is reported to have said â€Å"Roosevelt has a second class intellect but a first class personality (Bennett, 156).†The nature of the time and the obstacles a leader might fac e during FDR’s 12 years in office was a Great Depression. A time whereby most of the entire country was hurting from another World War, which people were against. This combined was a tough enough job to conquer let alone the everyday obstacles a President faces while in the White House. These times were the hardest that any US President might ever have faced. The leadership qualities that I have explained resulted in the success of our 32nd President FDR. It was these qualities that gave him the strength, character and leadership to be one of the greatest Presidents to have ever led our country. Roosevelt was a man of  sold effort and who welcomed and invited challenges.Two of his biggest challenges were the Great Depression and World War II. His divine qualities led our country out of these catastrophic events bringing America to the great country that it is today. Roosevelt ultimately saved capitalism through his economic reforms. His regulations of economic affairs intro duced the government into many areas of new life. The New Deal was the new life that was breathed into Congress which brought about new jobs and money for the people. Roosevelt’s enthusiasm for his programs led him to be a sense or peace for the people of the country. Although his New Deal was not the biggest utility to help the Great Depression, it did help psychologically by giving the American people the feeling that everything was going to be alright.It gave the people hope that our country would survive through distraught times. In 1937 an economic depression was reversed to a recession. James MacGregor Burns put it as â€Å"luck came to save FDR (Bennett, 201).† It was in fact the truth as the New Deal did not form this recession. Ultimately the war in Europe gave American business new markets, making the United States as Roosevelt puts it the â€Å"great arsenal of democracy (Updegrove, 56).† The war opened up jobs for men and women, African Americans, an d other minorities. Even though we were just giving aid to our Allies Britain and were for a policy of isolationism, it still produced more jobs because we had troops going to war and giving other Americans opportunities.On December 7, 1941 the Japanese changed that with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America declared war on the Japanese opening up even more jobs because more and more troops were being sent over to go fight for our country. During the war, Roosevelt took his role as commander in chief very seriously involving him in military planning and sometimes overriding the opinions of joint chiefs. He kept the same men at the top of the command structure from the beginning of the war to its end. His performance during the war, overall aided the war. His political awareness kept up the morale of the American people. FDR is typically portrayed as an isolationist and a belligerent being pushed into the war.A combination of him not wanting to be in the war and him wanting to be i n the war is what made this a strategic approach to the war itself. Although his actions seemed to draw the United States into deeper involvement in the war, FDR continued to pursue his goal of keeping the United States out of conflict.  Rather than dissembling, Roosevelt charted a steady and rational approach based on his strategic perspective. His approach toward the war blended the isolationist view with his desire to keep out of European conflicts with active efforts to overthrow Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regiment.Once the war started FDR wanted to influence the outcome of the war so he and his administration thought they could cause Germany to collapse themselves to lead to their demise as well as Hitler’s. FDR realized that he could not make the same mistake of Woodrow Wilson and declare the country neutral. Instead, he and deliberately pursued opportunities to aid the French and British with ammunitions, aircraft and supplies. During the late 1930s the Roosevelt admi nistration envisioned Germany’s power as extremely diminutive and its people under abuse with several years of full mobilization.These beliefs caused the outbreak of the war and these conditions were comparable to those of the First World War. In 1940, FDR predicted that â€Å"there will be a revolution in Germany itself (McPherson 226).† This prediction that helped save the American people from both the Great Depression and World War II was absolutely remarkable. Overall, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a man of integrity, dedication, openness, creativity, assertiveness, and a light sense of humor. These qualities are what made him an intelligent, respected leader of the American people. Without the guidance of President Roosevelt, United States history may have been changed.His dedication led this country out of the Great Depression and a hideous Second World War. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a true human symbol of what the United States stands for and believes in as a leader of our country. Many Presidents recite in their Presidential Inauguration Speech that they will perform their job as president to the â€Å"best of their ability (McPherson 1).† President Roosevelt did indeed perform to the best of his ability and led America out of a time of despair through his exquisite qualities of devout leadership.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Effectiveness Of The Implementation Of Performance Management

Purpose – The intent of this paper is to supply an overview of the manner the public presentation direction system is being implemented for Educators in State Secondary Schools in Mauritius, to measure its effectivity as a tool to better public presentation in secondary instruction in the populace sector and to do recommendations to policy shapers on countries necessitating betterment. Design/methodology/approach – Datas were obtained from studies of secondary school Educators in educational zone 3 of Mauritius ( n=245 ) . The research workers used chi-square trial, Pearson correlativity and factor analysis in order to measure whether the new system was carry throughing its intent and to associate apprehension of Performance Management System ( PMS ) to its effectivity in secondary schools. Findingss – The findings indicate that pedagogues in Education Zone 3 believe in the importance of the PMS to better quality of instruction. They agree that it is a good planned procedure up to the concluding assessment phase. There is a weak relationship between the sentiment of Educators on effectivity of the PMS and its really taking to school betterment. Career development programs did non organize portion of the PMS. They view the PMS as undependable to mensurate public presentation, drawn-out and clip devouring with no follow up on public presentation