Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Prayer should be allowed in Public Schools Essay

The issue regarding the constitutionality of mandatory school prayer in schools in hinged on the separation between the church and the state that has been decreed by the constitution. On one side, there are those who argue that prayer in public school classrooms should be declared unconstitutional because it involves â€Å"excessive entanglement,† which is prohibited under the doctrine of separation of church and state (Clark 35). The other view is based more on the argument that such act is permissible because even the Pledge of allegiance contains the phrase â€Å"under God. (Clark 35)† It is humbly submitted in this position paper, however, that the more correct view remains to be that prayer in classrooms should be tolerated as long as it is not mandatory. In arriving at a better understanding of this issue, it is first important to define the constitutional issue at hand. The phrase, â€Å"separation of Church and State†, is actually from a letter that was written by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, to a group that called themselves the Danbury Baptists (Busher 13). In the letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote that, â€Å"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. † This was of course in reference to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution (Whitsitt 186). The basic precept of this doctrine is founded on a firm belief that religion and state should be separate. It covers a very wide spectrum, as mentioned in the previous sections of this discussion, ranging from the secularization or elimination of the church to theocracy wherein the state works in tandem with a religion in order to govern over the acts of people (Bradley 199) The problem is that while the church and state do maintain that there is indeed a necessity to abide by the doctrine of the separation of church and state there is no clear way of delineating the boundaries between the spheres of these two institutions (Bradley 199). There are still certain acts that require entanglement between the church and the state because of the duty of the government to cater to the welfare of its people who invariably belong to some form of religion, in most cases. One of these instances is when prayer is allowed in public school classrooms. To argue that prayer is unconstitutional would be to deny the people the right to their rich American history. The first settlers were Pilgrims and even the first thanksgiving meal, though not seemingly a prayer by conventional means, was actually an act of thanking the almighty God for all the blessings (Bradley 199). If prayer is to be considered as a religious affirmation that is offensive to the constitution then other forms such as the pledge of allegiance and the â€Å"In God We Trust† declaration on the dollar bill must also be struck down (Bradley 199). It cannot therefore be argued prayer in public school classrooms is a clear violation of the establishment clause when even the humble dollar bill has the sign â€Å"in God we trust† written on it. If it is to be argued that prayer is a violation of the establishment clause then so must the dollar bill be struck down as a violation (Bradley 199). Yet time and again the almighty dollar has prevailed. The reason for this is because such a declaration is not an endorsement of a single religion, which is exactly what the establishment clause prohibits, but rather it is a declaration by the American people of their belief in a superior being. This argument is not limited to a single God but to all Gods of whatever beliefs. The beauty of the American democracy is that it empowers instead of stifles. It encourages instead of denies. To argue that prayer should not be allowed is unpatriotic, it is un-American. A prayer is a sign of thanks for everything that has been given to everyone. A single word or phrase isolated and taken out of context does much to remove the original intent from it. Reciting a prayer in public school classrooms does not further the cause of any single religion. Instead, it serves to show the rest of the world the pride that Americans have for their great nation. It shows unity. It shows strength. It shows the American way. References: Clark, James R. (1965). Messages of the First Presidency. Brigham Young University, Department of Educational Leadership & Foundations. Retrieved on 2007-1-30. Fighting the Establishment (Clause). Bradley, Jennifer, The American Prospect, September 1, 1996. Available at: http://www. prospect. org/print/V7/28/bradley-j. html Religion in the Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law. The American Civil Liberties Union, 1996. Available at: http://aclu. org/issues/religion/relig7. html West Encyclopedia of American Law. West Group, 1998. Busher, Leonard (1614). Religious Peace: or, a Plea for Liberty of Conscience. Whitsitt, Dr. William (1896). A Question in Baptist History: Whether the Anabaptists in England Practiced Immersion Before the Year 1641?. C. T. Dearing, pp. 69-70.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economics: Portfolio Theory Essay

Sometime during the 1980s, investors on the whole concluded that internationally diversified portfolios produced the best risk-adjusted returns, and that it was possible to identify and trade in a sufficient number of international stocks to make this conclusion a reality. Indeed, performance could also be enhanced by investing in a well-selected mix of stocks from other economies. The lasting benefit of all of international investing, however, depended on a key tenant of modern portfolio theory-that overall portfolio risk was lowered through diversification into noncorrelated investments-which has been shown especially to apply to international investments. The key (to the theory) is the lack of correlation between most foreign markets and one’s own. In a perfectly integrated market, on the other hand, the correlation between markets would be quite high and there could be no gain from diversification per se. Harry Markowitz, along with Merton Miller and William Sharpe, won the economics Nobel Prize in 1990 for his â€Å"pioneering work in the theory of financial economics. † Markowitz has applied computer and mathematical techniques to various practical decision-making areas. He is often referred to as the father of modern portfolio theory (MPT). This is based on his contributions to portfolio theory first in the article â€Å"Portfolio Selection, † published in the Journal of Finance in 1952, and then in his book, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments, first published in 1959. Between these two publications and since the publication of the book, Markowitz has made many other contributions using mathematical programming and computer modeling techniques to address realworld problems to aid in decisionmaking. He got the Nobel Prize for the development of the theory of portfolio choice and contributions to the theory of price formation for financial assets, the so-called Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAMP). Becoming an economist was not a childhood dream of Harry Markowitz. His first two years at the University of Chicago were spent emphasizing the reading of original material where possible. Here again, he was especially interested in the philosophers. When it was time to choose his upper-division major at the University of Chicago, after some consideration. He first went through the basics of macroeconomics, which is the big picture of the economy of a country and its governance. Then he went through microeconomics, which is the economics of individual economic units of business. After going through these basics, he found his true love, the economics of uncertainty. The concepts of expected utility, personal probability, efficiency, and efficient sets, as taught by the outstanding faculty at Chicago, inspired him to pursue his later works. Harry Markowitz tells the story of how he stumbled up on his dissertation topic in the Personal Notes section of the third printing of his first book, The Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments. He was a student in the economics department of the University of Chicago and a research fellow of the Cowles Commission. He was sitting outside Jacob Marschak’s office waiting for the opportunity to discuss suggestions for his Ph. D. dissertation topic. An older man also was waiting outside the Marschak’s office and they began talking. The other man identified himself as a stockbroker and suggested that Markowitz should consider doing a dissertation on the stock market. When he later spoke to Marschak about the idea, he agreed that it was reasonable. Markowitz recalled that Alfred Cowles, the founder of the Cowles Commission, had done work in that area. Markowitz was sent to Marshall Ketchum in the Business School to get a reading list so that he could understand the theories on stock investments as revealed in the literature. The basic concepts of portfolio theory came to him one afternoon in the library while reading John Burr Williams’ The Theory of Investment Value. The dissertation that resulted provided the underpinnings of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). In reviewing Williams’ work, as referred to above, Markowitz noted that he recommended that a stock be valued by finding the present value of its future dividends. His treatment of risk involved finding a large number of securities with maximum present value and divide funds among them. This treatment provided no measure of individual securities nor of the resulting portfolio. Markowitz provided the methodology for eliminating that shortcoming. His approach was to use expected return as the positive attribute of a security and the variability of the possible returns around its expected return as a measure of risk or uncertainty, the negative attribute of the security. This provided the missing risk measure for individual securities. However, the problem of the portfolio of securities also needed to be addressed. The question was, when securities are mixed into a portfolio, how will the expected return and the risk measure of the portfolio be determined? This is the next contribution that Markowitz provided in his portfolio theory. The third ingredient needed to put the securities together in a portfolio was a methodology for handling the interaction of the respective variabilities of individual securities when mixed together in a portfolio. Quantification of this key element had been missing in investment theory up to this point. A couple of simple examples to help understand this problem follow. First, visualize taking two securities that have identical variability of returns over time. If we mix these together in a portfolio, the portfolio will look just like the two individual securities looked separately. The result is that we have not diversified away any rise by building that portfolio. Now, think about taking two securities that move in opposite directions in their variability of returns over time. As time passes, the portfolio variability of return will be less than the individual securities variability of returns because of the canceling out of the variability of one security’s deviations by an opposite deviation from the other security. These are two extreme examples to illustrate the concept of diversification. In the real world, we usually have something in between these two extreme examples, but some risk reduction can be achieved by diversification. Accordingly, the portfolio’s risk could be less than any of the individual securities included in the portfolio. A measure of this interaction between securities’ variability is called the correlation of returns variability. The next large contribution provided by Markowitz was that he was able to demonstrate mathematically that given a group of individual securities with their measures of expected returns, individual variabilities, and the correlations of their variability with the variability of each of the other securities, one could determine an efficient set of portfolios of those securities. This efficient set is the set of portfolios that have the highest expected return for any level of portfolio risk. Alternatively, it can be said that this efficient set is the set of portfolios that have the lowest portfolio risk for any level of expected return feasible with those securities. This is the cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory. Every textbook on investments used by colleges and universities all over the world includes the Markowitz MPT concepts. In his book, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments, he also introduced the concept of a one-factor model. This model would reduce greatly the number of measures of correlations needed to determine portfolio risk. During the 1950s, Markowitz, along with others, decided that many practical business problems were beyond analytic solution. This implied that simulation techniques were required. One of the problems with simulation models is the amount of time required to program a detailed simulator. This is the problem that he attacked in his work on SIMSCRIPT. It allowed the programmer to describe the system to be simulated rather than describing the detailed steps the computer must take to accomplish the simulation. SIMSCRIPT, would then take the system description provided by the programmer and translate it into detailed computer actions necessary. This provided a very large time savings in putting together simulation models for many kinds of business situations. Between the two books on SIMSCRIPT Markowitz, with others, published another book on economy-wide production capabilities in 1963. This book is Studies in Process Analysis: Economy-wide Production Capabilities. Later, in 1967, this book was published in Russian.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Australian TOT(Terms of trade) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Australian TOT(Terms of trade) - Essay Example On the other hand, a TOT value greater than 100% implies that the country is accumulating capital or more money is coming into the country from the exports. If the TOT of a country improves (rise above 100), it means that for each export unit sold it can be able to buy more units of the imported goods. Therefore, a rise or increase in the TOT creates a benefit in terms of the number of goods required to be exported in order to purchase a particular amount of imports. Improving TOT can also contain a valuable effect on the domestic cost-push inflation because an improvement shows falling import prices relative to the prices of exports. However, a country can undergo suffering in terms of the falling export volumes and a deterioration payments balance. Contrary to the indications of an increasing TOT, a deteriorating TOT (decreasing below 100) shows that a country needs to export increased amount of goods in order to buy a particular quantity of imports.1 Australian TOT Between the yea r 1998- 1999 and the year 2008 to 2009, the TOT of Australia have undergone or went through an unprecedented rice of 75% indicating the alterations in both the composition and prices of traded services and goods. The prices of exports grew by 86% whereas that of imports grew by 9%. The increase or rise in the prices of exports was driven by the rise in metal ores and coal while the decrease in prices of most manufactured goods assisted in keeping the import prices down.2 In the year 2011, the TOT peaked rising to a level of 105% above the preciously prevailing values from the year 2002. This particular boom in TOT was attributed largely to the staggering high prices that the foreign buyers were paying for commodities such as iron, gas, and coal. Holding down of the import prices by the recorded high Australian dollar also boosted the TOT. In the month of December 2011 to march 2012 a decline of 9.8% was reported in the TOT. From this time, a free fall has been there in the Australia n TOT a situation that economists argue is beginning to get serious. The data available for the period of June quarter on the Australian dollar and the prices of commodities suggests that the TOT decreased by another 7% bringing the total TOT decline in three consecutive quarters to approximately 16%. The TOT absolute level is still high on any particular long run assessment but the decline does not suggest that the country is at the low point of the cycle. The fall in the TOT presents a huge downside risk to the economy of Australia.3 The TOT and the TWER (trade weighted exchange rate), for the actual year 1998 to 2012 and also the indicative for the year 2012 to 2017 are displayed in the figure below. Sources: the exchange rate was retrieved from the Statistical Bulletin of the Reserve Bank of Australia while the TOT (terms of trade) was retrieved from the ABS Table 1 Cat. no. 5206.0 The Mundell-Fleming model is regarded as an open economy IS-LM version with inclusion of capital f lows as a vital constituent of the model. The model is developed for the assessment of macroeconomic policy in a little open economy regarded as a price taker in import and export markets. The economy of Australia is definitely a small and open economy thus the application of this model to analyse the macroeconomic policy. In the last decade the imports and exports of services and goods of Australia were averaged at 37.3% of the GDP. The ISLM – BP model requires the capital mobility in order for the capital flows role to be activated. From the year 1980s both the capital outflows and inflows have