spreads and for developing demands of the appraised. PMS is implemented merely as another bureaucratic tool. Originality/Value – Bing the first research of its sort in the secondary instruction sector in Maurtius, this research might be of value to the Ministry of Education, every bit good as to Managers of Private Secondary Schools who wish to utilize the public presentation direction system as a tool to measure and better the public presentation of pedagogues and thereby take at ‘quality of instruction for all ‘ . Limitation – As merely secondary schools of zone 3 are in their 2nd twelvemonth of PMS, our sample was restricted to that zone merely. Cardinal words: Educators, Performance Management, Performance direction system, public presentation steps, State Secondary Schools, Mauritius.IntroductionGlobalization together with a competitory universe environment and developments in engineering have made it imperative for all sectors in the economic system to supply better services to their clients and secondary schools are no exclusion. The Government of Mauritius realized that human capital is an of import resource with which Mauritius has been endowed, and that optimal usage demands to be made of this resource in all sectors and the instruction sector was no exclusion. Being cognizant that public officers working in schools ( both primary and secondary ) need to be dynamic, proactive, vivacious, frontward looking, advanced, effectual, executing and consequences oriented, it became imperative to set in topographic point a system which would let non merely to measure the public presentation of Educators working in these schools but besides to analyse their preparation demands. In 1976, the authorities introduced free secondary instruction for one and all and in 2005, made instruction compulsory for all kids up to the age of 16 old ages. Since so, it has become the duty of the Educators working in secondary schools to bring forth citizens with the needed accomplishments and competences needed by the economic system. Bearing in head that the one-year budget for Performance Management for secondary instruction is Rs.1.2 million, it becomes imperative that authorities ensures that public financess are being decently used in order to run into the outlooks of the citizens. The vision of the Ministry of Education is ‘to provide Quality Education to All ‘ . To accomplish this vision it is of import that those who deliver the service in the instruction system execute to the best of their ability. Thus it becomes necessary non merely to measure the forces working in our secondary schools, but besides to look into their preparation demands. The PMS can let to function this double intent which was non being achieved through the present Performance Appraisal system i.e. the Confidential Reporting System in the Civil Service in Mauritius which dates back to colonial times. Confidential Reporting has been in topographic point since 1963 and amended twice since so in 1973 and 1979. However, as ment ioned above it is no longer functioning its intent due to its legion failings viz. , it is a cosmopolitan one tantrum system for all public officers, there is no engagement of the appraised and he is non made aware of his strengths and failings, therefore doing the system unjust and inconsistent, it has no yardstick to mensurate the grade of public presentation of assorted facets of the occupation as there are no fit professional criterions, all standards are assigned the same evaluation, thereby doing no difference between most of import and least of import standards, subjectiveness, prejudice and bias are ineluctable in this system of describing as it does non follow a scientific attack and the system is used merely for publicity and does non place the preparation demands of the officers in the visible radiation of ascertained public presentation. The restrictions of the Confidential Reporting System gave rise to the demand for better system whereby both valuator and appraisee would be taken on board. An effort was made to present a new public presentation assessment strategy in the mid-1990s but it failed likely due to its bad selling, which led to resistance from both Trade Unions and Public officers. Against this background, a Task Force on Performance Management was set up which created a Framework for all Departments/Ministries to follow corporate strategic planning and step accomplishment of organisational aims and divisional work marks against established public presentation indexs. The Draft Performance Management Framework stipulated that the assessment of employees should get down with a public presentation understanding based on a preset work program, continued with regular reappraisals and completed with a general reappraisal of public presentation, appraisal of development demands and acknowledgment of public presentation. In line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Performance Management, the Pay Research Bureau ( PRB ) study 2008 recommended inter alia that all Ministries/Departments should measure and reexamine sporadically their public presentation in relation to established marks ; they should follow and implement a Performance Review Scheme as an built-in portion of Performance Management on a uninterrupted footing ; and the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms should move as a coordinating Ministry, responsible to spearhead the debut of the Performance Management System and instill a Performance orientated civilization in the Public Service. Furthermore, the PRB 2008 in its study recommends that as from fiscal twelvemonth 2011-2012: ( I ) increases may be granted three months before for employees who perform beyond the acceptable criterions systematically for a period of one twelvemonth and nine months ; and ( two ) more than one increase may be granted at a spell, say two increases, for uninterrupted outstanding public presentation for three back-to-back old ages. The PMS is still in its babyhood in State Secondary Schools being introduced in the educational system merely in 2008. Mauritius is divided into four educational zones and the navigation in secondary schools was done in all schools of educational zone 3 during the twelvemonth 2009 and in this current twelvemonth they are in their 2nd PMS rhythm whereas the secondary schools of the other 3 educational zones ( 1, 2 and 4 ) are in their first PMS rhythm. It is hence of import to analyze whether all stakeholders have the necessary cognition and apprehension of the Performance Management System, the nature of the current Performance Management agreements, the Performance Management Process, the Performance Measures in order to mensurate its effectivity in State Secondary Schools in Mauritius.1.1 Knowledge and apprehension of PMSThere are legion definitions of Performance Management, from the general position, as a agency for an organisation to recognize its aspiration ( IDeA, 2001 ) to th e more specific one, aiming at single employees, directing and heightening their public presentation, therefore bettering organisational effectivity ( Williams, 2002 ) . However, the common characteristic of all definitions lies in the accomplishment of the organisations ‘s ends or aims: It is the procedure of bettering the quality and measure of work done and conveying all activity in line with an administration ‘s aims ( Bruno walters, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to the Local Government Improvement and Development, UK public presentation direction is ; taking action in response to existent public presentations to do results for users and the populace better than they would otherwise be. All these definitions merely give the intents of the Performance Management system. ( Armstrong and Baron, 2004 ) have stressed that public presentation direction is a tool to guarantee that directors manage efficaciously ; that they guarantee the people or squads they manage know and understa nd what is expected of them, have the accomplishments and ability to present on these outlooks, are supported by the organisation to develop the capacity to run into these outlooks, are given feedback on their public presentation and have the chance to discourse and lend to single and squad purposes and aims. It is besides approximately guaranting that directors themselves are cognizant of the impact of their ain behaviour on the people they manage and are encouraged to place and exhibit positive behavior. Execution of a Performance Management System will assist to obtain better consequences from persons, squads and the organisation as a whole as both valuator and appraisee understand and manage public presentation as per an agreed model for planned ends, aims, criterions and competences. This appears to be a more comprehensive definition of Performance Management as it gives all the of import phases in public presentation direction but does non speak on placing public presentation spreads and supplying the necessary professional development. ( Armstrong, 1999 ) identifies the chief extra characteristics of public presentation direction as: the engagement of all members within the organisation as spouses in the procedure, concern with inputs ( competencies and accomplishments ) every bit good as end products, based upon understandings refering answerability and duty, concern with squad public presentation every bit good as single public presentation, uninterrupted procedure and non reliant on an one-year reappraisal, personal reappraisals focus on constructive patterned advance, betterment and development, recognizes the demand for preparation and dressed ores on ‘self managed ‘ larning ‘ , feedback is every bit much spontaneous as possible and non reliant on luxuriant signifiers. ( Engelmann & A ; Roesch 1996 ) identified negative effects of ill designed and ill administered strategies as: hapless motive and ego regard because employees receive unequal feedback on their work public presentation, small o r no focussed communicating about public presentation between directors and employees ; inefficient usage of directors ‘ clip and judicial proceeding over alleged prejudiced actions.The Performance Management Procedure:Performance direction means a shared committedness to high public presentation. It helps to concentrate attending on more effectual instruction and monitoring to raise the quality of learning and to profit students, instructors and the school. It means supplying appropriate and effectual personal preparation and development to guarantee occupation satisfaction, a high degree of expertness and patterned advance of staff in their chosen profession1. Performance Management is an on-going, synergistic procedure between an employee and his/her supervisor. It involves the undermentioned phases: Pre-appraisal – Planning and holding on Performance: The valuator discusses and records precedences and aims with each of the instructors in his/her squad and discusses how advancement will be monitored through a two manner communicating between valuator and appraisee. A work program is developed and agreed upon by both parties. Mid-appraisal – Pull offing Performance: At mid term of the stage, the appraisee is called upon to transport out a self rating of the accomplishments and public presentation spreads as per the work program, following which the valuator conducts a formal interview with the appraisee to reexamine and enter advancement made on the public presentation understanding and to inform him of the countries that need betterment. Final Appraisal – Reviewing Performance. At the terminal of the one twelvemonth rhythm, the valuator reappraisal, evaluates and paperss the public presentation of the appraisee during the appraisal period. The appraisee is called upon to one time once more self evaluate his/her public presentation against the work program agreed upon during the pre-appraisal phase. The valuator carries out a concluding interview to give the appraisee specific public presentation information in respect to good public presentation and to 1. [ Online ] available at hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 13 November 2010 ] supply any pertinent suggestions for betterment, and action programs are developed in audience with both parties for lacking countries. This type of communicating and certification allows chance for an appraisede to adhere to the expected consequences for the station during the following appraisal twelvemonth.1.3 Nature of current Performance Management SystemEffective public presentation direction requires consistently determinant and pass oning what needs to be done ( purposes, aims, precedences and marks ) , a program for guaranting that it happens ( betterment, action or service programs ) , some agencies of measuring if this has been achieved ( public presentation steps ) and information making the right people at the right clip ( public presentation coverage ) so determinations are made and actions taken2. The PMS ‘s function can be classified into three chief classs: ( a ) Strategic: consist the functions of pull offing scheme execution and ambitious premises ; ( B ) Com munication: comprises the function of cheque place, following with the non negotiable parametric quantities, pass oning way, supplying feedback and benchmarking ; ( three ) Motivational: comprises the function of measuring and honoring behaviour and encouraging betterment and acquisition 1.3.1. Performance Management System in United Kingdom: Findingss of ( Andrew Brown, 2005 ) in ‘Implementing public presentation direction in England ‘s primary schools ‘ showed that considerable fluctuation exists among primary schools as to how they are implementing public presentation direction. This was due to confusion and uncertainness on the portion of all stakeholders refering the significance and intent of public presentation direction. He concludes that factors that influence the