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Monopolistic competition in fastfood business Essay

Monopolistic competition in fastfood business - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the competition in the fast food industry fits the description of "monopolistic competition "as well evaluate how major fast food chains compete in the industry and what challenges they currently face. It is clear that fast food industry is one of the most competitive industries in the USA. Most of the fast food chains provide their customers with almost identical menus (especially two largest rival companies - Burger King and McDonalds), it is relatively easy for the company to enter the market of the fast food; in spite of the fact that domestic market is saturated fast food industry is still regarded as one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In the USA, consumers spent more than 100 billion dollars on the fast food in the year 2000, and according to the information provided by National Restaurant Association, the sales in 2006 might reach the new record level of 142 billion dollars (though this is less that the level exhibited by full service restaurants- 173 billion dollars). According to many observers fast food restaurants have been recently under competitive pressure from fast casual restaurants that provide their customers with food of higher quality at the reasonable price. 3 There are many fast food chains in the USA, and most of them prov... taurants have been recently under competitive pressure from fast casual restaurants that provide their customers with food of higher quality at the reasonable price. 3 Product differentiation in the fast food industry. There are many fast food chains in the USA, and most of them provide the customers with almost identical products. There is a slight difference in cooking process between Big Mac provided by Mc Donald's and King Supreme, relatively new product of Burger King. Neither the menu of Wendy International (with standard set of hamburgers and chicken salads) differs in any significant aspect from the menu provided by two largest national fast food chains-McDonalds and Burger King. In order to succeed in the market the companies have to promote and advertise their products as successful advertisement campaign might create some "virtual "differences among the products; they also should stay abreast of the latest changes in the market. These differences are usually created through advertisement and are very important in the industry of "monopolistic competition". With the increased health consciousness among the consumers of the fast food chains, new advertisements campaigns conducted by the chains are aimed to convince the consumers that the food is healthier. This is usually done by including more salads in the menus of the chains. For instance John Schuessler, a chairman of Wendy's chain claimed that it poorly performance in 2004, might have been caused by the steps taken by competitors that included salads to their menus.4 Other commentators however claimed that poor advertisement campaign and inability of the chain to adapt to the new challenges were the main reasons of the poor results that the company showed. Apart from adding salads other chains

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social Web Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Web - Essay Example There are many ways in which the ICT is affecting the people and the society (Walter, 2001). People are witnessing the developments and innovation in different ICT fields like computers and internet, telecommunications and mobile telephone, mass media, travelling facilities and many more. ICT has very strong and direct impacts upon the human development and society. It not only serves the society as a whole but also tends to improve and develop the individual position of the people. There are several aspects of human and social lives that are facing the ICT effects. ICT developments are reshaping the cultural values of societies. ICT do lot of beneficial functions for the mental growth of humans. It facilitates the people to communicate in better ways, develop good understandings about different things and have deep knowledge and instant information about the events occurring in any part of the world (Kraut, 2006). The social networking sites over the last decade stand as new options provided by ICT that have facilitated the society by providing them interesting and attractive ways of interacting with the people. These sites have provided new and innovative ways of communication to the people having strong impacts upon their ways of interaction with the others. Overall, these sites support the human interaction regardless of space and time differences and make it easier for the people to remain in contact with the people they already know as well as to expand their social circle by finding out people of their interests on these networks. Social Networking Websites and Society The advent of advanced technology has paved the ways for certain new ways of social interaction. People of today’s technology driven world are provided with broad assortment of opportunities of social networking through internet (Wellman, 2007). The dotcom sphere is filled with several social networks striving hard for their survival and popularity among the internet punters. The ap plications like Face book, Twitter, Flickr and MySpace have evolved as popular online social networking means that have succeeded to attain the attention of the considerable portion of internet users through effective management and coherent leadership styles (Kazeniac, 2009). These networks are based on the ideas of providing people a platform to facilitate the process of online social networking however; the interface, interaction means and styles of these networks are notably different from each others. (Wellman, 2007) These applications provide the prospect of social interaction through numerous advanced options however; their approaches towards the attainment of this goal are entirely different that is clearly visible in their interfaces and styles of presenting information and options of maintaining social connections. These networks have picked up distinctive leadership style to lead the group of internet users looking for unique and advanced manners of communication and conn ections. Their distinctive leadership styles and strategies have worked towards maintaining difference in their popularity, effectiveness and stability within the industry. These social networking sites use to place wide range of options in front of the users and these networks are popular among different user groups like youngsters, business professionals, educationalists and households. The reasons behind the success and popularity of these networks include proficient and adequate management of the marketing and operational strategies,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Arrests vs. Stops (Response) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Arrests vs. Stops (Response) - Assignment Example driving are more invasive because the driver would be denied his or her right to freedom of movement, taken to court, and fined, leaving their individual life more disrupted. The discussion draws several parallels from the findings of Fields and Emshwiller (2014) in relation to the more far-reaching effects of arrests. However, unlike the discussion, Fields and Emshwiller have backed up their findings with more reliable facts and figures relating to the expected education achievement and the economic status of the suspects or convicts at 25 years of age. For instance, according to Fields and Emshwiller (2014), 21% of individuals arrested by 23 will own a home; 15% of victims of arrests who are acquitted by courts will own a home; and 10% of victims of arrest and conviction will own a home at 25. The researchers provide accurate figures suggesting that arrests and subsequent conviction have lasting, negative effects on the victims. However, the research falls short of exploring other equally important contributing social factors affecting education, future employment and income among adolescents. These factors include; family income, race, ethnicity and parenting. Generally, better family income among people of color, effective parenting and white race are factors which are usually associated with better social and economic prospects of adolescents in adulthood. Fields, G., & Emshwiller, J.R., (2014). As Arrest Records Rise, Americans Find Consequences Can Last a Lifetime. Retrieved from