effectivity of public presentation direction in any one primary school are the extent to which: ( a ) the caput, instructors, governors and public presentation direction advisor have a common apprehension refering the significance of public presentation direction and the intents of presenting the enterprise into schools ; ( B ) all relevant stakeholder groups are suitably and sufficiently good trained to implement the enterprise ; ( degree Celsius ) the school ‘s organisational civilization is such that the determination to present a system of public presentation 2. [ Online ] available at hypertext transfer protocol: // pageId=4405770 [ Accessed on 13 November 2010 ] direction is perceived by the school ‘s caput, instructors and governors to be an appropriate and worthwhile one ; ( vitamin D ) the public presentation direction aims which the caput and instructors receive are sufficiently specific, mensurable, relevant and ambitious ; ( vitamin E ) the methods and indexs adopted to mensurate the public presentation direction aims of the caput and instructors are considered to be sufficiently varied and just ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) the construct of â€Å" overall public presentation † is sufficiently good defined, mensurable and accepted by both the valuators and appraisee ; ( g ) sufficient resources are available to implement instructors ‘ single professional development programs ; ( H ) the associated wage and wages systems are perceived to be both just and feasible. In short, England has a good established Performance system including Performance Thresholds, nevertheless, there is no consensus on whether fiscal inducements wo uld actuate instructors in advancing good instruction ( Croxson,2001 ) . 1.3.2 Performance Management System in New Zealand: Effective public presentation direction involves sharing an apprehension of what needs to be achieved and so pull offing and developing people in a manner that enables such shared aims to be achieved ( Dransfield, 2000 ) . In New Zealand, since 1997 public presentation assessment is compulsory for all instructors who are appraised against nine Professional Standards which include: professional cognition, professional development, learning techniques, pupil direction, motive of pupils, publicity of Te Reo Maori linguistic communication, effectual communicating, support for and cooperation with co-workers and part to wider school activities. These professional criterions aid to guarantee that employer and direction outlooks are clear and consistent across each school. Based on these criterions public presentation indexs are developed which require the school to place cardinal facets of public presentation ( that can be verified ) , fi nd what information is needed to measure public presentation against each of the professional criterions, make up one's mind how public presentation is to be assessed ( the appraisal method/s ) , design methods for roll uping the public presentation information. Performance indexs are reviewed from clip to clip to guarantee they are still relevant and appropriate. The public presentation assessment is carried out which focuses on the nine professional criterions and leads to a written appraisal study for treatment and audience with the instructor. This public presentation assessment includes readying of a statement of aims which are discussed and agreed upon at the beginning of the public presentation direction rhythm. Then there is an interim assessment, the intent of which is to supervise advancement against professional criterions and to foreground success and turn to any concerns. It besides provides an chance to discourse and enter any alteration to the agreed public presentati on outlooks. The reappraisal may affect observation of instruction, an interview and readying of an interim study. The following phase is the Final Appraisal whereby the valuator and appraisee meet to discourse the instructor ‘s public presentation over the twelvemonth based on professional criterions and indexs. The valuator informs the appraisee of the accomplishments and discusses what needs to be addressed in the undermentioned twelvemonth in footings of farther professional development. Teacher public presentation may besides include equal assessment, parent feedback, pupil feedback, pupils ‘ public presentation consequences and documental grounds such as lesson programs, appraisal records and resources used. Once instructors have met the appropriate degree of professional criterions they entree the 2nd tranche of salary rates ( Ozga, 2003 ) . Principals may postpone patterned advance for instructors who have non met the professional criterions at the appropriate de gree during the assessment period but so they must set in topographic point a plan for support and development to help the instructor to run into the criterions. If a instructor disagrees with the recess of the salary increase the instructor may, within 14 working yearss of being notified of the deferral seek a review3. However, ( Carol Cardno, 1999 ) states that in New Zealand the public presentation direction system has non good started and has non improved the public presentation of instructors and pupils. The New Zealand policy resembles closely our Mauritanian system, whereby the primary intent is to supply a model for bettering quality of learning. There the school board is responsible for seting in topographic point an assessment procedure with appropriate professional development orientation ( Cardno, 1999 ) . ( Rohento, 1992 ) found that instructors supported the debut of pecuniary inducements, and believed that a performance-related wage strategy would increase their attempt and have a positive consequence on student attainment. Harmonizing to some caputs, although the public presentation direction was non used to penalize hapless executing instructors, it was a utile agencies of placing and turn toing countries of failings with instructors ( Burgess et al, 2001 ) . 