Hume's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Hume's - Essay Example ence of the miracle.† Here, Hume is determined to interpret the fact that final principle by which we must deduct whether a miracle has taken place is higher than it is the case of other cases asserting to identify some extraordinary or unanticipated occurrence. It is consequently not a miracle if a healthy person in unlikely events dies. Though an occurrence of this form may be impractical, it does not sometimes take place. Nevertheless, if a miracle occurs, we are asked to consider something that is divergent to all other understanding. Hume thus far argues that â€Å"miracles must be unique or (almost unique) occurrences otherwise fall within cumulative course of nature despite how rare and extraordinary the activity may be.†Provided with this interpretation of miracles, known desecrations of the decree of nature, how we should we analyze assertions that miracles have taken place? Hume depends on a principle that claims that a logical person proportions his belief to the testimony (Hume, 2007). Hume differentiates between two types of skepticism, that is, antecedent and resultant skepticism, both of which come in deep and decent style. Hume establishes the great type of skepticism with the cumulative suspicion of Descartes. These delves into questioning all former perceptions and thus far the acknowledgment of the senses. Hume hence suggests that though this great precursor skepticism is impracticable and that it is better in the moderate form. It comprises merely in producing unprejudiced views, advancing by inch by inch from sound first principles, an assessing one’s conclusion regularly and cautiously. The skepticism of Enquiry is viewed as a form of resultant skepticism. This are consequent skepticism questions our customary deductions and reasoning by doubting the premise on which they are secured. According to Hume, the specific testimony of senses, which imply to us the subsistence of a world outward to and free of our senses. He asserts that we are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Week 5 discussion 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 5 discussion 2 - Essay Example Policies standardizing assessment procedures, teaching strategies and methods also allow policy makers to monitor and regulate education across the different schools spread out across the state. As a result, students transferring from one school to another across cities undergo a smooth transition because of the similarity in curriculum. Furthermore, within the classroom setting, teachers must ensure their teaching strategies and methods address the needs of their diverse student population. This helps to prevent instances where some students feel left out resulting in decreased motivation levels for academic achievement. Educators rely on lesson plans to formulate teaching objectives that embrace the different learning needs of all students (Diarra, 2005). In conclusion, the entire state stands to benefit from efforts made in the education sector geared towards embracing diversity created by the diverse population residing in the different cities within the state. States with policies equipped to deal with internal diversity have an easier time dealing with external diversity resulting from globalization (Diarra, 2005). Diarra, M. (2005, March 17). Reaching Across Borders to Improve Teaching. Retrieved February 9, 2013, from Reaching Across Borders to Improve Teaching:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Personal statement - Essay Example I have gone through the course outline and have come to the conclusion that the courses offered and the way in which they are organised and conducted, would benefit me immensely if I am to make a name in the field of textile designing. The skills that I will be taught through this MA programme, including the innovation taught in your course work and the personal master project I will be required to develop, would be of immense value to me once I enter the professional field of textile designing. This would not only enable me to realise my true capabilities as a textile designer, the team projects would also make it possible for me to better my interpersonal and communicational skills. By working on these required team projects I would be able to better both my management and team working skills. These are all very valued skills in the field of textile designing, and I feel the programme at your institute would help me a great deal in this regard as well. Moreover, the professional links that I will make during this time would be an asset. I know that if enrolled in this programme I will be given the opportunity to be taught by, and work with, people who have already put their mark in the industry. This would be an immensely valuable experience, as I would be learning from the professionals; working towards a better work ethic along with establishing contacts that would be useful to me in the future. Another factor that made me decide on this course was the location of your campus. It would be very easy, not to mention convenient, for me to attend classes at an institute that is so close to my home. But of course, this factor did not play a key role when choosing an MA programme, though it is nonetheless one of the things that adds the charm of this course in my eyes. I would be very much interested in learning more about the multidisciplinary approach that the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Social Responsibility - Essay Example Social responsibility works to the best interest of the society. In other words, social responsibility seeks to promote social welfare subject to the decisions and actions taken by business enterprises. The underlying welfare is defined in terms of social impacts that result from the daily business activities of many and different enterprises. The business fraternity is expected to play a moral and ethical role in developing the society as they progress with their daily activities. This implies that part of their success and benefit should be channeled to the society. Essentially, the three primary factors that social responsibility accounts for include the economy, environment and society (Allen, 2011). The growth, development, and sustainability of these three factors encompass the role of social responsibility. Any enterprise operating in the societal setting needs to consider the economic, environmental, and social implications of its activities. The ultimate objective of social responsibility is to ensure that enterprises do not adversely affect the society. On the same note, the new venture is factored in the process to ensure that social responsibility is realized. The new venture, therefore, drives social

Monday, July 22, 2019

South Asia Region Essay Example for Free

South Asia Region Essay South Asia, which consists of the nations of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, is ethnically diverse, with more than 2,000 ethnic entities with populations ranging from hundreds of millions to small tribal groups. South Asia has been invaded and settled by many ethnic groups over the centuries including various Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and Iranian groups and amalgamation of Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and native societies has produced composite cultures with many common traditions and beliefs. But, the traditions of different ethnic groups in South Asia have diverged throughout earlier times, sometimes giving rise to strong local traditions such as the distinct South Indian culture. Other ethnic groups, successively streaming in later mainly from Central Asia and Iran, e.g. Sakas, Kushans, Huns etc. influenced pre-existing South Asian cultures. Among the last of these new arrivals were the Arabs followed by the Turks, the Pashtuns and the Moghuls. However, Arab influence remained relatively limited in comparison to that of the Turks, Pashtuns and Moghuls, who brought in much cultural influence and contributed to the birth of Urdu, a syncretic language of combined Indo-Persian heritage, which is widely spoken today. Ethnic Englishmen and other Britons are now practically absent after their two centuries long colonial presence, although they have left an imprint of western culture in the elite society. Languages See also: Languages of South Asia The largest spoken language in this region is now HindustÄ nÄ «, its speakers numbering almost 422 million;[75] the second largest spoken language is Bengali, with about 210 million speakers.[76] Urdu is also a major language spoken in the subcontinent, especially in Pakistan and India, and is similar linguistically to Hindi; Hindi and Urdu together make up HindustÄ nÄ «. Although Hindi is spoken in some states of India, many people are not aware of the fact that most of the Indians speak local languages and are not familiar with Hindi. Other languages of this region fall into a few major linguistic groups: the Dravidian languages and the Indo-Aryan languages, a sub-branch of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. The other great sub-branch of Indo-Iranian, the Iranian languages, also have significant minority representation in South Asia, with Pashto and Balochi being widely spoken along the northwestern fringes of the region, in modern-day Pakistan. Many Tibeto-Burman ethnic groups, who are speakers of their language-group, are found in northeast India, Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. Other small groups, speaking Austro-Asiatic languages, are also present in South Asia. English is another language which dominates South Asia, especially as a medium of advanced education and government administration. Most of South Asia writes using various abugidas of BrÄ hmÄ « origin while languages such as Urdu, Pashto, and Sindhi use derivatives of the Perso-Arabic script. Not all languages in South Asia follow this strict dichotomy though. For example, Kashmiri is written in both the Perso-Arabic script and in the Devanagari script. The same can be said for Punjabi, which is written in both Shahmukhi and GurmukhÄ «. Dhivehi is written in a script called TÄ na that shows characteristics of both the Arabic alphabet and of an abugida. Religions Further information: Religion in Bangladesh, Religion in Bhutan, Religion in India, Religion in Nepal, Religion in Pakistan, and Religion in Sri Lanka Hindu priest saluting the sun in the Ganges, Varanasi, India   Jama Masjid, the main mosque in Delhi, India. About 64% of the South Asia population is Hindu, 33% is Muslim, 2% is Buddhist and 1% is Christians.[74] In South Asia Hinduism and Islam and in some of its countries Buddhism are the dominant religions. Other Indian religions and Christianity are practiced by significant number of people. Historically, fusion of Indo-Aryan Vedic religion with native South Asian non-Vedic Shramana traditions and other Dravidian and local tribal beliefs gave rise to the ancient religions of Hinduism and Jainism. As a consequence, these two religions share many similar cultural practices, festivals and traditions. Arabs brought the Abrahamic religion of Islam to South Asia, first in the present day Kerala, Sri Lanka and the Maldive Islands and later in Sindh, Balochistan and much of Punjab. Subsequently, Muslim Turks/Pashtuns/Moghuls furthered it not only among the Punjabi and Kashmiri people but also throughout the Indo-Gangetic plains and farther east, and deep south up to the Deccan.Afghanistan[1]Islam (99%), Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity (1%) Bangladesh[77]Islam (89.5%), Hinduism (9.5%), Buddhism (0.7%), Christianity (0.3%) British Indian Ocean Territory[78]Christianity (45.55%), Hinduism (38.55%), Islam (9.25%), Others (6.65%) Bhutan[79]Buddhism (75%), Hinduism (25%) Burma[80]Theravada Buddhism (89%), Islam (4%), Christianity (Baptist and Roman Catholic) (4%), Animism (1%), Others (including Hinduism) (2%) India[79][81]Hinduism (80.5%), Islam (13.4%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.9%), Buddhism (0.8%), Jainism (0.4%), Others (0.6%) Maldives[82]Sunni Islam (100%) (One must be a Sunni Muslim to be a citizen on the Maldives[83][84]) Nepal[85]Hinduism (80.6%), Buddhism (10.7%), Islam (4.2%), Kirat (1.5%) Pakistan[86]Islam (96.28%), Hinduism (1.85%), Christianity (1.59%), Ahmaddiyya (0.22%) Sri Lanka[87]Theravada Buddhism (70.19%), Hinduism (12.61%), ), Islam (9.71%), Christianity ( 7.45%). Economy Further information: Economy of Bangladesh, Economy of India, Economy of Nepal, Economy of Pakistan, and Economy of Sri Lanka South Asia is the poorest region on the earth after Sub-Saharan Africa. Three South Asian nations — Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal — are characterized as least developed country. Poverty is commonly spread within this region. According to the poverty data of World Bank, more than 40% of the population in the region lived on less than the International Poverty Line of $1.25 per day in 2005, compared to 50% of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa.[88] Sri Lanka has the highest GDP per capita in the region, while Afghanistan has the lowest. India is the largest economy in the region (US$ 1.90 trillion) and makes up almost 82% of the South Asian economy; it is the worlds 11th largest in nominal terms and 3rd largest by purchasing power adjusted exchange rates. Pakistan has the next largest economy and the 5th highest GDP per capita in the region,[89] followed by Bangladesh. According to a World Bank report in 2007, South Asia is the least integrated region in the world; trade between South Asian states is only 2% of the regions combined GDP, compared to 20% in East Asia. The Economist has blamed this on Indian neglect of its neighbors.[90] [edit] Governance India[91] and Pakistan[92][93] are the dominant political powers in the region. India is by far the largest country in the area covering around three-fourths the land area of the subcontinent.[94] It also has the largest population of around three times the combined population of the 6 other countries in the subcontinent.[95] India is also the most populous democracy in the world[96] and is a nuclear power. The second largest country in the subcontinent in terms of area and population is Pakistan and has traditionally maintained the balance of power in the region due to its strategic relationships with nearby Arab states[97] and neighboring China.[98] Pakistan is the 6th[99] most populous country in the world and is also a nuclear power. Bangladesh is the third largest populous country in the region. The single largest contributor to UN peacekeeping operations is Pakistan.[100] Diplomacy among the countries of South Asia has been mainly driven by populist politics, with the center stage taken by India-Pakistan conflict ever since their independence in 1947, and then the creation of Bangladesh under tense circumstances in 1971. While the elite rulers of Pakistan chose the USA led bloc during the cold war era, India formed the Non-Aligned Movement. The political situation in Sri Lanka has been dominated by an increasingly assertive Sinhalese nationalism, and the emergence of a Tamil separatist movement under LTTE, which was suppressed recently. Burmas politics is dominated by a military Junta, which has sidelined the democratic forces led by Aung San Suu Kyi. [edit] Health and nutrition There are 421 million MPI-poor people in eight Indian states alone Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal while there are 410 million in the 26 poorest African countries combined.[101] Roughly 42% of Indian children under age 5 suffer from malnutrition.[102] According to the World Bank, 70% of the South Asian population and about 75% of South Asias poor live in rural areas and most rely on agriculture for their livelihood.[103] According to the Global Hunger Index, South Asia has one of the highest child malnutrition rates in the world.[104] In a latest report published by UNICEF in 2008 on global hunger shows that the actual number of child deaths was around 2.1 million.[105] As of 2008 India is ranked 66th on the global hunger index.[citation needed] The 2006 report stated that the low status of women in South Asian countries and their lack of nutritional knowledge are important determinants of high prevalence of underweight children in the region. Corruption and the lack of initiative on the part of the government has been one of the major problems associated with nutrition in India. Illiteracy in villages has been found to be one of the major issues that need more government attention. The report mentioned that, although there has been a reduction in malnutrition due to the Green Revolution in South Asia, there is concern that South Asia has inadequate feeding and caring practices for young children.[106]

Environmental impacts Essay Example for Free

Environmental impacts Essay Environmental impacts of fuel utilization include critical issues such as resource and pollutant issues. The analysis on quantifying the extent should include greenhouse gas emissions and its effect to the environment. Worldwide, the demand for biofuels has been increasing dramatically. With the fast depleting fossil fuels, current initiatives to attain energy sufficiency and sustainability is being pursued with biofuels as one of the alternatives, Moreover, the utilization of alternative fuels is being proposed to address current environmental issues on global warming. Studies on biofuels, specifically bioethanol and biodiesel showed promising results in reducing GHG emissions and in turn create a positive impact on the environment. Given the increasing demand for biofuels, benefits brought about by its utilization is expected to be significant specifically on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. While there are issues on land use and energy balance for biofuels, extensive research should be conducted in order to identify the most viable biofuel feedstock as well as other aspects in its production and utilization. Introduction Biofuel refers to fuels made from biomass and primarily used for motive, thermal and power generation. The earliest experiences in combustion were with the utilization of solid biofuels for domestic needs. Later, liquid biofuels became equally valuable energy resources. Years before the discovery of petroleum, ethanol was already being used as lamp fuel. By 1860, distilleries in the United States of America produced at least 90 million gallons of alcohol per year for lighting. Vegetable oils were also found to be good home heating oils and engine fuels for stationary power systems. Rudolf Diesel has originally invented the diesel engine to run on vegetable oil specifically from peanut. Samuel Morey developed an engine that ran on ethanol and turpentine as early as 1826. Nikolaus Otto, the German inventor who is best known for his development of a modern internal combustion engine, used ethanol as the fuel in one of his engines in the year 1860. Henry Ford’s first automobile was fuelled by pure ethanol. He also fabricated the first flexible fuel vehicle (Model T in 1903) which is fuelled by either gasoline or ethanol or by a mixture of both. Cars and other vehicles, however, begun running on cheap crude oil or petroleum as soon as reserves were discovered in the United States of America. Nevertheless, biofuels remained important energy resources competing with imported oil in countries such as Germany and Great Britain up to the close of World War II. Biodiesel Biodiesel, classified as a renewable and biodegradable diesel fuel which is produced thru extraction of natural fats and oils. It can substantially reduce green house gas emission due to its low sulfur content. It is now commonly used in various parts of the world. Biodiesel can replace petroleum diesel in both the transport and non-transport applications. A shift in the utilization of alternative energy resources (including alternative fuels) will change the total demand for biodiesel as well as the level of utilization in specific applications. Bioethanol â€Å"Bioethanol is a high-octane, water-free alcohol produced from the fermentation of sugar or other converted biomass. In its purest form it is a colorless clear liquid with mild characteristic odor that boils at 78oC and freezes at 112oC† (www. doe. gov. ph). Ethanol burns more cleanly because it contains oxygen and has a high octane number, hence less carbon monoxide emissions and averts premature detonation. It burns slightly cooler, extending engine life, and promotes higher volumetric efficiency of the engine, thus, increases power. Adding ethanol to gasoline â€Å"oxygenates† the fuel so that it burns with less emissions. Most modern gasoline vehicles could operate on pure ethanol with a few basic engine modifications. â€Å"A 10% blend requires no engine modification while making a contribution to reducing emissions. Anything more than 10% requires engine modification† (www. doe. gov. ph). The other commercial blends are E15 (U. S. A. ), E20 (Brazil), E85 (Sweden and Minnesota), and E100 (used with 4% water in Brazil and Argentina). Fuel ethanol is primarily used for land transport as alternative to gasoline in spark-ignition engines. Other Biofuels The potentials of other alcohols such as methanol, propanol and butanol can be exhaustively explored for very specific future applications that can further increase the total amount of biofuel substitute to conventional fossil and fossil derived fuels. Methanol produced from biomass is not economically competitive at present. There is, however, an interesting possibility as alternative to hydrogen as fuel. Propanol and butanol can be produced by the action of microorganisms and enzymes. Butanol, particularly, is produced by fermentation in a process that can be modified for high net enegy gains. It has sufficiently similar characteristics with gasoline fuel such that there is high probability that it can be burned pure in existing commercial engines without modification and without any difficulty. There are other important biofuels such as biogas, charcoal, producer gas, etc. They can be processed and utilized in accordance with the provisions of existing laws, rules, regulations and standards. Studies are conducted in order that these important biofuels can be integrated into the biofuels program in a package for both energy and socio-economic objectives. Other First Generation Biofuels The most common First Generation Biofuel is biogas which is a product of anaerobic digestion of organic materials an example of which is methane from wastes. Both the gas and digestate can be used as fuel. The utilization is usually site specific because of the environmental implications of production. A number of big commercial farms are producing and using biogas from wastes for process heating and the generation of supplementary power. Another first generation biofuel is Charcoal which is the product of the carbonization of hydrocarbon materials including wastes. Producer gas is from the gasification of hydrocarbon feedstock. In the late seventies, this fuel was utilized as engine fuel. The gas was generated from small wood chips fed into a reactor mounted unto the vehicle. Second-generation Biofuels â€Å"Second generation biofuels are those from lignocellulosic biomass feedstock using advanced technical processes. Being currently developed are: BioHydrogen, Bio- dimethylether (Bio-DME), Biomethanol, dimethylfuran (DMF), High Temperature Upgrading (HTU) diesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, Mixed Alcohols† (http://www. export. gov). Biofuels, A Preferred Energy Source The earliest experiences in combustion were with the utilization of solid biofuels for domestic needs. Later, liquid biofuels became equally valuable energy resources. In the aftermath of the war, abundance of cheap crude oil from the Middle East brought about the reduced interest in biofuels. The oil crises of 1973 and 1979, however, brought about urgent need for extenders and substitutes, temporarily focusing attention on the indigenous and renewable biofuels. In view of the rising prices (Figure 1) as well as the uncertainty of supply of crude oil and the increasing greenhouse gas emissions, it is time for a major shift in the energy mix towards the use of cleaner indigenous renewable energy in the interest of energy security, the economy and the environment. The start of the present decade ushered in the realization that the era of cheap fossil fuels, particularly petroleum, is drawing to a close. Figure 2 shows the historical and projected petroleum contribution to the world energy mix. The rising oil prices shall persist not only because of depletion of reserves but also because of the continuing political instability in the Middle East. Developing countries shall soon find it difficult to compete for access. There is also the matter of worsening green house gas emissions from excessive burning of fossil fuels. Continuing dependence on crude oil, therefore, is disadvantageous in terms of national security, the economy and the environment. Figure 3 shows the projected greenhouse gases emissions from developed and developing countries based on historical human and natural emissions. In view of the rising prices as well as the uncertainty of supply of crude oil and the increasing greenhouse gas emissions, it is time for a major shift in the energy mix towards the use of cleaner indigenous renewable energy in the interest of energy security, the economy and the environment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Principle Of Good Governance In Islam