3.Draft National Guidelines for Performance Management in Schools, Ministry of Education, 1995.1.3.3 Performance Management System in Malaysia and CanadaMalaysia has adopted a Result-based Management Approach ( RBM ) , which focuses on systematic and structured public presentation direction, whereby, the Intergrated Performance Management Framework ( IPMF ) helps in being results-oriented in plan planning and delivery4. Canada is in its early phase on public presentation direction which has replaced the â€Å" Supporting Teaching Excellence † which was the instructor public presentation assessment policy. The policy model for pull offing people is effectual as of July 2010. It applies to the nucleus public disposal and is said to necessitate sustained leading and investing of clip and money5.1.3.4 Performance Management System in MauritiusIn the Mauritian context small research has been done as the PMS is still in its early phase. The lone research on the effectivity of Performance Management System has been carried out by ( Chittoo and Ramphul, 2006 ) in the Health Sector where they claim that Performance Management in the instance of Mauritanian infirmaries is still a implausible thought because irrespective of how good a technique it is, there is a fright to implement it due to swerve deficit of s taff who still have to fulfill the clients to the ‘extent possible ‘ . The execution of public presentation direction may do affairs worse in the present state of affairs. The failings and prejudices that can do the PMS to neglect include absence of engagement, organisation civilization, low dignity, high outlooks and inaccurate evaluations ( Lukheenarain, ( 2009 ) . Published in a imperativeness article, caput instructors and school principals are said to be kicking about an overload of paperwork. Performance Management is seen as a good thing where instructors can hold their say in their public presentation assessment, nevertheless, tonss of administrative work coming with the system, can be a hurdle6.Effectiveness and Efficiency( Anthony and Young, 1994 ) argue that efficiency and effectivity are the two key standards for judging public presentation. Effectiveness is seen as the relationship between an organisation ‘s end product and its aims ( results or conseq uences ) and efficiency as the ratio of end products to inputs ( e.g. disbursals ) , or the sum of end product per unit of input. In add-on, ‘Economy ‘ ( i.e. inputs ) is frequently added to finish what is normally referred to as the ‘Three Es ‘ of public presentation measuring ( Hyndman & A ; Anderson, 1997, Boland and Fowler, 2000 ) . To enable the rating of economic system, efficiency and effectivity, it is necessary to mensurate inputs, end products and results ( or consequences ) . However, in public sector organisations which frequently have multiple, long term non-financial aims focused on social impact, it can turn out hard to mensurate the ‘three Es ‘ and hence hard to measure public presentation ( Hyndman & A ; Anderson, 1997 ) . ( Neely, Kennerley and Martinez, 2004 ) reported that there has been much prescription sing the design of PMS but really small consideration of whether such systems really work ( Neely et all, 2004 ; France & A ; Bourne, 2003 ) . It is deserving observing that Speckbacher et Al ( 2003 ) have reported that 8 % of 174 German talking states decided non to implement a Performance Measurement System because they could non see the advantages or ‘positive impact ‘ particularly given the attempt required to implement such systems. The above literature reappraisal raises a figure of inquiries that are relevant to this survey. In peculiar whether public presentation direction in schools leads to improved public presentation or merely answerability. It is merely through a farther research on the effectivity of public presentation direction for pedagogues in State Secondary that it would be possible to convey out the strengths and failings of the system and aid to do recommendations to the governments on how to better the system so every bit to carry through the vision of the Ministry of Education of ‘Quality instruction for All ‘ and besides do it sustainable in all province secondary schools in the hereafter.HypothesisThe Performance Management System for Educators in State Secondary Schools, if decently understood and implemented will assist to better School Effectiveness in footings of both pupil and instructor public presentation.Methodology2.1 Purpose of the surveyThe research paper has assorted aims. First given the increased accent on public presentation direction in Mauritius following the defects of the Confidential Reporting system, the paper examines the extent to which both Educators and Curates have a cognition and apprehension of the Performance Management System. Second it provides an overview of how the current public presentation direction system is being implemented in secondary schools in Education Zone 3 in Mauritius. Third it looks into how assorted standards used in the measuring of single public presentation in schools are related to teacher attitudes and perceptual experiences. It probes into the strengths and weaknesses/problems and troubles being encountered both by valuator and appraisee in the execution of the system. Last it makes an attempt to measure the effectivity of the Performance Management System as it is presently implemented in province secondary schools and do an effort at explicating recommendations to policy shapers on the betterments ne eded to do this system sustainable in secondary schools in the hereafter. The usage of multiple methods in a survey secures in-depth apprehension of the phenomenon in inquiry because it adds energy, comprehensiveness and deepness to the probe ( Cresswell, 1994:174 ; Denzin & A ; Lincoln, 1998:163 ; Salomon, 1991: 10 ) . Therefore, both quantitative and qualitative informations aggregation techniques were used. Research Design: The research documented in this paper relied on informations obtained from both primary and secondary beginnings. Survey Questionnaire: The quantitative attack involved a questionnaire study, because it helps to garner informations at a peculiar clip with the purpose of depicting the nature of bing conditions ( Cohen & A ; Manion, 1995:83 ) . Questionnaires were used for both Educators and Rectors and included chiefly closed inquiries and three unfastened ended inquiries. For the closed inquiries the Likert graduated table was used. The questionnaire foremost asked for demographic informations such as age, gender, station held and old ages of experience in the station. Then respondents were asked inquiries on their cognition and apprehension of the Performance Management System. Next, respondents were asked their positions on the nature of the current Performance Management System agreements at their school, the Performance Management procedure and the standards used in the measuring of single public presentation. Open ended inquiries related to the strengths and failings of the current Performa nce Management System at their school and the betterments they would wish to see in the present system. The questionnaires were designed in a logical and specific mode to accomplish the necessary consequences. The subsequent stairss were pursued in the undermentioned order: Shaping ends and aims, planing the methodological analysis, finding feasibleness, developing the instruments, choosing a sample, carry oning a pilot trial, revising the instruments, carry oning the research, analysing the information and devising recommendations. Questions for both classs were dispensed on a pilot footing in one school and necessary amendments were made. Interviews: In add-on to questionnaires, qualitative information was collected through semi structured interviews with Curates and the Zone Director in order to acknowledge their perceptual experiences on the effectivity of the Performance