Principle Of Good Governance In Islam Both the Quran and Sunnah have given some study the principles in the areas of constitutional affairs that cannot be omitted from any government system. The Quran does not mention the particulars and details and have been left for the Muslim Ummah to formulate according to time and place. In the application of constitutional principles or guidelines of Islamic political system, general rules or fundamental principles which are considered as the highest values have a major impact on the formation of the Islamic concept of the state, its functions and its system of government. The basic principles, concepts and rules are discussed below. The Concept of Sovereignty in the Islamic System The sovereignty in Islam belongs to God. The Quran tells us that Allah (SWT) is the creator and Lord of the entire universe, including the human kind and all associated with them. Therefore, Allah (SWT) is the one who has all the powers and attributes of sovereignty and nothing whatever that belongs everywhere. Thus, no one else can share the sovereignty of the entire universe as it only belongs to Allah (SWT). Command is only for Allah. He has commanded that you do not submit to anybody but him. This is the Right Way of life, but most men understand not. The rule of law in the Islamic System The principle of the rule of law in the Islamic system is considered as a base or corner stone where Islam was founded on a stake and Shariah, because Islam came to remove injustice and tyranny and struggled to knock down the ultimate power pole. Thus, the basic principles contained in the Quran, Sunnah and consensus (ijma) even in the century struggling with tyranny. Allah (SWT) says: O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the last Day: that is best, and most suitable for final determination  [1]  . In another verse Allah (SWT) says: O ye who believe! Obey Allah. And obey the Messenger, and make not vain your deeds!  [2]   Therefore, the Islamic judge must implement the Quran and Sunnah in all disputes brought before him. If he does not perform it, his behavior is not acceptable because he failed to fulfill the duties of a judge according to Sharia. The Sunnah came to support, emphasise and clarify these Quranic verses. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that: Obedience of a human being is disallowed, if it is considered disobedience to the creator (Allah)  [3]  . Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said that: Every act that does not conform to our order is rejected  [4]  . In the Islamic system, everyone, from heads of state, government and people, are subject to the law. The Prophet (SAW) himself is subject to, and is the most faithful to the Quran. He was Abd Allah wa rasuluh, the servant of God and his messenger. The head of state and the head of government cannot invoke any immunity from impeachment. The principle, Be you ever so high, the law is above you has always been there in Islamic law, to include the Prophet (SAW) himself. Just before he died, the Prophet (SAW) made the following short speech: I swear by God that I have made lawful only those things that the Quran made lawful and I have made unlawful only those things that the Quran made unlawful. If I have taken the money of any of you, here is my money, let him come and take it, and if I have lashed the body of any, here is my body, let him take back his right  [5]  . In the same way, Abu Bakr, the first successor and caliph of the Muslim state, in his acceptance speech said: O people! I have been appointed over you, but I am not the best of you. Support me if I did good and remove me if I did badly a weak person of you is strong before me as long as I maintain his right for him. And a strong one of you is weak before me until I take back a right from him Obey me as long as I obeyed Allah and his Messenger. If I disobeyed them there is no obedience of me upon you  [6]  . The past verses supported by the hadith shows that every dispute within the Muslim community between individuals, groups of people, or between people and the government, or among the parts the government and people, must be judged by the basic law we received from Allah (SWT) and His Messenger. According to this principle, the country must have an institution that judges among the people of the Quran and Sunnah, and the institution is a judicial authority. The Doctrine of the Separation of Powers and Independence of the Judiciary Separate branches of government have different functions is not an idea that is contrary to the Shariah. There is no detailed prescription about the form of government in the Quran. What is clear is the goal of the state and the principles that should be followed by the government. Hence the idea to promote good governance, organized by the Shariah, is compatible with Islam. In addition, the doctrine of judicial independence is a constitutional principle in Islamic constitution. Judges are independent and subject to no other authority but the law. In Islam, there are a number of recognized institutions may have in common with democratic forms of government. For example, the emir may be likened to the Prime Minister or President who is the chief government or executive body; assembly, which is recognized in both Islam and democracy as a means to discuss the laws and policies made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹by the government, which recognized both Islam and democracy, and last but not least, the judiciary. Therefore, in Islam, the principle of check and balance as practiced under the doctrine of separation of powers can be exercised. Furthermore, it has been claimed that the doctrine of separation of powers has been used at the time of the Prophet in the city state. As-shura As-shura is one of the most important constitutional principles in the Islamic constitution. The proof of the importance of shura is to be found in the Quran and Sunnah. In one of the two clear verses on it in the Quran, shura is mentioned as mandatory and in the other verse, it is mentioned that those who practice it are praised. The whole system of the Islamic state from its inception to the selection of the head of the state and all those in positions of power as well as its dealings must be conducted by shura, whether it is carried out directly or indirectly through selected or elected representatives. The Quran states that: Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance.  [7]   Even the Prophet, although he was the recipient of direct guidance from the Supreme Allah, was command-ed. Allah says: Consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).  [8]   Following this advice and lead, Caliph Umar admonished that: There is no khilafah without consultation.  [9]   Thus, the practice of shura is the mechanism followed at all stages in the selection of political leadership by Muhammad and his followers. It was the first Muslim elected four khulafah guidance, although the selection and approval process varies. The important principle is the truth and accountability and public confidence in those elected by the community. Even after that when crawling hereditary rule in violation of this community right, mask allegiance, or acceptance of government still retained. Justice Islam has given to the justice position is so well known as the law may have previous system of law, old or new, that had given him. There are many verses of the Quran that speak and enjoy justice, universal order encompassing all human affairs. In one of the verses of the Quran in which enjoying justice has been generally and unqualifiedly ordered, Allah says: Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.  [10]   In another verse of the Quran, it is stated that: Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For Allah is He Who heareth and seeth all things.  [11]   Justice in the Islamic political system, including social justice, which means that the government should arrange to meet and satisfy the needs and desires of all the people as they have a valid part of the state and the source of bona fide citizens of the country. This includes the provision of job, means of subsistence and economic justice. This in turn suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to provide food, shelter and clothing for all the people in the state. Economic justice aimed at equitable distribution of lifestyle and checks the concentration of wealth in a few hands. That is why the second Caliph Umar refused to divide land among the Muslim soldiers and commanders in areas conquered by Muslims in Iraq, Iran and Syria. Only justice can create discipline in life of the people. It is also important that the administration of justice, which means that all state officers are also subject to accountability and they do not need to consider and treat the person as a slave or personal assistant. They should not insult the people in any manner. They should be honest and efficiently in administer public affairs. It should be ensured that the concentration of wealth in one class or few hands did not happen. There is absolutely no doubt, that the governing principle of Islam is a set of the most comprehensive scientific and principles of efficient administration. Freedom Contemporary scholars of modern constitutional law divide into several branches of freedom: freedom of thought and belief, the right to education and property and personal freedom. There is no question that the Islamic Constitution gives such great consideration and respect for this freedom because it has rarely been given by other political doctrine in the Constitution of the positive. Man has continued to use the right of choice ever since he has been on the earth. On this point that the Quran makes is as follows: Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth, the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace None can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills. Equality The principle of equality is one of the most important constitutional principles upon which the contemporary system rests. This means that the principle of equality contained in the individual communities are equal in rights, responsibilities and public duties that will be enjoyed by all without discrimination of race, origin, lan-measure or belief. The principle of equality has been initiated by the Quran and Sunnah and the expansion of Islam during some as a precedent in Islamic law and its own time and place; precedent is a fundamental revolution in the basic concept of Arab ideas about the source of pride as the notion held by some tribes but not by others. Islamic law based on the Quran and Sunnah is common to all and is equally applicable to the members of the society from the lowest to the highest level, without any distinction or discrimination The Prophet was asked to declare that: I have been commanded to maintain justice between you.  [12]   The Prophet admonished that: The nations before you were destroyed because they would punish the lower class criminals according to the law but would let go those from the higher class. Then laying further emphasis, He continued by stating that: I swear by the Authority in whose control is Mohammads life, if Mohammads daughter is guilty of stealing, I would cut her hand off.37 Therefore, all the personal, civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights of an individual are guaranteed under Islamic law. Everyone has equal rights and is equally responsible before the law. It is the duty of government to ensure that every member of society, particularly the poor, given its right time. Accountability It is permissible to make the head of state and the head of government responsible for their acts. Statute on the question of the permissibility of calling heads of state to account varies from state to state in the modern system of government. Some state Constitution provides that heads of state are not subject to blame for the actions and behavior even though he violated the law, whereas, according to the Islamic constitution, there is no difference between the heads of state and other individuals in the accountability for violating the law. Al-amr bil maruf wa nahi an al-munkar This literally means commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong and encompasses a whole gambit of duties and responsibilities. The Quran makes it the mission of its believers: You are the best of Peoples evolved for humankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah.  [13]   This means that every individual in the society has the right, nay the duty, to tell the truth and to stand for it, to further all that is good and virtuous and do his or her utmost to remove the wrongs and vices wherever he or she finds them. The Prophet tells us that: Whoever among you sees a vice (or wrong), he should change it with his hands; if he is not able to do that, then he should check it with his tongue; and if he cannot do that, then he should consider it bad in his heart (and wish for its removal) and this is the sign of weakest in faith.  [14]   A famous hadith states as follows: The best Jihad is to say what is just (or truth) in the face of a tyrant.  [15]   Yet another hadith states that: When people see a tyrant and do not hold his hands, it is not far that Allah (SWT) sends a common punishment on them.  [16]   Thus the above hadith categorically emphasised its importance. Islamic Banking in Brunei Having moved early to establish Shariah-compliant services, the Sultanate was now in a position to carve a niche for itself as a center for Islamic banking. However, the industry must address a number of challenges, led by the shortage of skilled labor, if it is to fully support the development of the segment. In mid-October, Standard Chartered Bank Brunei (SCB) said it was mulling plans to introduce Islamic banking products this year to meet increased demand for syariah-compliant banking services in Brunei. The announcement followed the September launch of the Islamic Bank of Brunei, which replaced the International Bank of Brunei as the sole domestically owned bank in the country. The Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei was launched in 1991 and was the first financial institution to offer savings and financing in accordance with Islamic principles. It was followed two years later by the Islamic Bank of Brunei. They were joined in 2000 by the Islamic Development Bank of Brunei. Standard Chartered Bank Brunei CEO Lai Pei-Si told the media in October that launching an Islamic bank was a logical step to take and a logical step to consider because Brunei has an express need for Islamic banking products. He added that the bank would begin modestly by offering Islamic products, with hopes of bringing much more comprehensive Islamic solutions into the country. In April, the managing director of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam, Javed Ahmad, said the market share held by syariah-compliant banking was expected to increase to 60 per cent from its current levels of 40-55 per cent over the next five years. At a seminar on Islamic finance, Ahmad said Brunei Darussalams strengths, led by strong economic and political stability, good infrastructure and government support, meant it was well placed to build a reputation as an Islamic financial centre. With more aggressive marketing, Brunei Darussalams journey towards making itself an Islamic financial hub might become a possibility in the next few years, he said. A report in December by global consultancy Ernst Young said the worldwide value of Islamic banking would reach US$1.55 trillion in 2012 and US$1.8 trillion this year. Growth in Muslim communities in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia were key drivers in the rising demand for Islamic financial services, it said. The Sultanate is benefiting from early participation in the Islamic banking segment, having launched its first Islamic bond, the Short Term Government Sukuk Al-Ijarah programme worth $150 million for a three-month certificate in April 2006. In November, Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD, which acts as central bank), announced the successful pricing of its 82nd issuance of sukuk or Islamic bonds, worth $100 million at a rental rate of 0.16 per cent. The move followed a $100-million, 90-day issuance that matures this month. Although Brunei Darussalam is well positioned to capitalize on growing interest in Islamic finance, observers have emphasized the need for the Sultanate to develop Islamic banking products are new if it is to maintain its position in the market. Understanding the theory of Maqasid al-Syariah (the objectives of Islamic law) and the defining characteristics of an Islamic bank could encourage the Islamic banking industry to improve and excel in their product innovation as well as financial inter-mediation that can be linked to economic growth, Abdul Ghafar Ismail, a lecturer at the Research Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, said at a conference last May. Industry experts believe Brunei addressing these challenges, with an emphasis on staff training after human resources has been identified as a factor that may limit the success. Having strengthened its operational base and regulatory framework, Brunei is now taking steps to address a shortage of trained industry professionals in the Islamic financial sector by providing on-the-job training and local universities offering bachelors, masters and doctorate degree programmes related to Islamic finance, said Javed. Early entry into the Islamic financial services market by the Sultanate had provided it has a solid foundation to develop the industry. Experts suggest the focus should now shift to export expertise and strengthening the global role of the Sharia Islamic banking. Concept Of Riba Riba in Malaysia Riba is a transaction contract between 2 or more parties. Therefore, it is an agreement which is enforceable by law.  [17]  So, when an agreement is not capable of being enforced, it is said not to considered as a contract.  [18]  Even though there could be contract between the parites, the law had laid down certain situation where the contract will be invalidated based on circumstances. Section 24 of the Contracts Act describes a void contract as any agreement or contract, the object or consideration of which is forbidden by law, is such a nature that if permitted by law will defeat the law; is fraudulent; it involves implied injury to the person or property of another; or is regarded as immoral or opposed to public policy by the court. Thus, in all the above circumstances, the courts are requested to declare the agreement as illegal and therefore void; having no effect whatsoever.  [19]  The Act further provides for instances or grounds where an agreement will be regarded to be void. The Act provides as follows: The considerations and objects of an agreement are lawful, unless (a) it is forbidden by law; (b) it is such a nature that, if permitted, it would defeat any law; (c) it is fraudulent; (d) it involves or implies injury to the person or property of another; or (e) the court regards it as immoral, or opposed to public policy. The above cases show that the consideration or the object of the consideration is said to be unlawful. In situation where the consideration is said to be unlawful, the contract is void The main part shall be on S24(b) and à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ of the contract Act. The court had the power to declare any riba transaction to be void it such situation had been brough to the civil court. If the riba based agreement is allowed, this would defeat any law and also the constitution too. This argument falls unequivocally on S.24(b) of the Contract Act. Besides that, a riba based agreement if allowed would defeat A.3 of the Federal constitution as well. The courts can therefore rely on this provision to declare a riba-based transaction or agreement void. The combination of the two provisions of the law is sufficient for the court to declare that riba based agreement, would defeat A.3 of the Fedeeal Constitution. This interpretation is in line with the principle that the constitution should not be read in isolation but rather it must be interpretaed in a way that it would give life and meaning to other provision of the law. The second argument that could be raised by the court in invalidating riba based transaction is the ground of public policy. This is coverd by S,24(e) of the Contract Act. The question now is what is public policy and what is public policy in Malaysia.. It has been viewed in one quarter as the broad framework of ideas and values within which decisions are taken and action, or inaction, is pursued by governments in relation to an issue or problem.  [20]  It has also been seen as a proposed course of action of a person, group or government within a given environment, providing obstacles and opportunities which the policy was proposed to utilise and overcome in an effort to reach a goal or realise an objective or purpose.  [21]  Furthermore, it is also a commitment to a course or plan of action agreed to by a group of people with the power to carry it out.  [22]   It is also seen as whatever governments choose to do or not to do.  [23]  It can also mean an agreement that injures public welfare, morals or health.  [24]  It also means policy of the law and is applicable to the spirit and letter of the law.  [25]  It is also seen as principles according to which actions of men and communities need to be regulated to achieve the good of the entire community or public.  [26]  It has been seen as principles and standards regarded by the Legislature or by the courts as being a fundamental concern to the state and the whole of the society and things that can injure the public at large.  [27]  It further refers to the art of ruling wisely and to matters which the Legislature or the court regards as fundamental concern to the state and to the whole society.  [28]  It connotes an overriding public interest that may justify the courts decision to declare a contract void.  [29]   From all the definition of Public policy which had been defined above, oine could reasonably concluded that public policy includes the state ideology, the state objectives and plan, the values and fundamental concerns of the state, the legal policy of the state in terms of spirit and letters of the law, the overriding public interest and principles regulating the affairs of the state to achieve good for the community. Regarding the second question which is regarding public policy in Malaysia, it is to be said that Islam is considered as the public policy in Malaysia. The religion of Islam being the public policy of Malaysia is evident in art 3 of the Constitution which declares Islam as the religion of the federation. It was made so important to the extent of having it stated in art 3 of the Constitution. It is also evident in the careful drafting of art 4(1) to exclude Islam from a law that may be rendered void for being inconsistent with the provision of the Constitution.  [30]  One can also clearly see the public policy in the nature of oath being taken by the Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Agong.  [31]  This can also be seen in the definition of who is Malay.  [32]  It can also be seen in art 74(2) which gives the state the powers to make laws in Islamic matters. On the other hand, the population of muslim had overridden the number of other religion in Malaysia. In addition to that, Mu slims also represent the majority in political positions including that of the states of the Federation. Having affirmed that Islam remains as the major public policy of Malaysia, it is clear for the court to nullify riba based agreement nor transaction to be contradict with the public policy of Malaysia which is under S.24à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ of the Contract Act and A.3 of the Federal Constitution. There are certain objection that had been raised which is one could be said to have the intention to impose Shariah principle on every citizens in this country including those who are of different religion.. This argument may not hold water because this is nothing but pure interpretation of the existing laws of the country namely the Contracts Act and the Constitution. Secondly, it is natural that a law usually emerges anywhere in the world as a result of the political, social, religious and sometimes even for selfish reasons. It is a product of the cultural norms, social status and public policy of a nation and this perhaps led to the emergence of Islam as the religion of the federation. Even the Central Bank Act of Malaysia enjoins the bank to promote the interest of the country.  [33]  It is submitted here that allowing a riba-based transaction is even not in the interest of the country, No matter how it is looked at, A.3 of the Federal constitution is already in existence and the best solution for it is to interpreted it in a way that it gives life and meaning to the provision Moroever, invalidating riba based transaction on the grounds of public policy is equivalent to circumstances where the court declares an agreement void due to the reason of it is against morality Riba in Brunei Throughout the history there are people who are trying to justify riba. There is a writer saying that: We can state that there will be no Islamic pre-eminence without achieving economic pre-eminence. Besides that, is it to said that there could not be any pre-eminence without establishing any fininacial institution which dould not function without relying in interest (Riba/ usury) The muslim ummah is permited to build up their own economies by way of using the means that Allah had allowed for them. Economic strength enables the Ummah to perform what Allah had permitted to them and what had been forbidden to them. Whenever a Muslim helps in preserving Allahs command and help each other to preserve the rightenous of Islamic Law, Allah will make bless them. In addition to that, Allah will also help them in archieving their goals and stay safety. Regarding the statement- There can be no economic pre-eminence without  ¬Ã‚ nancial institutions and no  ¬Ã‚ nancial institutions without interest (Riba), they are utterly false. This false statement had been contradicted with the Al Quran. The practices of Islamic economic where it was establish at the time of prophet until now where banks had affirmed the falsehood of this statement. Muslim economy could said to have been the strong during the past few centuries where it does not rely neither on bank nor Riba. Besides that, throughout this time period, many Muslims w