Management System in Secondary Schools in Zone 3 and notes were taken. The notes consisted of statements and remarks made by the interviewees which were identified as being important and of import. Triangulation: While questionnaires and interviews were the primary methods of informations aggregation, the secondary methods of informations aggregation included survey of statistics from the Ministry of Education and other relevant paperss such as the Performance Management Guide by the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs, the Pay Research Bureau Report 2008 and the Confidential Reporting system.2.3 ParticipantsIn Mauritius, there are 3439 Educators ( appraisee ) and 63 Curates ( valuators ) in State Secondary Schools over the island. For the intent of this research the mark population consisted of 660 Educators ( appraised ) and 12 Curates ( Appraisers ) working in State Secondary Schools in Zone 3 as they are the lone secondary schools which are finishing their 2nd PMS rhythm, the first one holding been completed on a pilot footing in 2009. Zones 1, 2 and 4 have non yet completed a full Performance Management rhythm. Questionnaires were administered to 280 Educators and Curates fr om 8 province secondary schools, who formed the sample population. 245 Educators and all 8 Curates responded favorably. Semi-structured interviews were held with the 8 Curates and the Zone Director who is by and large responsible for the overall direction of different schools in this Zone.2.4 Analysis TechniquesChi square trial, Pearson correlativity and Factor analysis are carried. The consequences are used to mensurate the cognition and apprehension of both Educators and Rectors of the current Performance Management System, its procedure, the importance of its different standards in the measuring of the public presentation of persons, respondents ‘ attitudes and perceptual experiences on the public presentation steps, the strengths and failings of present Performance Management System and the betterments they deemed necessary. These findings are so related to the literature findings. They are analyzed in order to judge the efficiency of the present system so as to explicate necessary recommendations for policy shapers to do it more effectual and sustainable as a agency of mensurating public presentation of all Educators in Secondary schools in Mauritius.Datas AnalysisQuestionnaire informations were computerized utilizing SPSS package. Open ended inquiries were categorized harmonizing to the response. For the structured interviews, qualitative informations, forms and classs were identified and described. Validity was ensured through triangulation whereby study informations from pedagogues were verified with study informations from curates and farther supplemented by the interviews of the Rectors and the Zone Director.3. FindingssThe perceptual experiences of the effectivity of the execution of PMS in our State Secondary schools are discussed and linked with the literature harmonizing to the undermentioned classs: cognition and apprehension of PMS ; nature of current PMS agreements ; Performance Management Process ; public presentation steps ; and PMS from an administrative point of position. Educators who responded to the questionnaire have a average age of 36.4 ( SD=0.889 ) , an mean old ages of 8.2 ( SD=1.48 ) old ages of learning experience, 58.5 % of whom were female and 18.3 % held place of duty as caput of section. They were all appraised by their curate.3.1 Knowledge and apprehension of PMSFigure 1. Knowledge and apprehension of PMSQuestions were framed harmonizing to literatu re findings as referred to in Figure 1. The survey has revealed that more than 50 % of pedagogues believe in the importance of PMS for set uping a high public presentation civilization, concentrating on end product and procedures of accomplishing consequences and bettering the procedure of instruction and acquisition. As Walter ( 1995 ) stated, PMS is the procedure of bettering the quality and measure of work done and conveying all activity in line with an administration ‘s aims.3.2 Nature of current PMS agreementsAn analysis of the public presentation direction procedures and activities in the school provides an apprehension of the execution of PMS. 74.5 % of pedagogues believe that PMS is a good planned procedure. One of the purposes of PMS in to better public presentation of schools. Harmonizing to Jenny Ozga ( 2003 ) , the nucleus premises of public presentation direction are that public presentation degrees in the public sector can be raised, that is to do the schools on Scotland more efficient and effectual than in Finland. Reliance on mark scene and monitoring as a cardinal component of the direction of instructors rises concern about the possible distorting effects of marks on relationship between instructors and directors, and on instructors ‘ definition of their nucleus undertaking. Teachers and caputs experience under force per unit area to show good public presentation. This position was besides reflected in our survey, the sentiment of pedagogues on effectivity of PMS in their school and whether current PMS agreement leads to betterment in public presentation of school have been analysed utilizing cross tabular matter and Chi-square ( I†¡2 ) trial to happen out if there is an association between these two variables. The formulated hypothesis is H0, there is no association between sentiment on effectivity of PMS and PMS really taking the betterment in public presentation and H1, there is an association between sentiment on effectiv ity of PMS and PMS really taking the betterment in public presentation. Table 1 shows that bulk of pedagogues do non hold that PMS leads to betterment ( 33.1 % ) and are decrepit linked to school effectivity ( 40 % ) . I†¡2 50.248 with grades of freedom 8. Probability ( 0 ) is 5 % . Therefore at 5 % degree of signifigance H0 is rejected and we accept H1. Cramer ‘s V value being 0.320 shows weak relationship between the two.Table 1. PMS arrangement – betterment in school public presentation * Opinion of PMS as appraisee CrosstabulationOpinion of PMS as appraisee Entire Not effectual Reasonably uneffective Neither effectual nor uneffective Reasonably effectual really effectual Disagree Count 11 11 26 11 1 60 Expected Count 5.9 5.9 19.8 24.2 4.2 60.0 Neither agree nor disagree Count 12 12 33 44 3 104 Expected Count 10.2 10.2 34.4 42.0 7.2 104.0 Agree Count 1 1 22 44 13 81 Expected Count 7.9 7.9 26.8 32.7 5.6 81.0 Entire Count 24 24 81 99 17 245 Expected Count 24.0 24.0 81.0 99.0 17.0 245.0 In the survey on â€Å" Implementing public presentation direction in England † s primary school † , ( Brown, 2005 ) , 24 out of 30 headteachers considered the public presentation direction preparation which they have received as unsatisfactory and most of the instructors stated that there was no formal preparation in public presentation direction. Merely 20 % of curates ( 8 in all ) and 25 % of