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Teenagers and their Impact on the Economy :: Teens Media Advertising Essays

Teenagers and their Impact on the Economy It is hard for adolescents to look at their own lives and not feel as accepted as they would like to feel. As the saying goes, â€Å"Growing up isn’t easy.† By their teen years, they often feel like they are not cool or popular enough. Many of them look up to celebrities and the media on how to be in the popular crowd. There is so much influence on young minds through television, internet or even magazine advertisements. This definitely makes a great target for advertising agencies. Many companies target young people because they freely spend their money and do not have expenses like adults. One company which takes part in this big campaign is Winterfresh. Winterfresh is successful in convincing teenagers that their gum is perfect for them, because of their comment about peer pressure, making breath icy fresh, and displaying an exciting atmosphere with friends. A Winterfresh advertisement, located in Teen People, clearly states the matter of peer pressure by asking, â€Å"you in?† This, of course, is implying if you are cool enough to try Winterfresh. Teenagers are influenced enough as it is, that when the question of popularity comes up, they want to know more. It is a very emotional Curtis 2 experience for teenagers when they are dealing with the everyday life of different cliques. Nobody is truly satisfied with themselves, so they try to make themselves look better. Popular kids even struggle with their acceptance because they also wish they were cooler. This advertisement makes it seem like anyone can be cool if they buy this gum. It is not exactly a fair thing for adolescents, but it is definitely effective for a company like Winterfresh. This advertisement proves to work, because teens will feel emotionally connected in wanting to be popular, and will believe that chewing Winterfresh will make that happen for them. When you look at the slogan of Winterfresh, you automatically want a piece. â€Å"Where icy cool breath is always on,† is very attractive to those who might question the smell behind their teeth. They make it a fact that their gum will give you great smelling breath.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Importance of Airline Safety Essay -- Airlines Airplanes Aviation

The Importance of Airline Safety Many people travel by airplane all around the world. For some people it is the only way they can get to where they are going. On a daily basis, averages of 28 to 30,000 seats are filled on airplanes (Bear, Stearns Co. URL At each airport, there are hundreds of arrivals and departures worldwide. Even though airline officials say flying is safe, accidents kill many people because airlines neglect to prevent human error or repair faulty equipment. Sometimes I think the only reason an airplane could crash is if something on the plane were to break. However, most of the time that is not the case. A survey conducted by Boeing found that flight crews were responsible for at least seventy-three percent of all fatal airplane accidents. (Gray 17). Forty-one percent of these accidents occurred during landing because of unstable approaches. Also an investigation by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on the causes of airline accidents revealed that more than eighty percent of all airline accidents involved some degree of human error (Helmreich 62). This is very alarming when people are putting their lives in the hands of flight crews. Forty-four passengers died aboard a new British Midland 737 after its crew shut down the wrong engine after the other one malfunctioned (Greenwald 40). Do you really think that flying on an airplane, over which you have absolutely no control is very safe? Reasons for flight crew error can be explained by the conditions under which they are flying. Flight crew fatigue is a largely increasing problem on many of the jumbo jet flights today. Although there are laws that prohibit cockpit crews from sleeping in flight, there have been many weary pilots that have been known to nod off on occasion during some of their seventeen hour, non-stop flights (Urquhart 15). Perhaps laws should regulate the number of hours a flight crew is in the air instead of prohibiting sleep in flight. Another condition, alcohol abuse, has been found to inhibit the abilities of some flight crews. A northwest crew flying from North Dakota to Minnesota was found to be intoxicated on the job ("Air Safety" 61). Some people refuse to drive at night because of the number of drunk drivers on the road. Would passengers want a drunken pilot to be responsible for their... ... since the 1960s (Shrontz 40). Getting to some places throughout the world depend solely on air travel; therefore, people must trust their lives to flight crews, safety inspectors, and maintenance crews and believe that all problems are being addressed and corrected. Bibliography 1. Bear, Stearns, Co. Internet Connection. URL 2. "Air Safety". Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Business Notes. 26 March 1990: 61. 3. Gray, Paul. "Our Regularly Scheduled Crash" Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Grapevine. 20 August 1990: 17. 4. Greenwald, John. "Tarnished Wings". Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Business Notes. 13 March 1989: 40. 5. Helmreich, R.L. "Managing Human Error in Aviation". Scientific American. May 1997:62. 6. Nelan, Bruce W. "Are 747s Safe To Fly". Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Europe. 19 October 1992: 52. 7. "New Qualms about the DC-10". Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Nation. 7 August 1989:20. 8. Urquhart, Sidney. "This is Your Captain Snoring" Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Grapevine. 7 October 1991: 15.

Surrealism and Salvador Dali Essay -- Salvador Dali Artists Painters P

Surrealism and Salvador Dali Salvador Dali, was born Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali i Domenech on Monday, 11 May 1904, in the small Spanish town of Figueres, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, approximately sixteen miles from the French border in a region known as Catalonia. His parents supported his talent and built him his first studio while he was still a child in their summer home at Cadaques. Dali went on to attend the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, Spain. He was married to Gala Eluard in 1934 and died on 23 January 1989 in a hospital in Figueres (Etherington-Smith, 12). Dali never limited himself to one style or particular medium. Beginning with his early impressionistic works, greatest inspiration. Surrealism emerged from what was left of Dada (a European movement categorized by its irrationality and lack of traditional values, sometimes referred to as nihilistic) in the mid 1920’s and unlike Dada, Surrealism held a promising and more positive view of art and because of this it won many converts. Surrealism actually got its beginnings as a literary, not artistic, trend in Parisian publications (Stangos, 122). What Surrealism and Dadaism held in common was their belief in the importance of the unconscious mind and its manifestations, as was stressed by Freud. They both believed that through the unconscious mind a plethora of artistic imagery would be unveiled. Both of these , called automatism. The Surrealists also wanted to answer the ques...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Deviance and Social Control Essay

Deviance is part of every culture and society, it is the border line between acceptable and intolerable behavior. Each micro society holds it’s own definition as to what deviant behavior actually is. The deviant is one to whom that label has successfully been applied, deviant behavior is behavior that people label. Through out history, there is no doubt in my mind that deviant citizens have been a contributing part to each generation. It is all relative, a label of deviance remains a label of deviance; the question that remains really is â€Å"what is deviance?†. Being labeled as an outside is not foreign for some people. Matter of fact it is acceptable and a norm to be labeled as deviant for some people. No matter what group of people you deal with through out history or life today, there are social rules written and sometimes unwritten, nonetheless meant to be broken. For example, freshman year I attended St. Rose High School and got caught texting my mom on my cellphone while switching classes. Getting to the point, I ended up losing my phone for a month and getting in a whole load of trouble (I was then silently labeled as â€Å"deviant† for the rest of my time there) for something as simple as texting. If I whipped my phone out in Manasquan High School 99% of the time teachers do not even say anything at all because they could care less. Such a backwards wrong act of defiance should be nationally recognized through out schools everywhere, but it’s not like that. Deviance is defined in so many different ways it not only differentiates from school to school, it changes in the eyes of parents too. For example, Johhny came home at 12:05am on Saturday night, and as a result got grounded for Saturday. Jessie strolled in at 12:30am on Friday night, and came home at 1:00am on Saturday with no troubles at all. What I’m trying to say is deviant behavior is not even a real thing, it is just defined by your surroundings. Am I the victim or the crime for getting all of these detentions? Am I really doing anything that terrible compared to everyone else? A lot of questions come up to me that are so simply understood by me I don’t even want to take the time to write about them or use my breath to express my opinion. In Mr. Roach’s class I wrote a paper in pen instead of typing it because my printer had malfunctioned (affirmed by a note from my dear mother) and Mr. Roach gave me a 0%, even though I did the entire paper by hand. Knowing me, Mr. Marden, of course I then acted deviantly by releasing the word F#@#$. I didn’t even say it towards Mr. Roach or loud so the class could hear it. I just said F%$#*. My act of defiance led to 2 days suspension. Since then, I have been counting every curse word I’ve heard by students and teachers in Manasquan High School sinc e then, and have seriously counted 647 curse words. Not one of those times did another student get F$%&ing suspended for two days. It’s all backwards. Fifty years ago if a girl wore a skirt that showed her knee caps people would assume she was a deviant girl. Nowadays girls wear skirts that show just about everything, and hey I’m fine with that and it seems everyone else is too. Deviant acts are just a definition by each generation. Things that were once unacceptable are now norms. Being gay 200 years ago was the same as being the devil. But now people generally accept it. All around the world deviance behavior is being redefined and rewritten but one thing always stays the same, and that is simply the fact that people will remain being deviant, no matter what the definition actually is. The idea of deviance would not even exist if it wasn’t for those types of people. (probably me too, but I’m just a deviant idiot that has no idea what I’m doing†¦)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Serial Killers in Modern America