pedagogues ( 247 in all ) agree that sufficient preparation was given before execution of PMS, and they believe that the preparation was non effectual and excessively brief ( based to open ended inquiries and interview ) . Training on PMS is believed to be deficient, there has been no farther preparation or follow up and new recruits are non offered any signifier of preparation or briefing. PMS, so far, has non helped to better school effectivity or pupil public presentation. They are non confident about the success and sustainability of PMS. Once the PMS rhythm is over, there is no coverage and follow up and pedagogues are non offered developing harmonizing to their demands. The biggest job they are confronting is clip restraint, to follow single pedagogue and transport out one to one interview. Interviews carried out with curates gave farther penetrations into the execution of PMS. All curates believe that PMS is an of import tool for estimating public presentation and guaranting answerability. PMS is seen as really much adapted to the new direction paradigm, quality confidence and undertaking based budgeting ( PBB ) . It is being implemented without major jobs, all staff are join forcesing, there is no job with the work program, midterm assessment and terminal of twelvemonth assessment. Everything is being done satisfactorily and curates find PMS better than the â€Å" confidential study † . They view PMS as bettering collegiality and believe that with clip it will further better. However, it is done automatically because they all know that they have to follow.3.3 Performance Management ProcessHarmonizing the survey on ‘Teacher perceptual experience of the effectivity of instructor assessment in Botswana ‘ ( Monyatsi, 2006 ) , bulk of respondents ( 44.7 % ) agreed that assessment procedure in Botswana motivates instructors. However, in our survey on the province secondary schools in zone 3 merely 20 % of pedagogues find PMS utile and the bulk ( 66 % ) are apathetic to public presentation direction but go through the gestures. 52 % of the respondents agree that the valuator invites self-appraisal and uses congratulations to actuate pedagogues. Confidentiality and trust issues, particularly in relation to appraisal coverage and who has entree to the information was one on the participants concern, ( Cardno, 1999 ) . 57.2 % of the pedagogues responded positively when asked whether they trust PMS procedure in their school and 75 % feel that confidentiality is maintained throughout the PMS procedure. This shows that confidentiality and trust is non an issue in our schools. An analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) is used to compare current PMS taking to betterment in public presentation of pedagogues to the existent assessment procedure is given in table 2 below. As the homogeneousness of discrepancy trial ( .000, .001, .019 ) is & lt ; .05, the ANOVA tabular array was constructed as shown in table 2. The significance value being & lt ; 0.05, we reject the void hypothesis and accept that there is a difference between the current PMS agreements taking to betterment in public presentation of pedagogue and the assessment mechanism carried out by the curate as promoting for pedagogues.Table 2. ANOVA to compare current PMS taking to betterment in pedagogue public presentation and the existent assessment mechanism by utilizing congratulations, discuss public presentation and non personality and encourages self-appraisal.Sum of Squares ( combined ) df Mean Square F Sig. Curates use congratulations to do motivate pedagogues 46.599 2 23.300 19.481 .000 Curates discuss public presentation non personality 35.246 2 17.623 15.834 .000 Rector invites self assessment 45.989 2 22.995 24.768 .000 Brown ( 2005 ) besides investigated how PMS would assist to better professional development of instructors. The positions of both caputs and instructors were assorted. On the positive side, some instructors felt that a formal one-year reappraisal, to reflect on assorted facets of their public presentation enabled them and their leader to jointly explicate a extremely individualized development program. However, it was reported that even though an appropriate program had been formulated, it had non been implemented due to shortage of clip and resources. One of the premier importance of PMS is staff development. Khim Ong Kelly et Al ( 2007 ) stated that there are important challenges in efficaciously measuring the aptitude of instructors for different calling paths and in measuring what constitutes good public presentation. In England primary schools, ( Brown,2005 ) , the positions of both caputs and instructors about public presentation direction assisting to better professional devel opment of instructors are assorted. The boxplot ( Figure 2 ) show a normal unskewed distribution with 32 % response as impersonal, same applies for public presentation reappraisal being a preparation program for each pedagogue. This shows that the same uncertainness applies to our system.Table 3. Rotated Component MatrixComponent 1 Problem work outing accomplishments .787 Duty .756 Versatilty .755 Leadership .739 Planing .730 Strategic thought .710 Technical cognition .703 1 Strongly disagree-15 % 2 somewhat disagree-14 % 3 neither agree nor disagree34 % 4 somewhat agree-32 % 5 strongly agree-4 %3.4 Performance stepsOne ground for replacing the confidential study is because it has no yardstick to mensurate the grade of public presentation of assorted facets of the occupation as there are no fit professional criterions. Furthermore, there is general consensus from all the research conducted that the ends of public presentation direction system or assessment are to better quality and answerability. In their survey, Chittoo and Ramphul ( 2006 ) , referred to the systems attack with the 3e ‘s – economic system, efficiency and effectivity. However, the extent to which this mark is achieved remains blurred due to restraints such as clip, fiscal resources and staff. The great bulk ( around 80 % ) of respondents agree that the standards in the measuring of single public presentation ( student focal point, competency, attending and promptness, communicating accomplishments and others ) are of import or critical. Factor analysis was carried out to happ en out which PMS measures pedagogues see to be more of import. The 26 PMS steps rated by the respondents were considered in this trial which is applicable as the determiner ( 1.11 ) is greater than 1A-10-5. Table 3 shows the revolved constituent matrix with some PMS steps in footings of precedence as seen by the pedagogues. It is interesting to observe that the first three steps are related to personality traits and accomplishments. However, 60-70 % pedagogues believe that PMS is undependable to mensurate public presentation, is drawn-out and clip consuming, with excessively much paper work and that there has non been follow up for the preparation demands identified during assessments. These findings are confirmed utilizing bivariate correlativity trial. At 1 % degree of significance ( two-tailed ) , there is a weak but negative correlativity ( Pearson Coefficient ( R ) is -0.002 ) between the standards to be assessed and the manner of appraisal in PMS.3.5 PMS from an Administrative point of positionThis survey confirms information published in local imperativeness article, that is PMS is seen as a good thing but tonss of administrative work coming with the system can be a hurdle. The Zone Director monitors the execution of PMS in the schools. She confirmed that all schools in zone 3 are implementing PMS as instructed. Curates do kick about PMS being clip devouring but they all managed to finish the procedure. However, she is non satisfied with the execution of PMS, accent is laid on measure, guaranting that PMS is implemented in all schools, but there is no quality, no clip for analysis of public presentation, rating and proper coverage. The Ministry is concerned with the completion and entry of the PMS, but there is no construction for follow up and developing. As Lukheenarain ( 2009 ) stated, certain failings and prejudices can do PMS to neglect, some of them as revealed by our survey are: no analysis, no follow up and deficiency of support from higher gove rnments, no clear guidelines of what to make after one PMS rhythm, deficiency of forces and clip restraints. The strength of PMS is that pedagogues and curates are cognizant of what that are supposed to make harmonizing to their work program, they hence make the necessary attempt to accomplish their cardinal consequence countries by executing the cardinal undertakings. The Zone Director is unable to state if some schools are making better than others because of PMS as there is no analysis done, but she believes that if done decently with an appropriate mechanism for analysis, preparation and coverage, PMS is traveling to be fruitful. The whole PMS needs reappraisal, harmonizing to her it has to be seamster made for instruction sector and should be user friendly and attractive for both valuator and appraisee. To do PMS sustainable, at the terminal of each rhythm there should be a mechanism for coverage, analysis and forming preparation Sessionss to make full in the public presentatio n spreads identified. Furthermore, some pedagogues proposed the debut of wage related public presentation in order to actuate and promote them to follow the system. We would wish to thank Mrs R. Koomar for her valuable aid and back up throughout this research paper.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.The intent of this paper, as stated at the beginning, has been to look at the effectivity of the execution of public presentation direction system for pedagogues in province secondary schools of educational zone 3. All schools in Zone 3 are implementing PMS as instructed by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources. The bulk of pedagogues believe that execution of PMS can be good as it will set up a high public presentation civilization in the instruction system. However, the bulk of pedagogues in Zone 3 are apathetic to PMS but merely follow with another bureaucratic standard. Analysis has shown that execution of PMS is non linked to effectiveness in the sector. This survey shows that all those involved should possess the cognition and apprehension of its intents, procedures and step, if the whole procedure is to be effectual. There is a deficit of work force to work on public presentation direction system in schools and therefore it is seen as an extra undertaking. Curates and pedagogues likewise in Zone 3 believe that execution of public presentation direction system has resulted in more paper work instead than concrete action. There is no proper staff development follow up in topographic point and as a consequence pedagogues and curates feel PMS has non produced the coveted results. Allotment of financess and proper preparation are non in topographic point to run into the demands of pedagogues and curates likewise. Emphasis is laid on completion of the public presentation direction rhythm and the results are kept in shortss and no proper actions taken to rectify any failings or reward those who are executing to the satisfaction of the top direction. Bearing in head the benefits which the public presentation direction system can convey to bettering the effectivity of services in province secondary schools, the undermentioned steps should be looked at and set in topographic point. Curates and pedagogues should be given more appropriate preparation on public presentation direction system which is tailored to the demands of instruction. It should be related to pay ; extrinsic wages can assist to better pedagogues ‘ public presentation. Educators who are executing outstandingly should be rewarded with another increase on the wage spinal column that is the pedagogue can leap two graduated tables on the wage ladder. There should be more committedness from the top degree of disposal ; the Ministry of Education should be committed non merely to measure ( figure of schools who have completed the rhythm ) but besides to quality of the results. It will add drift and motivate staff to take public presentation direction more earnestly. The Ministry should look into geting more financess for formal and on-going preparation. Professional development of the staff should be given due consideration so that pedagogues can profit from it and happen the exercising of public presentation direction system fruitful. Protected clip should be given to the valuator and appraise likewise so that they both can give due consideration PMS. Regular update should be held at regular intervals during the twelvemonth so that all freshly recruited pedagogues and curates are acquainted with the system. PMS should be reviewed, updated at sensible periods so as to aline it with the vision of the Ministry of Education of â€Å" Quality instruction for All ‘ . Further research on the topic should be encouraged by the Mauritius Research Council, the University of Mauritius, the University of Technology, Mauritius and other third establishments through the Student Research Grant Scheme as proposed in the Budget for 2011 and recommendatio ns made should be studied and implemented where executable. Professional Standards for Educators should be worked out in coaction with this cell because it is good known in direction that if the person/s who are traveling to be affected by policy determinations are taken on board in the treatment phase, they feel a committedness to the determination and will seek to stay by them and make the ends set. Those non making the set marks should non be regarded as ‘ failures ‘ , instead they should be given in service and professional development classs to assist make full the public presentation spreads identified during the execution phase. Use of engineering can be of aid in cut downing the excess paperwork.