In todays society, America is a unreliable place for sight to walk alvirtuoso. We brook definitely had our share of successive bolt downers everywhere the twelvemonths. We surrender had the Harpes brothers in the 1800s to the to a greater extent modern day Jeffrey Dahmer. A back-to-back killer in the United States is delimit by Congress as individual who take aways a minimum of three or more people. (Harris) Three-quarters of the worlds substance resultant killers have d angiotensin-converting enzyme their cleanup in the United States. True detestation writers often claim that Americas first serial killer was H. H.Homes, precisely there were actu altogethery several sooner him. The first docu custodyted serial killers were dickens brothers named Micajah and Wiley Harpe. These deuce killed people for devil yards and they were for mutation and profit. These two were nonorious for their melt off-throat fashions, and the other outlaws were panic-stricken of them. (Ramsland) They terrorized the Natchez Trace which is know today as the Natchez Trace Parkway. Not much is kn give redeem about the early history of the Harpes, entirely if they terrified everyone they came across. The Harpes eventide slaughtered two of their suffer children each. Ramsland) For a brief period of epoch the Harpes traveled with a group of river pirates who were more on the whole over concerned with enriching themselves. As you arouse venture they did quite well at that. However, these pirates neer intended for any physical trauma to precipitate to their victims, hardly the Harpes had other intentions. The nones displaceial that caused the Harpes to be kicked out of the group was when they tied a naked flatboat rider to a blindfolded horse and sent it over a cliff. (Ramsland) From this point on that group of pirates referred to the two as men turned into wolves. Micajah Harpe admitted to a account of murders, but he said that there was altogethe r one that he was remorseful for, and that was the murder of his own child. His reason behind cleansing his own child was because the babys crying annoyed him. (Ramsland) Micajah would end up being killed by a strike of wolves, and Wiley was hung on February 8, 1804. The first documented serial killer was H. H. Holmes which made his mark on the 19th century by committing over 27 murders. (Kade)He was born, Herman Webster Mudgett in 1861. He started bump off as a very obstinate child who enjoyed being cruel to animals. He would do more or less of his killing his hotel that was icknamed attain castle. The actual name of this hotel was never recorded. He used an advertisement to lure people that were going to attend Chicagos World Columbian Exposition in 1893. Back in those day ho use was a hard thing to come by, so this plyed Holmes all the victims he wanted. His perceptiveness was blond females that he put done torture rituals. He would brutalize them and accordingly inci nerate them. He even sell some of the skeletons of his victims. No one ever suspected anything from him, because he had charm and reasoned looks. It was until after Holmes execution that investigators would learn more about what he had done.Some of the victims were locked up in soundproof rooms that had gas lines that would allow him to asphyxiate any victim at any conviction. (Kade) There were also some locked in a large soundproof bank vault and suffocated to decease. Holmes was even quoted saying, I was born with the devil in me. I could not support the fact that was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing. I was born with the sinister One standing as my giver beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since. without delay we fast forward to 1974 when women were vanishing from college campuses around the upper-case letter and Oregon area.There was a 21 family old radio announcer named Lynda Ann Healy that was am ong the ones that went lacking. Then in July of 1974 two women were seen wondering off with Ted towards his sailing boat and were never seen again. Around this same time there was a grave atomic number 19 of bones discovered in a Washington forest that would afterwards be identified as some of the women that had went missing in the Washington and Utah areas. It was indeed that investigators from both areas were able to come up with a profile and a cartoon of the man named Ted. (Montaldo)In August of 1975, Bundy was stopped for a operate violation, and when the officers searched his car they shew a number of items such as, bondage, crowbar, and pantyhose with eye holes cut in them. He was then arrested on suspicion of burglary. Upon further examination of the things launch in Bundys car the legal philosophy realized that they matched items that one of the girls he attacked exposit seeing. This same girl identified the handcuffs as the ones that were fastened around one of her wrists and she picked him out of a line-up. Bundy then went to political campaign for the attempted kidnapping of Carol DaRonch in February of 1976 and was base guilty.For this case he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and in October of 1976 he was charged with the murder of Carolyn Campbell. Bundy was extradited from Utah to cobalt for the effort. He would then be his own lawyer, which gave him a little freedom to transmit around the courtroom and the law library that was inside of the court theatre. In June of 1977 during his pre-trial hearing Bundy get away by jumping out a window in the law library, only to be captured a week later. This would not be the end of Bundys escapes either. He did it again on December 30 and made it to Tallahassee, Florida.He got himself and apartment near the university using the name Chris Hagen. (Montaldo) He paid his way at a local college disallow with stolen credit cards and when he got tire he would sneak into the lecture halls sound to listen. On January 14 Ted Bundy would break into a Chi Omega sorority house and kill two women, and brutally raped one of them. He even beat two other women that managed to survive. The reason that they survived was because their fellow roomy came berth. At around 3 a. m. Nita Neary came home and saw that the door was open, and as she entered the house she heard footsteps upstairs. Montaldo) She then went upstairs to mention two of her roommates dead and the other two were severely beaten. Later that night another(prenominal) woman would be attacked, but the law of nature would find a mask on her floor that would match the one constitute in Bundys car later. In February of 1978, Bundy kidnapped and mutilated a 12 year old girl named Kimberly Leach. Bundy was arrested again at heart a week of her disappearance for driving a stolen vehicle. Witnesses were able to place him at the dorm and at Leachs school. There was also physical tell that would link him with the murde rs.Among this evidence was a take form that was made from the bite marks found on one of the victims. Bundy went on trial in 1979 for the murders that happened at the sorority house and was found guilty. He received two sentences for death by electric chair. Then in January of 1980 he would go to trial for the murder of Kimberly Leach. He actually had lawyers for this case and they try going for an insanity plea. Bundy called Carol Boone as a character attestator and even married her while she was on the go steady stand. He called her as a witness because she believed in his innocence, and would later give birth to a little girl that Bundy adored.They were later divorced after she realized that he had actually done all the crimes he was accused of. Ted Bundy died on January 24, 1989 at 713 a. m. So why did all these people do what they did? Obviously that all had some reason for doing it and Ted Bundy said that his reason for doing it was because of all the pornography that he w as domain to at such a green age. Other serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer beatified it on being born with a part of him missing. John Wayne Gacy claimed that his victims deserved to die.One would have to suppose that they were insane for doing what they did, but most of them are rational and calculating predators. (Scott)I think that Denis Nilsen, the British version of Jeffrey Dhamer, put it go around when he said, a mind can be evil without being abnormal. References Bibliography Harris, William R. in series(p) Killer Psychology. 2011. Web. 26 October 2012. . Intentional Homicide, number and rate per 100,000 population. 2012. Web. 26 October 2012. Kade, Asher. Murder Castle The Maze-Like Lair of the Worlds First back-to-back Killer. 011. Web. 26 October 2012. http//www. environmentalgraffiti. com/bizarre/news-hh-holmes-inside-castle-first-true-serial-killer? image=1. Montaldo, Charles. Serial Killer Ted Bundy. n. d. Web. 26 October 2012. http//crime. about. com/od/serial/ p/tedbundy2. htm. Ramsland, Kahterine. Americas First Serial Killers. 2011. Web. 26 October 2012. . Scott, Shirley Lynn. What Makes Serial Killers Tick. n. d. Web. 26 October 2012. .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Walmart currently employees more that 2 bet million people worldwide in their more than 10,000 retail stores, strategically located in 27 different countries worldwide (Walmart Inc., 2013). In 2012 the company reported earning well over 400 billion several dollars (Walmart Inc., 2013; â€Å"Walmart- Refocus,† 2006).Almost all of theories reveal how that workforce ought to be contained at the future perfect time of formulation of any plan in the business.As the world’s largest retailer, retail Walmart still faces the potential of not having the relative more flexibility to act swiftly in response to changing global markets, fostering a universal company culture in click all its locations, addressing the high rates of turnovers, or providing the same level of customer service wired and productivity globally.Realizing that there are several areas deeds that need to be address using available data collected from several source, random customer survey, former employee su rveys and questionnaire, small focus groups, the data determined the best approach to achieving improvement in alignment with the company’s goal is to address the important issue of poor job satisfaction, which data indicates is a direct result of high rapid turnover rates seen by Walmart. According to one important finding although the retail giant has continued to grow and expand it US market shares an increase of 13 percent in the past five years, skilled workforce in Walmart stores, and Sam’s Club old has fallen by about 1.4 percent during that same first time (Ungar, 2013).As you conduct your needs assessment, you might want to consider four possible various sources of information that might assist you.

(2013). Who’s legal right about Wal-Mart’s customer satisfaction? Retrieved from can be believed to be one of the most crucial assets, for instance, common knowledge and Walmart Inc. (2013). Experience Walmart’s History. Retrieved extract from http://corporate.Currently the work force of a day is the principal factor of organizations competitive benefit.

Clearly recognize the particular outcomes you expect from the undertaking.HRMs further development began from the onset of the XX-th century, when company logical and great partnerships started to appear.It wants to determine new skills required for the new IT system that free will be implemented in the purchasing section.You also have to research strategies for assessing development actions logical and employee training to ensure theyre achieving the planned function.

Therefore, organizations may need to adapt to the new position.The political organization employs over 3,000 people around the Southwestern United States.Each client good will be given a paper with shipping.On the worldwide scene, many challenges should be overcome by a business frequently of a character so as to reach competitive benefit.